Eyebag Removal Procedure for A Younger Appearance (Seoul, South Korea)

Say farewell to eyebags with a neat surgical technique.

By Kath Wong | November 21, 2020

What is Eyebag Removal?

While eyebags are rarely a medical concern, they greatly affect how you look. Puffy eyebags can add years to your face and make you look tired all day. There are many factors that affect eyebags formation, such as lifestyle choices and genetics. But one thing that can most probably happen is that they will become more prominent as you age.

Eyebag Removal is a surgical (as well as a non-surgical) procedure that can be performed to restore fresher and more youthful eyes by removing excess sagging skin and fatty tissues from under the eye. The treatment, also known as the lower eyelid surgery, is an ideal solution to puffy eyes and loose skin. It is able to improve facial appearance by removing ageing signs like crow’s feet.

Where Do Eyebags Came From?

The tissue structures and muscles supporting your eyelids weaken as you age. The skin around the eyes would start to sag, and the fat that is normally confined to the area around the eyes can move below your eyes, forming the bags full of fats. In the bags under the eyes, fluids can accumulate, making the under eye area appear puffy or swollen.There are several factors that can cause or worsen this condition, which includes:

・Lack of sleep


・Fluid retention, especially upon wakin or after a salty meal

・Sun damage


・Heredity - undereye bags can run in families

Can They Really be Removed?

Yes, there are 2 types of treatment that can be done differently to remove eyebags permanently from your under eye:

・Lower Blepharoplasty

・Non-incisional surgery

The first method is performed by surgical incisions to remove or reposition fat under the eyes, eliminating the sagginess for the under eye area. This procedure takes up to 3 hours and downtime can be between 2-4 weeks, in which swelling can be felt up to a few weeks. An alternative to the first method is known to be non-invasive, using fibre optic laser system to rejuvenate the eyebags. This procedure takes a shorter time to be done and to recover.

The Side Effects/Risks

Most of the common side effects are just temporary, such as scarring (if an incision is made), pain, swelling, bruising and bleeding. There are also other rare complications that might occur, for instance, dry eyes and the inability to close the upper lids in the case where too much skin is removed. The second rare side effect mentioned can be easily avoided by marking the skin that has to be cut out accurately before the surgery is performed and it is necessary to double-check these markings before any anesthesia is given.

Post-Care: The Important Things to Know

・Ointment provided will be used to lubricate the treated area to reduce dryness.

・For a week, sleeping with your head in an elevated position is recommended to avoid more swelling.

・Keep your incisions clean by gently washing them. Observe regularly for any possible signs of infection during the healing process.

・Swelling and bruising may last up to 10 days.

・ Avoid any long activities that may dry up your eyes, such as watching television, reading etc.

・Do not perform any heavy physical activities that may increase blood flow to the eyes: working out, bending, lifting etc.for one month after the surgery.

・For a few weeks, avoid direct exposure to the sun and use dark sunglasses.

・A liquid diet is advised for a day after the surgery to minimize movement of facial muscles; soft and easily chewable foods is strongly advised for a few days after the surgery.

・Stay hydrated with water. Do not consume alcoholic drinks for 3-4 weeks as it may lead to excess buildup of fluid in the circulatory system and body tissues (fluid retention).

・Smoking is not recommended as it may interfere with the healing period and cause infection.

Browse through the link below for more information and to make a booking:
