Chin Injection - Things You Need To Know Before Getting The V-shape Face

Chin Injection a.k.a Kybella

By Kath Wong | May 18 2020

When it comes to chin, we’d often think of those slim v-shaped ones instead of embracing the natural double. V-shaped chin becomes the trend and there are various treatments available to achieve it timely. In this article, you will be reading about one of the treatments, Chin Injection (also known as Kybella).

The modification of chin can be done by chin injection. The procedure makes use of a manmade form of a substance, Kybella, having the similar function as deoxycholic acid, a substance the body originally produced to absorb fats. 

Getting The Treatment

Chin injection is performed by injecting Kybella directly into the area beneath your chin. Local anesthesia may be given prior to the treatment, ensuring the comfortability for the injection. 

For the effective results, a dedication for at least 2 treatments must be made and some cases take up to 6 treatments for optimal results. Each treatment may involve up to 50 injections; each treatment session would be spaced at least a month apart. 

The Exceptions Before Everything

First things first, if you are allergic to deoxycholic acid, it is not possible to undergo the treatment as Kybella is the alternative of it. 

· An infection in or around the area to be treated will not allow you to proceed with the treatment. The other past and current health conditions/encounters that must be informed during the check up includes: 

· Surgery or other cosmetic treatments on your neck, chin, or face (or if you plan to have surgery on any of these areas);

· Trouble swallowing;

· A thyroid disorder;

· Swollen lymph glands in your neck; or

· A bleeding or blood clotting disorder such as hemophilia.

· Pregnant/Expecting to be pregnant

· Breastfeeding

· The chin injection treatment using Kybella has no previous study regarding the possible harm effects for the unborn baby, it is better to inform and make a clear consultation before moving forward with the treatment. 

Side Effects To Take Note Of

Every treatment comes with different levels of side effects. The common side effects of Kybella are usually numbness or hardening of the treated area, hair loss around treated area, swelling, bruising, redness, itching, as well as tenderness of the treated area. 

On the other hand, emergency medical help will be needed if you have the following signs of allergic reaction to Kybella: 

· Hives

· Difficulty breathing

· Swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.

· Trouble swallowing

· Weak muscles in your face

· A crooked smile

· Open skin sores or drainage around treated areas

· Pain, burning, irritation, or skin changes where the injection was given.