Clear Out Orange Peel Skin with VASER Smooth

The Cellulite Cleaner for Orange Peel Skin

By Kath Wong | August 3, 2020

What Is Cellulite?

Cellulite appears in the form of dimples and uneven fat deposits on the common body areas such as thighs, hips, and buttocks. It is developed when fat cells protrude through the thin fibrous connective tissue that exists between the skin and the underlying muscles in irregular shapes and sizes, thus they are seen as those tiny dimples on the orange peels.

There are various factors that cause cellulite, ranging from genetic origins to hormonal and weight fluctuations. Moreover, as we age, the accumulation of sun damage and frequent weight changes can worsen the cellulite and build more irregularities. 

Clear Cellulite with VASER Smooth 

Cellulite is not a problem on the skin surface; in fact, it is deep from within, with fats tangled up in fibrous bands and pulling on the underside of the skin. While the typical methods are not able to reach cellulite and get rid of it without surgical procedures, VASER Smooth has been developed to solve the problem. 

VASER Smooth is a technology used as a tool to deal with the cellulite hidden within the body. The technique allows immediate visible results 

The Procedure

The procedure involves a probe being inserted into the layer where fat and fibrous bands are, followed by the emission of ultrasonic waves. In this treatment, ultrasonic waves are used to loosen the fats and break the fibrous bands, freeing up the packed fat deposits to revive the non-dimpling appearance of the skin, especially around the hips, thighs and buttocks. 

First, marking at the preoperative area will be placed on the skin, noting down both the peaks and valleys in the skin with different colored markers. The procedures are performed under local anesthesia. Antiseptic solution will be used to cleanse the treatment areas and a few small incisions will be made through the skin, in the areas that are likely to be visible. Next, VASER ultrasound probe will be introduced painlessly into the skin, targeting the fats. Emission of the ultrasonic waves allows fibrous bands to be cut and free the fat deposits as well as loosen the fat that protrudes to the skin surface, to result in a smoother look.

The Results and Side Effects

After the treatment, a bandage or elastic corset will be placed in the intervention areas and the patient goes home without feeling discomfort. Immediate results can be seen from the very first week, which gradually improves within 3 to 6 months. For downtime, minimal scarring and bruising will be visible. Normal activities can be done after 24 hours of rest, except for exercising which you might need to take at least 2 weeks off.

Head on over to our treatment pages to book your VASER Smooth now:

VASER Smooth @ Tokyo   

VASER Smooth @ Fukuoka   

VASER Smooth @ Nagoya