Penile Implant Surgery - Treatment for Men Erectile Dysfunction

A prosthesis to help you achieve a better sexual life

By Azra Shuib | May 26th, 2021

Erectile Dysfunction or mostly abbreviated as ED is rarely talked about openly. There is a lot of stigma and embarrassment surrounding the condition, although according to studies by National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, 1 out of 4 men over the age of 60 will suffer some form of ED. ED is the inability to achieve an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse.


Causes of ED:

· Depression, anxiety or other mental health conditions

· Stress

· Heart disease

· Clogged blood vessels (atherosclerosis)

· High cholesterol

· High blood pressure

· Diabetes

· Obesity

· Metabolic syndrome — a condition involving increased blood pressure, high insulin levels, body fat around the waist and high cholesterol

· Parkinson's disease

· Multiple sclerosis

· Certain prescription medications

· Tobacco use

· Peyronie's disease — development of scar tissue inside the penis

· Alcoholism and other forms of substance abuse

· Sleep disorders

· Treatments for prostate cancer or enlarged prostate

· Surgeries or injuries that affect the pelvic area or spinal cord

· Low testosterone


Symptoms of ED include:

· Trouble getting an erection

· Trouble keeping an erection

· Reduced sexual desire

There are a lot of treatments like medications and penis pumps as well as lifestyle shifts suggestions available for ED, but a lot of men go through those measures without success. A Penile Implant Surgery is a treatment that can help with ED when other therapies have failed.

Penile Implants allow men with ED to get a firm erection. There are two main types of implants which are semi-rigid and inflatable. 

How Penile Implant Surgery Works

Penile Implant Surgery works by inserting a suitable implant into the patient's penis. Sometimes, an additional penile prosthesis will be implanted during the surgery to reconstruct the shape of the penis when scarring has caused erections to curve, often known as Peyronie's disease.

The inflatable penile prosthesis consists of two attached cylinders, a reservoir, and a pump. 

The two cylinders are inserted into the penis and connected by tubing to a separate reservoir of saline. 

To inflate the prosthesis, you will have to press the pump hidden in the scrotum. The pump will transfer saline from the reservoir to the cylinders in the penis to inflate and cause an erection. To deflate it, pressing needs to be done on the deflation valve at the base of the pump to enable fluid to return to its reservoir and hence it will be deflated back to the normal flaccid state.

Common Implants

· Three-piece implant

Consists of a fluid reservoir in the abdominal wall, pump and release valve in the scrotum and two inflatable cylinders inside the penis. This type gives the most rigid erection, but there are risks for the parts to malfunction.

· Two-piece implant

For this implant, the reservoir is a part of the pump that is implanted in the scrotum. The surgery is less complicated but erections may be less firm than with the three-piece implant.

· Semi Rigid implants

This type of implants is not inflatable, meaning the implants stay firm all the time. Positioning is not complicated - you can position it against your body or bend it away for sexual intercourse. This type of device is less likely to malfunction but it can put a constant pressure on the penis.

There are pros and cons to each type of implant, so a discussion with your attending physician can help you with choosing the right one.

Generally, the procedure will look like this:

1. Consultation and examination of the condition

2. Application of general anesthesia

3. An incision will be made on your lower abdomen, the base of your penis, or just below the head of your penis

4. Insertion of the implant (and additional prosthesis in some cases)

5. Closing of the incision


Contraindications for Penile Implant Surgery

· Erectile dysfunction that is situational (potentially reversible)

· An infection, such as a pulmonary infection or urinary tract infection

· Diabetes that is not well-controlled



The recovery process may take several weeks and you can resume sexual activity in about four to six weeks.

The surgery has a high satisfaction rate and can be a good option for those who have found that other treatments have failed. Over a 10-year period, it can be considered the most cost-effective treatment for ED.

Interested in getting the surgery? Click here or send your enquiries to us to learn more.


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