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Pre-Marital Screening (Individual or Couple)

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It Is Suitable For

・Those in Malaysia and interested to go for Pre-Marital Screening.
・Those who wish to get married soon.
・Those who wish identify potential health problems such as infectious and transmissible diseases.
・Those who wish to understand their partner's genetics and health condition.

What is the Premarital Health Screening?

If you are considering marriage, the comprehensive premarital screening at our affiliated clinic can provide you with information on your and your future partner's current health condition. It also highlights potential health problems such as infectious and transmissible diseases that could pose a risk to you, your partner and your future offspring.

Understanding your partner's health condition will allow you to care for your partner better and can provide you with necessary precaution and treatment options. In addition, Pre-marital health screening in Malaysia is often required when couples submit their wedding registration. This precaution is for the benefit of the couple in charting their family planning together.

Types of Premarital Screening

2 types of premarital screenings are offered at our affiliated clinic: individual and couple. Both types offer the following services / tests:

・Blood Test: Full blood count
・Peripheral Blood Film
・Blood Grouping
・Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL)
・Hepatitis B Screening

Advantages of the Premarital Screening

・Identifies health problems that can be dangerous to you and your spouse
・Protects your future children from harmful diseases
・Allows you to better understand your partner's health condition and body


Q1: What is the "peripheral blood film" test?
A1: Also known as the peripheral blood smear, it is a test that is commonly used to screen for blood parasites/diseases such as malaria and filariasis.

Q2: Can my partner and I have our screening completed on the same day?
A2: Yes. Couples are usually able to collect their reports on the same day that the screening is conducted.

Clinic Information

[Clinic Name] Sunway Medical Centre
[Location] Selangor, Malaysia
[Nearest Station/ Nearest Tourist Destination Near SBL Sunu-Monash and Sunway Lagoon
[Clinic Opening Time] Monday - Friday (8:30AM - 5:30PM), Saturday (8:30AM - 1:00PM)

작동 시간 1 - 2 hours
복구 시간 None
수술 후 방문 횟수 Not Required
입원 Not Required
제한 사항 Does not include genetic profiling.
취소 정책 Last minute cancellation will not be refundable
이 가격에 포함 Consultation
위치 Sunway Medical Centre, Jalan Lagoon Selatan, Bandar Sunway, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia