What Is Chelation Therapy?

Understand more about it - Facts, Procedure, and Side Effects.

By Azra Shuib | January 15 2020

Have you ever witnessed anyone collapsed due to heavy metal poisoning? Well, don't be surprised if we say that that's possible. Heavy metal poisoning can happen to those who are:

・Always exposed to areas with high level of air and water pollution, eg: those who work in a factory

・Exposed to old lead paint, eg: those who fix homes

・Eating fish or seafood caught in area with high level of mercury

・Consuming any herbal medicines that contain heavy metals

Chelation therapy is an effective and FDA-approved treatment for people with heavy metal poisoning as it detoxifies the toxic substances from your body.

Our bodies contain a low level of heavy metals. However, some of us may become more exposed to heavy metals such as lead, mercury and arsenic to a higher degree. This causes frequent nausea, headaches and vomiting. A high level of heavy metals in the body can also lead to heavy metal poisoning, deteriorating health and even early death.

Conditions that Can Benefit from Chelation Therapy

Chelation therapy has been known to treat lead, mercury and arsenic poisoning. In recent years, it has been claimed to be able to treat heart disease, autism, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, among others. However, please be reminded that the FDA has only approved 11 chelating agents, including EDTA and DMSA, to treat heavy metal toxicities. Currently, chelation therapy is not approved by the FDA to treat other diseases, despite scientific research that supports its use in a variety of diseases.

If you have done research on chelation therapy before and wish to get the treatment, it’s best to first consult with your doctor regarding your concerns so that you’ll make an informed decision.

How Does It Work?

This treatment is based on the process of chelation, which involves intravenous administration of a potent antioxidant called ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). Once EDTA gains entry into the bloodstream, it binds with heavy metals like lead, cadmium and iron that can cause free radical damage to the arteries. By adhering to these metals and transporting them out of the body through the urine, EDTA decreases the body’s toxic metal load and delays the side effects such as atherosclerosis.

EDTA also clears out too much calcium from artery walls. Since calcification of arteries is a significant factor in atherosclerosis, this is also an added approach in which chelation restores the function of arteries and promotes blood flow. Furthermore, chelation has blood-thinning properties and prevents the development of potentially lethal blood clots that can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

How will the procedure be like?

During the course of the therapy, which takes 1 to 3 hours, you will relax on a recliner while EDTA is administered slowly through an IV. An entire course of chelation therapy involves as much as 30 treatments, generally done 1 to 3 times per week.

Side effects

Chelation therapy should only be done by experts with extensive experience in this treatment, as to avoid or minimize the following risks:

・Low blood pressure


・Damage to the eyes

・Cardiac arrhythmia


・Poor cognition

・Vitamin and mineral deficiencies

・Permanent kidney and liver damage

Therefore, chelation therapy is only recommended as a treatment in metal poisoning where the benefits outweigh the risks.

If you are looking for a reliable hospital to get the treatment, here are some suggestions:


