Why You Should Reconsider Aquafilling Breast Injection

If you are keen on the procedure, this article is for you

By Afrina Ghazali | July 5th, 2024

Breast augmentation is a popular cosmetic procedure, and the quest for non-invasive methods has led many to consider various options. One such method that has gained attention is Aquafilling breast injection. While the idea of enhancing breast size without surgery might sound appealing, it’s important to understand why this particular method may not be the best choice. Here’s a friendly and comprehensive look at why everyone should reconsider Aquafilling breast injections as their go-to non-invasive breast enlargement solution.

What is Aquafilling?

Aquafilling is a hydrophilic gel composed of 98% water and 2% polyamide. It’s designed to increase breast volume by injecting the gel directly into the breast tissue. The promise of minimal downtime and a non-surgical approach has made it an attractive option for those seeking breast enlargement.

The Appeal of Non-Invasive Options

Non-invasive procedures are alluring for several reasons:

· Minimal Downtime: Less recovery time compared to surgery.

· No Scarring: Avoidance of surgical scars.

· Perceived Safety: The belief that non-surgical means fewer risks.

However, when it comes to Aquafilling, these perceived benefits come with significant drawbacks that everyone should be aware of.

Potential Risks and Complications

1. Infection: As with any injection, there is a risk of infection. Reports have shown cases where patients developed severe infections requiring medical intervention.

2. Migration of the Gel: One major concern with Aquafilling is that the gel can migrate from the injection site, leading to uneven and unnatural-looking results. This migration can also cause lumps and irregularities in the breast tissue.

3. Inflammatory Reactions: The body can react to the injected gel, causing inflammation, pain, and swelling. These reactions can sometimes require surgical removal of the gel.

4. Long-Term Effects Unknown: Aquafilling is relatively new, and the long-term effects are not well-studied. There is uncertainty about how the gel interacts with the body over time and its potential impact on breast health.

5. Difficult Removal: If complications arise, removing the gel can be challenging and may require invasive procedures. This negates the initial benefit of opting for a non-invasive method.

Alternatives to Aquafilling

Given the potential risks and complications, it’s wise to consider other, more established methods for breast augmentation:

1. Fat Grafting:

   · Natural Look and Feel: Uses your own body fat for augmentation.

   · Dual Benefit: Removes unwanted fat from other areas of the body.

   · Safer Option: Lower risk of adverse reactions since it’s your own tissue.

2. Silicone or Saline Implants:

   · Proven Track Record: Decades of use with extensive research and development.

   · Predictable Results: Consistent and reliable outcomes.

   · Variety of Options: Different sizes, shapes, and textures available.

3. Breast Lift:

   · Improves Shape: Enhances the appearance of sagging breasts without adding volume.

   · Combines Well with Augmentation: Can be combined with implants or fat grafting for more comprehensive results.

Making an Informed Decision

It’s crucial to have a thorough consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon when considering breast augmentation. They can provide personalized advice, discuss the risks and benefits of each method, and help you choose the option that best suits your needs and goals.

While the idea of a quick, non-invasive solution like Aquafilling breast injections might be tempting, the potential risks and complications should give you pause. The lack of long-term data, combined with reported issues such as gel migration, infections, and inflammatory reactions, makes this method less reliable and potentially more dangerous than traditional augmentation techniques.

Instead, consider well-established alternatives like fat grafting or implants, which have a proven safety record and offer predictable, satisfying results. Your health and safety should always come first, and making an informed decision is the best way to ensure you achieve your desired outcome with peace of mind.