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Rectocele Surgery - The Solution For A Weakened Pelvic Organ

Treat it for a better quality of life

By Azra Shuib | May 20th, 2021

A rectocele is a bulging of the rectum into the vagina. This can happen when the tissues that support the rectum and vagina are weakened and torn. Vaginal childbirth, chronic constipation and heavy lifting can increase your risk of getting a rectocele. The condition can cause symptoms like incomplete emptying of the rectum, sensation of sitting on a ball and other discomforts. You may also feel a sense of fullness in the vagina, pain during sex as well as rectal pain. All of this can affect your quality of life. Left untreated, it can get worse over time and interfere with your daily life even more.

Rectocele is usually caused by the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles and the thinning of the tissue between the rectum and vagina. Although it is often associated with pregnancy and childbirth, women without children can have it too. There are several factors that can lead to the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles, such as the history of chronic constipation, severe straining with bowel movements, rectal surgeries and/or gynecological treatments like hysterectomy.


Getting A Treatment

In order to stop pelvic discomfort from getting worse, it’s important to get a proper diagnosis and the right treatment. Usually, surgery is the best option, although non-surgical approaches can also help if the condition is not as serious. Gynecologists can diagnose your condition and determine the suitable treatment. A rectocele is usually detected during a physical examination and further tests can help to assess its severity.


Rectocele Surgery 


Through surgery, the rectocele can be repaired and the rectum can be restored to its original position.


Surgery is usually done through a vaginal approach, but some conditions may need a combined abdominal and vaginal approach. Your most suitable surgery method would be determined by the doctor. The incision would be made along the vaginal skin overlying the rectum and to assess areas of weakness and needing repair. Stitches will be made into the weakened tissue to close any tears and encourage scar tissue to build in the area for support.


Potential Complications

Just like in any other surgeries, there are risks associated with Rectocele Surgery. It’s important to follow your doctor’s advice for the best recovery process. Complications may include:

· Pain, but the doctor may prescribe some medicine to control it.

· Blood clots. To manage this, blood thinners may be injected, or walking soon after surgery may be encouraged.

· Infection

· Bleeding

· Problems related to anesthesia

· Sexual dysfunction caused by poor healing of the vaginal incisions.

Not all rectocele surgery procedures are 100% successful. Therefore, it is pivotal to follow the aftercare instructions as given by the surgeon to increase the probability of permanent success and change.


Treatment Aftercare

· Take medications as prescribed.

· During your recovery, any light activity is good for you. But do not perform strenuous activities or lift heavy objects until the doctor says it’s okay to do so.

· To prevent or treat gas, stay away from carbonated drinks and drink more warm drinks.

· Eat healthy diets and drink enough water to prevent constipation.

· Take plenty of rest especially for 2 weeks after the procedure.

· Refrain from sexual intercourse for 6 weeks.


Non-Surgical Treatment

In a non-surgical approach, the aim is to have a good bowel movement and softer stools; as strained bowel movements and constipation can increase the risk of getting a rectocele.


More tips:

· Drinking enough water daily

· Eating high-fibre foods

· Performing Kegel exercise and other pelvic floor therapies

· Avoiding excessive straining with bowel movements

· Applying pressure the back of the vagina during bowel movements

· Hormone replacement therapy


The Pros and Cons of A Rectocele Surgery

Still, are you wondering if surgery is the best procedure for your condition? Here is a breakdown of the advantages and limitations of a Rectocele Surgery for you to make the best decision for your body:


· Stops pelvic discomfort

· Improves bowel emptying

· Safe procedure

· High success rate (80 - 90%)

· Improves comfort and quality of life

· Allow for more physical activities and a more comfortable sexual life


· Complications associated with major pelvic surgery

· Vaginal discharge may occur for up to 6 weeks and you may need to wear pads

For more information or to book a treatment in Mexicali, please go to this link:

Rectocele Surgery @ Mexicali

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