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Derma Spring Lift (Reduce Fine Lines Around Eyes and Face)

¥137,751 - ¥286,981
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It Is Suitable For

· Those who want an effective thread lift with very fine needle in Japan.
· Those with saggy skin.
· Those with wrinkles and sagging skin around the eyes.
· Those who wish to lift up face lines around the corner of the mouth.

What is Derma Spring Lift?

Derma Spring Lift consists of 2 treatments focusing on different areas, one for face lines around the mouth and another one for the wrinkles around the eyes. This treatment is recommended for those who have specific concerns such as sagging skin around the eyes, face lines around lower part of the face and wrinkly-shaped mouth.

Derma Spring Lift Procedure

1. Anesthesia will be given.
2. Ultra fine rounded-tip needle will be inserted into the treatment area.
3. A coiled-thread will be passed through the needle.
4. Needle will then be removed.
5. The end of thread will be pulled lightly to ensure that the thread is tight within the skin.
6. After all the threads are inserted and the balance checked, the threads will be cut.
7. Incision marks will not be noticeable.

Advantages and Limitations of Derma Spring Lift

· Tightens skin tissue
· Long-lasting effect
· Lifts sagging skin around the eyes
· Short downtime
· Increases collagen production
· No noticeable wound

· Swelling may occur for 3 to 7 days

Derma Spring Lift Post Care

· Facial massage and beauty treatments are not recommended up to 4 weeks time
· Make-up can be done 1 day after the treatment
· To avoid more swelling, it is recommended to sleep with face elevated upwards


Q1: Can I choose to do just one of the treatments from Derma Spring Lift?
A1: Yes, it depends on which area you would like to focus on.

Q2: How long is the downtime for this treatment?
A2: Normally, the downtime lasts for 3 to 7 days with swelling.

Q3: After the treatment, how long do I have to wait to do my makeup?
A3: Make up can be done right after the treatment but make sure that the treated areas are avoided.

Q4: Is there any chance that the thread will slip or be displaced?
A4: After a few weeks where the threads are settled, there is no chance for them to slip.

Clinic Information

[Clinic Name] Rakuru Clinic (Shinjuku Branch)
[Location] Tokyo, Japan
[Nearest Station / Attraction] 5 mins walking distance from the JR Shinjuku Station West or 1 min from Toei Oedo Line Shinjuku West exit, or 3 mins from Seibu Shinjuku Line Seibu Shinjuku Station
[Clinic Opening Time] Monday to Sunday (11:00AM - 8:00PM)

[Clinic Name] Rakuru Clinic (Roppongi Branch)
[Location] Tokyo, Japan
[Nearest Station / Attraction] 2 mins walk from Roppongi Station on the Toei Oedo Line and 2 mins walk from Roppongi Station on the Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line
[Clinic Opening Time] Monday to Sunday (11:00AM - 8:00PM)

運転時間 20 - 30 mins
回復時間 None
術後来院回数 Not Required
入院 Not Required
キャンセルポリシー No charge for cancellations made at least 48 hrs prior appointment date*
この価格に含まれるもの Consultation Fee, Interpreter Fee, Tax, Anesthesia
所在地 160-0023, Tokyo Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, 7-11-15, Sanfuru Nishi 2F The Roppongi Tokyo Plaza 205, 3-7-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0032