What is PRP Hair Therapy?

Not a surgery.

Many men and women experiencing hair loss tend to consider first and foremost a FUE transplant. But FUE is a surgical procedure. It is worthwhile to be reminded that there are non-surgical ways to respond to hair loss.  

According to a study conducted by a team of scientists and doctors in Italy in 2015, although more extensive controlled studies are needed, PRP serves as a safe and effective treatment option against hair loss. In fact, PRP has been used to treat hair loss for the last 40 years without any issues. The idea behind PRP for hair loss is that growth factors in platelet-rich plasma help to create or stimulate new hair follicles.   

Short for platelet rich plasma, PRP is blood plasma that contains a larger amount of platelets and growth factors than what is typically found in blood. Such a large amount of platelets and growth factors in plasma, also known as a platelet concentrate, is achieved by processing blood plasma in a centrifuge device. Hair loss experts and medical professionals believe in platelet-filled plasma for treating hair loss because it contains growth factors that play an important role in wound healing and tissue repair, including the repair of hair follicles. This is what makes PRP a highly safe treatment: It uses your own blood and results in no scars. Conversely, scarcely visible scars are a typical by-product of FUE hair transplants due to its surgical nature.  

What’s to love about PRP hair therapy? The process is natural and quick, without any downtime. After all, PRP hair therapy encourages hair growth non-invasively, using your own platelet-rich plasma, where your blood is drawn, processed, and then injected into your scalp to reactivate aging hair follicles and promote hair growth at treatment areas. That’s all there is to a PRP hair therapy procedure.  

Since micro injections must be made into your scalp, you might experience discomfort or pain during the procedure. Fortunately, numbing creams are used in most clinics. Aside from the preventable injection discomfort, there are virtually no side effects from PRP hair therapy, other than the fact that it isn’t a permanent hair loss solution like FUE. Still, hair experts like to combine PRP hair therapy with FUE hair transplants to accelerate the growth of new hair in transplanted follicles and to increase hair density in donor sites.  

If you think PRP Hair Therapy is for you, browse through a selection of PRP hair therapy;



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