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Fatigue Recovery Therapy (Boost Energy and Enhance Vitality)

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It Is Suitable For

・Those who wants to recover fatigue in Tokyo, Japan.
・Those who wish to effectively feel energized.
・Those who wish to improve their metabolism and boost their immune system.
・Those who wish to improve their skin condition (acne, rough skin, etc).

What is Fatigue Recovery Therapy?

If you have been feeling exhausted, a comprehensive nutrition injection (containing various vitamins effective for recovery of liver function and fatigue) will definitely help. The nutrients will improve your immunity and liver function, which then prevents and improves hangovers.

In addition, metabolism is improved, along with acne and rough skin. In the end, you will feel energized and have healthier skin

How It Works

Contains Myers Cocktail which was developed by Dr. John Myers of the United States. It aids in recovery and energy production by increasing nutrients such as vitamins and minerals in the body. It is a potent vitamin drip that can aid in immune function, improving athletic performance and hangover remedy.

Myers' Cocktail contains magnesium, calcium, B-vitamins (including B12), and Vitamin C and is given by an IV drip to obtain much more concentrations of nutrients compared to oral administration.

This formulation can help with a variety of medical conditions, such as acute asthma attacks, migraines, fatigue, fibromyalgia, acute muscle spasms, colds, chronic sinusitis, seasonal allergies, chronic depression/anxiety and other disorders.

Advantages and Limitations of Fatigue Recovery Therapy

・Effective improvement of skin
・Allows you to keep active for a long time (energizes)
・No recovery period/downtime
・Results show soon after
・Comfortable procedure

・Injection may be uncomfortable for some people (local anesthetic can be applied)
・Future sessions are needed (for future fatigue episodes)


Q1: Are there any side effects?
A1: The ingredients administered are safe for the body. However, blood tests and consultation with the doctor prior to the treatment can help to determine your suitability for the treatment. Other than that, side effects may include potential bruising due to drip insertion or injection.

Q2: When can I see the results?
A2: Effects to your skin complexion can be seen or felt as soon as 1 week. It varies with each individuals’ lifestyle, diet as well as genetics. But a lot patients report of having a boost of energy levels soon after the procedure.

Q3: How long will the results last?
A3: This largely depends on the individual. Typically, the vitamins can help to maintain your levels for 2 to 3 weeks. It is a suitable treatment for recovering and maintaining your energy while traveling or working. This is also a suitable procedure to ensure that you look your best while traveling or going to big events.

Clinic Information

[Clinic Name] Omotesando General Medical Clinic
[Location] Tokyo, Japan
[Nearest Station/ Nearest Tourist Destination] 5 minutes walk from Tokyo Metro Omotesando Station
[Clinic Opening Time] Friday - Wednesday (10:00AM - 7:00PM); Thursdays and Holidays (Closed)

작동 시간 30 - 45 mins
복구 시간 None
수술 후 방문 횟수 Not Required
입원 Not Required
제한 사항 None
취소 정책 No charge for cancellations made at least 48 hrs prior appointment date*
이 가격에 포함 Consultation Fee, Interpreter Fee, Tax
위치 1F Il Centro Sereno, 5-46-16 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0001