Can You Breastfeed After Getting Breast Implants?

Can you have the best of both worlds?

By Azra Shuib | December 31st, 2021

Breast implants can help a lot of women who are unhappy with their breast shape and sizes. But some of you may be hesitant to undergo the procedure out of concerns that the surgery might interfere with breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding can be every mothers' pride and joy. Some mothers would prefer to exclusively breastfeed their babies for 6 months, while some would even prefer to do it for 2 years' solid long. There are numerous reasons why they choose to do so which include bonding with their babies, keeping the babies healthy by giving the best nutrition and boosting their immune systems and it's a great benefit for the mothers too!

This is why getting breast implants may concern them.

How will breastfeeding be different after getting implants?

Firstly, breastfeeding won’t affect the implants, and surgeons generally believe that breast implants also won't affect breastfeeding ability. But there are a few exceptions, depending on the original state of breasts before surgery and the type of incision used. For instance, if implants are placed through an incision on an area where it damages nerves or impacts the viability of milk ducts, then you may have issues with breastfeeding.

Implants are usually positioned behind milk glands or below chest muscles, which does not affect milk supply. While nursing, the baby also cannot bite or harm the implants. However, despite the implants’ placement, the incision type plays a big role in ensuring whether you can breastfeed. If the incision keeps the areola intact, it is less likely to cause issues. Incisions made under the breast, through the armpit or belly button don’t usually cause problems with breastfeeding.

Tips to breastfeed right

If your breasts didn’t change during pregnancy, you may have had insufficient glandular tissue after an augmentation (low or no milk production). To increase milk supply, you can talk to your doctor about getting a prescription for domperidone, the drug that promotes milk production.

Besides that, patients who have undergone breast augmentation should be wary of a breast infection, also known as mastitis. This condition can increase the risk of capsular contracture. In serious conditions, doctors may advise you to have your implants removed.

Other Takeaway Tips

· Breastfeed often

· Empty your breasts regularly

· Try herbs that can increase breast milk supply, such as fennel, milk thistle, and fenugreek

· Ensure baby latches properly. You may get guidance from your attending doctor or nurse about the proper ways to latch

Bottom line

You shouldn’t worry about the ability to breastfeed with implants. Usually, the surgeon will take into account your condition, desired results and preference to breastfeed in the future. If you have any concerns, always talk to your doctor or lactation consultant. Your baby will benefit from any amount of breast milk you produce, and it’s best to just enjoy the activity.

More importantly, to preserve your ability to breastfeed, you should only get breast implants surgery from reputable clinics and doctors. Click any of the links below to learn more or make a booking:

Breast Augmentation @ Bangkok

Breast Augmentation @ Tokyo

Breast Augmentation @ Kuala Lumpur


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