Maxim Hair Restoration New York

As one of the leading hair transplant specialists in New York, they take pride on providing spectacular results for patients, allowing them to regain the confidence and youthful feeling of a fuller head of hair at affordable prices.

Clinic Name Maxim Hair Restoration New York
Country United States
Location New York
Address 308 Fifth Avenue, Fifth Floor, New York, NY 10001, United States
Language English,
Overview As one of the leading hair transplant specialists in New York, they take pride on providing spectacular results for patients, allowing them to regain the confidence and youthful feeling of a fuller head of hair at affordable prices.
Specialities Hair Transplants
Procedures Offered FUT Hair Transplant, FUE Hair Transplant, Facial Hair Transplant, 3D Scalp Micropigmentation, Microneedling, Hybrid procedures
Services Consultation and treatment plan, Free consultation,
Doctor Dr. Rhonda Daniels, Dr. Lawrence Barnard
Description Located near the Empire State Building. Serves New York City including Manhattan, Queens, Bronx, Brooklyn, Staten island, Westchester, Long Island and New Jersey.