Aftercare Instructions for Cosmetic Treatments

Get to know how to take care of your skin right after a facelift and other cosmetic treatments!

By Kath Wong | January 6th, 2023

There are various procedures that can be done to improve or have a new appearance for yourself which includes surgeries, as well as non-surgeries. Cosmetic treatments nowadays are performed with advanced technologies in which the concept of being minimally invasive is a trend that everyone prefers. It is important to know how you could take proper care of your skin right after the treatments. In this article, we will be sharing some points that could help you have the right ideas of how you can actually recover from facelifts fast and effectively.

Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Procedures With Your Skin Intact Include:


Non-ablative laser resurfacing procedures

Mild chemical peels




Cosmetic Procedures That Are More Invasive For Your Skin Include:

Deep chemical peels

Ablative laser resurfacing treatments

Surgical procedures, such as eye lifts, rhinoplasty and facelifts


4 Rules For Cosmetic Treatment Recovery

1. Pamper your skin

Your skin gets red after treatments, no doubt. This is the important stage where you would want to take good care of your skin to heal without any discolouration or pigmentation appearing afterwards. To optimize the results and to prevent skin from damages, it is recommended to use mild, hypoallergenic products such as non-soap cleansers, and fragrance-free moisturizers. 

2. Sunscreen is a must

It is best to avoid exposing your skin to direct sunlight the first few days after treatments. Sunscreens should be applied regularly to keep your skin protected from the alpha and beta sun rays. Opt for sunscreen products having SPF 30 to 40, it is sufficient in giving your skin the protection it needs; the ones having higher SPF values tend to block your pores and you would not want that to complicate your skin.

3. The healing stage

The natural skin healing mechanism includes shredding of old surface skin cells to reveal the renewed skin underneath, this is why the skin peels or forms scabs after cosmetics treatments. You may feel tempted to pick at your peeling skin in the idea of wanting to speed your recovery and have flawless skin already - do not do that as that could trigger scarring or even skin infections.

4. Stay all-day hydrated

No matter what cosmetic treatments you have had, be it surgical or non-surgical, drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water per day is a great contribution to help in rejuvenating the skin from the inside out as the toxins from your system would be excreted out.

Most Important Tip

Apart from the tips mentioned, it’s important to understand and follow all aftercare guidelines provided by your attending doctor. The doctor would know your specific skin type and needs, and thus he or she would be the best to determine the things you can or cannot do.

Finally, be patient and have faith that with the right effort, you will increase the likelihood of the best outcome for your skin!

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