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Inlays and Onlays (Treat And Protect From Further Tooth Damage)

EUR145 - EUR447
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It Is Suitable For

· Those in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia who need tooth damage treatment.
· Those with decayed teeth.
· Those with damaged teeth.
· Those who wish to improve their teeth appearance.
· Those who wish to have partial crowns.

What are Inlays and Onlays?

Is a huge portion of your teeth damaged, until it is too large to be fixed with composite resin fillings or dental crowns? Inlays and Onlays are usually the best options for this.

Inlays and Onlays are considered "indirect" fillings. They are fabricated and bonded onto the teeth to fill and protect the damaged part of the tooth; inlays are for the case that tooth has a certain depth of damage, whereas onlays are used in the case where the tooth surface are damaged.

Porcelain Vs Composite

Porcelains are common and very often used for repairing cavities and damaged teeth. Porcelains are custom-made and are able to match your natural teeth colors, whereas for composite it is cheaper as it is ready-made and can be installed within the single visit.

Inlays and Onlays Treatment Procedure

1. First Evaluation and Inlays/Onlays Tooth preparation
· Reshape adjacent teeth to receive new Inlay/Onlay
· Take records of color, bite, lengths and shape of Inlay/Onlay
· Take impression as replica model of teeth and send to lab for fabrication according to the desired type
· Cover the preparation site

2. Fitting of bridge on delivery
· Remove temporary filling
· Fit in the Inlay/Onlay and cement into place
· Check quality assurance for any adjustments or re-works

3. Care of Inlay/Onlay
· Brush and floss bridge as recommended by dentist.

Advantages and Limitations of Inlays and Onlays

· Improves teeth strength
· Porcelain inlays/onlays do not discolor
· Provides better aesthetic than amalgam fillings
· No downtime

· Requires 2nd visit since inlays and onlays restorations need some time to prepare at the lab

Inlays and Onlays Post Care

· Brush your teeth at least twice a day - after eating and before bedtime
· Floss your teeth once or twice a day
· Rinse vigorously with fluoride rinse for at least 1 min before bed
· Be careful in chewing toffees, gum, and tough food
· Go for regular dental check-ups


Q1: What is the difference between Inlay/Onlay and FIllings/Crowns?
A1: In comparison to fillings or crowns, Inlay/Onlay are considered stronger, longer lasting and usually used for larger areas of decay. Also, Inlay/Onlay are smaller in size, cheaper and does not require as much tooth enamel removal as crowns.

Q2: How long can Inlay/Onlay last?
A2: Since they are created outside of the mouth, they are stronger and more durable than fillings and can last up to 30 years.

Clinic Information

[Clinic Name] Beverly Wilshire Dental Clinic
[Location] Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
[Nearest Station / Nearest Tourist Destination] 5 mins driving distance from partner hotels: Pullman Kuala Lumpur City Centre, MiCasa All Suites Hotel, and shopping centre Pavilion Kuala Lumpur. Also, KL Sentral, as well as KLCC, are reachable within 15 mins drive.
[Clinic Opening Time] Monday to Friday (9:30AM - 5:30PM); Saturday (9:30AM - 1:30PM)

Tempo di funzionamento 60 mins
Tempo di recupero None
Numero di visite postoperatorie 1 time
Ricovero ospedaliero Not required
Altre informazioni Must always maintain good oral hygiene care post-treatment.
Posizione No. 237, Level 9, Kenanga Tower, Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur