Trambellir Articles

Temple Lift Treatment - A Brow Lift For Sagginess (Tokyo, Japan)
A minimally invasive procedure to remove excess eyelid skin. By Kath Wong | December 25th, 2019 Looking at ourselves in the mirror every day, sometimes we wonder, "Is my brow deepening?" or "Have I grown excess skin?" Well, those who might be able to spot on little changes every day may be able to answer those questions easily. But for most of us, it could be quite challenging to notice them. Unless we make a side by side comparison of the 'before and afters', then it'll be easy to distinguish. Eyebrows are considered to be an important part of our face. When the brows appear slightly raised only at the sides, it looks attractive; but if the brows suddenly descend dramatically, this can make the eye area look tired and unenergized. In the case where you want to maintain youthful eyes, here’s the thing you can consider fixing other than your eyes: Temple Lift. What is Temple Lift? Also known as a temporal brow lift, temple lift is a minimally-invasive plastic surgery procedure performed to elevate the outer brow, soften crow’s feet, and tighten the area around the temples. From the description of being minimally invasive, it is also known to have relatively short downtime. Temple lift is sometimes performed as a stand-alone procedure, but most of the time it is performed with other surgeries such as blepharoplasty, as well as a facelift. It can be performed with smaller incisions well hidden within the hairline, resulting in easier recovery and minimal scarring. To begin the procedure, local anesthesia will be given. A small incision will be placed within the hairline above the ear to minimize visible scars. Through this incision, underlying tissue will be mobilized and then suspended to elevate the outside of the brow and smooth crow’s feet. What are the benefits of Temple Lift? Temple lift surgery can relieve heaviness significantly and restore the optimum symmetry in the temple and brow areas. This procedure can help to soften crow’s feet lines and create a fresher, rejuvenated appearance in the eye and brow area. After the treatment, sutures may take 7 to 10 days to be removed; but the good part is that no recovery period is necessary as the sutures will be well hidden within the hair. The Side Effects of Temple Lift Everything comes with risks, be it big or small. After the treatment, temporary numbness on the forehead is normal for some time. There may be some difference in height of the eyebrow position but they are not easily noticeable when most people have had this issue before the treatment without notice. Other than that, scars normally recover well but there are some scars that may lead to hair loss, which has to be masked by a hair transplant. Overall, there is not much to be worried about as the procedure is known to be minimally invasive. …
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Seoul - Where Beauty Treatments Are Worth Traveling For
Don’t leave Seoul without a treatment or two! By Azra Shuib | December 24th, 2019 Apart from its widespread and gigantic entertainment industry, South Korea is also known for its beauty craze. From Korean beauty products to famous facial treatments all the way up to plastic surgeries. And being blessed with the beautiful city of Seoul, it’s no wonder why tourists would flock there all year round. So if you’re travelling to Seoul soon, make sure you get your beauty treatments there and leave the place with your dream skin - the perfect souvenir from South Korea. Experts recommend getting facials once every month, but when in Seoul - you know the drill. In 2018, South Korea has an estimated worth of $13.1 billion in sales for beauty markets. You might have also known just how they see beauty - a necessity rather than a once in a while indulgence. With such a holistic approach to beauty, you can expect innovative yet cosy and traditional beauty centres in Seoul. So here is a list of beauty treatments you must consider booking when in Seoul: 1. Aqua Peel Also known as skin scaling, is a treatment that cleanses facial pores. This treatment uses AHA and BHA-infused solutions as well as a suction nozzle to suck dirt from the skin while infusing and saturating your pores with nutrient-rich serums, resulting in a hydrating effect. It has no downtime, and it’s suitable for sensitive skin since it’s very soothing and rejuvenating. It does not leave you with a raw or tight feeling of the skin due to the suction of blackheads and other blemishes. Aqua Peel is also safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women. 2. Silhouette Soft Face Lifting This popular and non-surgical cosmetic treatment procedure is for people who are facing problems such as sagginess, wrinkles, chubby cheeks, and double chin, among others. It has been reviewed as a non-surgical procedure with a strong lifting effect. The procedure involves a double-action effect: an immediate repositioning of the tissue and the gradual regeneration of collagen. The process gives positive results by having both tissue compression and skin elevation happening at the same time. As repositioning works, the regeneration of collagen happens gradually. 3. Dermal Filler These are hyaluronic acid injections done to fill up wrinkles so your skin will look plumper. It is also used in lips enhancement. And no, it won’t look unnatural – when done by the right doctor, the changes will look so subtle, but everyone will notice just how gorgeous and youthful you look. And since hyaluronic acid is natural, it is safe. And hyaluronic acid has the ability to store moisture which helps to maintain skin hydration. It can treat wrinkles, tear trough, sagging cheeks and thin lips, among others. 4. Eye bag removal Eyebag removal is a surgical (as well as a non-surgical) procedure that can be performed to restore fresher and more youthful eyes by removing excess sagging skin and fatty tissues from under the eye. The treatment, also known as lower eyelid surgery, is an ideal solution to puffy eyes and loose skin. It is able to improve facial appearance by removing ageing signs like crow’s feet. There are 2 types of procedure - Lower Blepharoplasty and Non-Incision Surgery. Those are only a few among other treatments available in South Korea. If you’re in a hurry and can’t seem to choose the perfect treatment - don’t fret. We provide links down below where you can browse through the options for Korean beauty treatments, and book directly so you can enjoy your travels without draggy booking procedures: Aqua Peel || Silhouette Soft Facelift || Skin Boosters …
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All About Face and Neck Lift Procedure (Seoul & Bali)
Win your battle against aging. By Azra Shuib | December 20th, 2019 Almost everything gets better with age - your finances, your job, your time management and overall quality of life. You have also probably started to adopt healthy habits and diets to keep up with your age. So aging is not that bad after all - until you look in the mirror and witness wrinkles forming. As individuals age, their skin and structural tissues of the face and neck will gradually lose tone. At the same time, volume in the underlying bone and fat of the face disappears. Your skin will become less elastic, and over time, your skin on the face and neck will sag, making you look tired. These changes will take place even faster if you have spent your younger days smoking, heavy drinking and neglecting sunscreen. Face-lift (rhytidectomy) and neck lift (platysmaplasty) are surgical procedures that can improve the visible signs of aging in the face and neck. The procedures will alter the muscle and facial tissues to get a more youthful contour to the face. Essentially, the facial muscles will be pulled up - that’s why it’s called a lift. Excess skin will then be removed before the skin is sutured closed. A neck lift is usually done as part of a face-lift to reduce excess fat and sagging skin on the neck. Results are very long-lasting, which can remain for up to 15-20 years. Meanwhile, in the non-incision method of face lifting, medical threads will be inserted beside and under the ear. The results may last up to 2 years, depending on the patient’s lifestyle. A face and neck lift is suitable for those with these facial conditions: ・Sagging jawline due to aging or weight loss ・Sagging cheeks ・Drooping skin on the eye area and the corners of the mouth ・Sagging, wrinkly skin with excess fat on the neck A lot of people refrain from getting a face-lift because it’s associated with plastic surgery. And here’s the thing - there is nothing plastic about the surgery. In fact, the word “plastic” comes from the Greek word “plastikos” which means “to mold”, “grow” or “to form”. So of course, in this procedure, your face will be molded and formed into a new contour and shape. Usually, after the procedure, doctors would recommend that you don’t drive for the first week to 10 days after surgery as a measure to take care of the neck by not jerking it around. Swelling and bruising are normal and will diminish in two weeks. Follow-up will be done 7 days after the procedure, and the second follow-up visit is recommended to be done 1 or 2 months after the procedure to monitor progress. For more information and to book the procedure in Seoul or Bali, click the links below. Face & Neck Lift @ Seoul || Face & Neck Lift @ Bali …
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Tesslift Soft - The Mesh In-growth Technique (Tokyo, Japan)
A Long-lasting Innovative Thread Lift Treatment By Kath Wong | December 19 2019 Ever wonder how different types of thread lifting are actually different from one another and sometimes you just don’t really know which one to go for? In this article today we will be guiding you through another type of non-surgical thread lift for face treatment - Tesslift Soft. Tesslift Soft is another non-surgical facelift treatment available to help with aging skin, but that’s not it. Tesslift Soft has a unique technique when it comes to function with the skin tissues beneath the outer layers: mesh in-growth technology Mesh In-growth Technology The threads used for Tesslift Soft is produced with extra strengthened barbs and meshes to achieve advanced results. This is where the treatment gets interesting: the specially woven polymeric monofilament meshes allows the surrounding skin tissues to ingrow along with them. Features of Tesslift Soft The top of the list is that Tesslift Soft offers minimal invasive procedure with minimal operation time. The whole procedure, including giving local anesthesia, usually completes within an hour. Moreover, the treatment provides an immediate lifting effect. Tissue in-growth into the meshes of the threads inserted will begin immediately when they come into contact. With the innovation of mesh in-growth technology, Tesslift Soft has a long-lasting effect that gets better with time as the tissues would further reposition themselves gradually into the mesh and result in a more effective skin lifting. Last but not least, the recovery time for the treatment is minimal. This is ideal for everyone who seeks a pleasant experience for beauty treatments. Treatment Areas Tesslift Soft enables the comeback of your original natural firm and healthy skin. This treatment focuses on overcoming sagging areas that lead to face lines such as forehead lines, flaccid tissues, lower eyelids, nasolabial folds (smile lines), skin furrows (in the neck and cheek area), double chin, etc. Get rid of your sagging skin and face lines now with Trambellir …
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How to Stay Beautiful While Traveling
Girl, you’ve come to the right place By Azra Shuib | December 18th, 2019 If you’re a traveller who drives long distances or flies to another part of the world, you know how challenging it is to stay fresh and look well-rested. Though your energy says 10 locations more, your face says bed in the hotel room. Travelling is no doubt fun, but it can take a heavy toll on your skin, hair or even health. Take our tips to look good while travelling. 1. Wear Sunscreen No matter how far you go, you can never escape the sun. Ultraviolet rays can damage your skin by increasing your risks to get pigmentation, wrinkles and other skin issues. So apply and reapply sunscreen wherever you go, especially when you are going to be under the sun for a long time. Now you can go on your adventure without worries. 2. Stay Hydrated Enough water will not only keep you energized and healthy, it will also keep your skin supple. You can say that you’re not thirsty but your skin doesn’t lie. When you’re healthy and fit, it will show on your skin. You don’t have to drink so frequently, but make sure you’re getting the proper amount of water that you need to get through the day. 3. Smell Good You may not have the chance to get a long, nice bath while you travel but that’s not a reason to not smell good, right? Use your favourite deodorant to avoid bad body odour lingering on you and make you (and other people) feel uncomfortable. In addition, bring some wet wipes to clean your hands and face conveniently during your travels. And it’s good to bring along your most treasured perfume too. Just a few spritzes can boost your overall glow. 4. Take A Rest, Or Book A Relaxation Session Continuously exploring by walking, hiking or swimming is exciting, but tiring to your body. Take enough rests in between vigorous activities to look after your body. You can do so by getting enough sleep, lying down by the beach or just spending time in a cosy cafe. But if you’re in places like Thailand, why not make your travels even more memorable by spending time in a massage session. Not only will you feel more energized, but you will also look better and healthier too. 5. Beauty Treatments On The Go What’s so great about beauty treatments abroad? Well, they can be cheaper and secondly, why wouldn’t you take the chance to dazzle with flawless skin while on your travels? And there are a lot of beauty treatments that require no downtime too, so you can get a quick session and continue your travels with rejuvenated skin. With Trambellir, you don’t have to waste time researching the best clinics for beauty treatments. Just go to our website to look for your preferred destinations and beauty treatments. We have a lot of information on our page so you can book the best one safely and securely! Here are some suggestions: Orchid Beauty Package @ Bali || Aqua Peel @ Seoul || Massage Relaxation @ Phuket || Pure Nature Facial @ Kuala Lumpur Or go to our website to find more destinations and treatments! Happy travelling! …
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Happy Lift: The Non-Invasive Instant Face Lift (Tokyo, Japan)
A V-shaped face - a dream come true. By Kath Wong | December 17th, 2019 These days, a v-shaped face can be achieved within your lunch break, and Happy Lift is one of the treatments existing for the purpose. Happy Lift is a non-invasive facelift treatment that focuses on midface lifting for aging skin as well as premature aging ones. Premature aging skin does not need to always mean the formation of unwanted pigmentation, it can be the definition for the already sagging skin - the skin that refuses to lift and stay in a place like the babies. How Happy Lift is different from the others The common thread lifts require multiple threads to actually succeed in performing a perfect facelift. For Happy Lift, only 2 threads, with one on each side of the face, are needed to complete the full treatment. Other than the reduced amount of threads used, Happy Lift has a unique technology for the threads. The threads, unlike the others, are made of poly-L-lactic acid and caprolactone (PCA) instead of PDO; it is believed to prolong the absorption up to 18 months so that the lift effect can stay longer. Moreover, these threads are designed with barbs that spread out like tiny blossoms under the skin to lift the tissues upwards firmly and effectively, as only 2 threads are doing the job. Last but not least, the threads have another function more than just lifting and the effect that helps to last longer than 18 months: they have the ability to stimulate collagen and elastin production from the inner layer of the skin. This is probably the best point as we all love things that are natural. Other than a v-shaped face, what else can Happy Lift treat? Happy Lift helps to strengthen skin structure, remove fine lines and wrinkles, balance out the uneven eyebrows, revive sagging eyebrows, cheeks and neck, create a more defined jawline, smoothen nasolabial folds (smile lines) and rejuvenate overall appearance. Happy Lift can be for men as well Aging skin can happen as fast to both men and women; Happy Lift is suitable for both genders of all skin types who seek a convenient, minimally invasive non-surgical treatment that helps to improve and prolong their youthful skin. Queen Lift: The combination of Happy Lift and Silhouette Soft (3D Lift Long) In case you are wondering if Happy Lift can be done with other treatments to give even better results for the entire face - the answer is yes, you can have both treatments done at the same time for the ultimate 3D result as Silhouette Soft concentrates on the visible face lines throughout the face other than the areas Happy Lift has covered. …
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Tummy Tuck - The Last Resort for Flat and Firm Stomach (Bangkok, Thailand)
Are you considering a Tummy Tuck procedure? Make sure you read this first! By Kath Wong | December 13th, 2019 Are you fed up with the excess fat and skin around your abdomen? No matter how hard you tried losing those fats by going on diet plans and exercising but they just don’t work the way they do anymore, and you still insist on the idea of getting them removed - the last resort for you may want to consider would be “Tummy tuck”. What is Tummy Tuck? A tummy tuck is a cosmetic surgical procedure performed to boost your body image by giving your abdominal area a more flattened appearance. In order to achieve that, the procedure involves removing excess fat as well as skin from your abdomen with a minimal incisional technique. The treatment might also have been known by its other name: Abdominoplasty. When the excess skin and fat are removed, connective tissues within the abdomen are usually tightened up with sutures and the remaining skin left is used to tone and shape the area by repositioning it. Although the incision for this treatment is minimal, however, Tummy Tuck is considered to be a major surgery that is certainly not an alternative to weight loss. Who Tummy Tuck is really for? Now, you might wonder who are the best candidates for this treatment. A tummy tuck is most appropriate for non-smokers with a good physical condition and stable weight that have lost elasticity in their skin and hence have the inability for their skin to return to their original appearance before all the fats invade, even after losing weight. One of the groups of people that match the category described above is women after giving birth. There are a number of women that have decided to proceed with Tummy tuck after pregnancy, as the body actually does some almost-permanent changes to them, such as stretching of skin and muscles; this makes space for fats to build up and for skin to sag dramatically. Before undergoing the treatment, they should make sure that they no longer have plans for more children in the future. On the other hand, people with fat localized in the lower part of the abdomen are suitable to undergo a partial abdominoplasty, or known as mini-tummy tuck; this is a less invasive procedure that requires shorter incisions length-wise. The preparation before Tummy Tuck The first and most important rule is no smoking. If you are a smoker, it is a must to stop completely for at least 2 weeks before as well as after the surgery because smoking contributes to the risk of complications and thus delay the healing process. A well-balanced diet is very important for the healing process, make sure you have proper meals and do not try to fast for weight loss before the surgery. Some medications may need to be stopped for a certain period; it is better to make a list of the medications you take and consult the surgeon before everything. Here is the list of recommended things to prepare for post-operative care: ・Ice packs ・Comfortable clothing ・Petroleum jelly for incision sites ・Bathroom chair The Recovery and Complications Recovery can vary from 2 weeks to 2 months where pain and swelling can be felt for days, and soreness can last for several weeks, depending on your condition. During the recovery period, strenuous activity as well as lifting heavy objects should be avoided. Moreover, Numbness and tiredness may also be experienced. It is important to know that tummy tuck treatment can leave permanent scars of the incisions, which may be further dealt with after the recovery by certain creams or ointments. Other than that, complications that are rare include infection, internal bleeding and blood clots that can cause trouble breathing. Everything on Earth involves little risks, just that some things are actually worth considering - Tummy Tuck. Tummy Tuck @ Bangkok You might also like …
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The Healing Advantages of Acupuncture (Bangkok, Thailand)
There's a lot of reasons why it's still here even after 2,000 years. By Azra Shuib | December 12th, 2019 Acupuncture is well-known all over the world. Even when a lot of people are afraid of needles, it’s still one of the most sought-after pain relief treatments. For those of you who still don’t know, acupuncture is performed by inserting very thin needles through a person's skin at specific points on the body. It is a 2,000-year-old Traditional Chinese Medicine that describes as many as 356 mapped points situated on meridians or channels of energy flow on the surface of our body. The many benefits of getting an Acupuncture If you have pain management issues, allergies, migraines, sinusitis, osteoarthritis, tennis elbow or post-stroke paralysis, you may want to consider acupuncture. Even if you’re just seeking a treatment to help you relax and feel more energized after, acupuncture is a suitable treatment. Here are some of the top advantages of acupuncture: 1. Helps manage pain and reduces inflammation Continuously sitting with poor posture at work will lead to back pain. Acupuncture can help you to better deal with pain by increasing circulation to relieve tight muscles. It can also help to soothe swelling and inflammation since acupuncture is a natural anti-inflammatory treatment that can boost the production of your body’s natural painkillers. 2. Relieves headaches Acupuncture is a famous treatment for headaches, especially if you want a drug-free remedy. It can also help to reduce your sick days due to migraines. 3. Improves women’s health Small-scale studies have shown that with consistent acupuncture, women can reduce menstrual pain over time. It also helps you to sleep better and relieve the psychological repercussions of fertility treatments if you’re getting any. 4. Improves osteoarthritis pain Studies have concluded that people who got acupuncture reported slightly less pain compared to those who didn’t get the treatment. Although the results are not significant enough, for patients suffering from osteoarthritis pain, even a slight improvement is a great relief. 5. Relaxing and reduces stress Acupuncture can help to reduce stress hormones and anxiety. The treatment itself is very relaxing. It applies Qi in Chinese medicine that focuses on restoring balance and well-being. Acupuncture may be what your body needs to help strengthen itself to an optimum level for you to function well and great. If you are in Bangkok, why not book a session with our affiliated centre. Click the link below to book or find out more: Acupuncture @ Bangkok You might also like …
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MINT Lift: Not The Ordinary Thread Lift (Tokyo, Japan)
MINT Lift: The Ultimate Non-surgical Face Lift By Kath Wong | December 10th, 2019 In youth, we might have not been familiar with fine lines, face lines, wrinkles, droopy eyelids and saggy skin but as we age, they become our best friends that stay for a long, long time. The reason why aging people no longer have volume and firmness in their skin is mainly that the production of collagen decides to abandon us. As a consequence, our skin sags bit by bit each day, losing its ability to retain our fresh and lively facial appearance. Fortunately, right at the moment when we thought there is nothing we could do but to reminisce the youth times and accept the fact, MINT Lift shines its way through to the rescue. What is MINT Lift? An FDA-approved thread lift that makes use of the safe absorbable barbed suture materials to perform lifts for facial tissues and to increase collagen production, especially around the treated area. MINT Lift apparently is the abbreviation for Minimally Invasive Non-surgical Thread Lift; while many of you may wonder, isn't this is just another thread lift method like the previous ones? Well, MINT Lift is a new treatment option available to ensure that minimal invasive can actually support the maximal lift. MINT Lift is the only FDA approved PDO thread lift Compared to the others, the threads for MINT Lift have moulded barbs, arrowheads-shaped and arranged neatly in a helical configuration to function as hooks for lifting up skin in a 3-dimensional fashion. It is made of polydioxanone, which is completely biodegradable over time. MINT Lift, as known to promote minimally invasive method with the maximal result can be done within 15 minutes and have the long-lasting effect that lasts up to a year. The treatment results in an immediate natural lift effect without looking all swelled up. That’s not just it for MINT Lift MINT Lift may be relatively new to the market, but it assures stronger lifting power with better specification designs that everyone should consider going for. Despite this treatment focuses on restoring our lost youth by encouraging sharper jawline and V-line for the total refreshing look, its function does not just stop there; collagen stimulation is promoted along with the lift to improve skin texture, fine lines, as well as skin elasticity. As a result: 6 to 8 months after MINT PDO is completely absorbed by the body, the remaining effect will last for an extra 3 to 6 months due to the collagen production. For the long list of benefits cut short, it is an amazing treatment option for the soon-to-be-aging ones to look out for. Explore The Treatment Today And Stay Gold With Trambellir: 3D Mint Lift @ Tokyo You might also like …
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Why Your Skin Will Love Electroporation Facial (Bangkok, Thailand)
Flood your skin with goodness without injections. By Azra Shuib | December 6th, 2019 Our skin barrier is a gift. It is our fortress that protects us from potential irritants and allergens that can cause acne, increased sensitivity and dryness. But that also means that it won’t be easy for skincare products to sink into the deep layers of the epidermis. Have you ever layered up your serum and moisturizer to combat dry skin, but somehow it is never enough? And worse, you end up clogging up your pores and this leads to more skin issues - what a way to give you more stress right? But there is a method to get your skin to open its ‘door’ and let miraculous ingredients of a product penetrate deeper into the skin. By getting the goodness to get into your dermal layers, your skin conditions will improve overtime and continue to make corrective changes. Introducing electroporation, a procedure in which an externally applied electrical field causes an increase in the electrical conductivity and permeability of the cell plasma membrane. In simpler language, electroporation allows penetration of whatever ingredients you want to send into the skin, and leave it there in the interior of your skin cells. The nutrients will stay there to continue making great progress to your skin. These ‘nutrients’ we are talking about may be helping in collagen production, increasing hydration levels, rejuvenation or other skin issues you want to improve. Currently, studies on electroporation focus on physically enhancing skin penetration through high voltage, short duration pulses applied to the skin. This has been shown to effectively enhance skin penetration of molecules and water-based compounds and may be able to deliver compounds such as skin nutrients and growth factors into the skin more effectively. Among the advantages of electroporation facial: ・Reduces wrinkles and creases ・Improves pigmentation, mild acne, melasma ・Improves skin permeability ・Smoothens and tightens skin ・Brightening effect ・Non-invasive ・No downtime ・Skin will continue to improve over time Trust us when we say your skin will love electroporation facial. For the best results of the treatment, you are recommended to repeat the session twice a week in 4-6 weeks. Considering the benefits, it’s worth trying for a better skin texture. But before you go… Please be informed that electroporation facial is not suitable for those who: ・Use a pacemaker ・Have a muscular or nervous disease ・Suffer from epilepsy ・Are pregnant or breastfeeding ・Are being treated for cancer or malignant tumours ・Have orthopaedic implants So now what are you waiting for? Book a session today with Trambellir. Easy, fast, safe and secure! Just click the link down below for better skin ahead: Electroporation @ Bangkok You might also like …
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Blue Rose Lifting: Non-surgical Face Lift (Tokyo, Japan)
One of your To-Do Lists to Stay Young and Lifted! By Kath Wong | December 3 2019 Ladies! When reaching your 30's you might start to notice all the visible face lines, wrinkles, sagging skin and there is nothing you can do but to stop and wonder: “is it time for me to start looking for ways to maintain my youthful face?” The answer is yes, if you want to look young like in your early 20's, you better start now. There are various types of treatment available for different types of skin and concerns, you just really have to read up and choose the right one! For today, one of the well-known face lift treatments will be introduced here - Blue Rose Lifting. Blue Rose Lifting, is a non-surgical facelift procedure that uses medical thread with rose stem’s thorns-like hooks to give lift-up effect for sagging skin. Why Blue Rose Lifting? First things first, Blue Rose Lifting has been approved by the US FDA and KFDA in the means of fixing facial tissues for a facelift procedure. Moreover, it has a rather strong lifting effect (by 3 times) compared to the other existing threads; with the hooks that are similar to rose thorns, the procedure is ensured to be a very effective way to tighten and firm the skin. Nonetheless, as the Blue Rose Lift threads are made by molding method where the tensile strength can actually be well-maintained at 100%, this further assures that Blue Rose Lifting provides a long-lasting face lift effect. Some of the main advantages for Blue Rose Lifting include: ・Immediate effect - the moment threads are inserted, results of the sagging skin being lift up can be observed right away. ・Skin elasticity increased - once the threads are inserted into the areas that need to be treated, the process for cellular tissues to stimulate collagen synthesis would start immediately to boost skin elasticity. ・Side effects and downtime reduced - with this treatment compared to the conventional thread lifts, swelling afterwards is minimized along with scarring that could appear from almost visible to none. Best Candidates for Blue Rose Lifting: Women at any age are welcomed to proceed with Blue Rose Lifting treatment; though the early, the better as it would be more effective and gives more optimum results. The treatment is suitable for everyone who wish to see an instant improvement with just one session of face lift. Face lifting may give the first impression that is only to be used for aging skins, but that is not just what it can do; Blue Rose Face Lifting can also help with women who do not adore their plumply facial figure and wish to have a more egg-shaped face, like how models do. Some other information you might want to know about Blue Rose Lifting ・Blue Rose Lifting is categorized as one of the “Lunchtime facelift” ・Uses biodegradable threads for the treatment ・Does not make large incisions ・Can be done without general anesthesia ・Normal daily lives can be carried on right after the treatment ・V line face can be achieved Click the link below for more info or to make a booking: You might also like …
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Which Facial Should I Choose and How Often Should I Get It?
Answering it according to your skin types. By Azra Shuib | December 2 2019 With innovation continuously driving facials to popularity and efficacy, it’s so easy to be overwhelmed by the options while finding the right one for your skin. Which one is right for you? And how often should you go for facials? And when you’re ready to dedicate your funds and time to go for facials to achieve your skin goals, how can you ensure that you’re maximizing the benefits without irritating the skin at all? The General Rule Experts say that an ideal time frame to get facials is once every month. It’s the best frequency since your skin cell turnover cycle is 28 days. But this also depends on your lifestyle and age. Younger people have beautiful skin at its peak, so getting very frequent facials shouldn't be necessary. But as you get older, you might need to tweak your skin care routine to stimulate the growth of collagen. If you’re above 25... Remember, your body will stop producing collagen by your late twenties so taking care of your skin now will pay you later. Treatments like microdermabrasion is a great way to slough off dead skin cells and reveal fresher skin. For this treatment, you can book a session for once in two months. For aging skin… There are a plethora of facials for aging skin. Getting facials that aim to smooth out wrinkles and stimulate your body’s collagen production is a game changer for many. The frequency of facial treatments vary depending on your skin condition and the treatment itself. It may range from once a month to once a week. You can go for lasers like this anti aging laser skin treatment or WISHPro treatment. If you can’t commit to multiple sessions, try dermal fillers where the plumping effects can last from 6 to 12 months. For sensitive skin… You don’t have to deprive yourself of good facials that can soothe and pamper your skin. And you also don't need frequent facials as to avoid upsetting your skin, but calming treatments can provide a lot of benefits. Try Cryotherapy Facial that can rejuvenate sensitive skin while providing adequate moisture. Maintenance sessions are not required, but if your skin loves it, getting a cryotherapy facial 2 to 3 times a week for 2 to 3 weeks is recommended. For oily and acne-prone skin... You are recommended to schedule regular sessions until your skin clears up. This can let the treatments to cope with your oil production and cell turnover rate. Some products may not work to clear out your breakouts, so letting aestheticians and dermatologists assess your skin might be the best solution. Try Quintessential Facial, an award-winning facial treatment for acne. For this facial, can schedule maintenance sessions once or twice a month. Trambellir has a lot of cosmetic dermatology treatments and locations for you to choose from. Just go to our website at and you can choose any health or beauty treatments desired. You deserve to be pampered, and so does your skin. You might also like …
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How to Choose the Right Fertility Treatments
Realizing your parenthood dreams. By Azra Shuib | November 29 2019 Waiting for a bun in the oven can take an emotional toll after years of trying. But know that you are not alone, and this is certainly not an isolated case. This situation happens to every 1 of 7 couples, which is much more common than you think. And you don’t have to go through it alone. Fertility treatments can help you conceive and assist you throughout pregnancy to deliver your bundle of joy you have always been waiting for. If you’re struggling with infertility, there are fertility treatments that aim to either fix the cause of infertility or use technologies such as IVF or IUI to aid in conceiving. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) This is the most common kind of fertility treatment in which the sperm and eggs are joined in a small dish in the laboratory in order to allow fertilization to take place before being transferred into the uterus. Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) Using a very delicate microneedle, a single healthy sperm will be injected into the centre of the egg. This method is usually performed if the sperms have difficulty penetrating the egg or if the sperm count is rather low. The ability of the sperm to penetrate the egg is then no longer important as this has been assisted by the ICSI method. Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) Similar to IVF, but the embryo is cryopreserved or frozen before being transferred to the uterus. The frozen embryo will be placed back in the uterus at the right time of the month. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) Using a small catheter to put washed sperm into uterus. This is always done after minimal stimulation of medications or injections. Semen Analysis A common test for males. It is used to evaluate the characteristics of the semen and determine the sperm’s number and quality. Fertility Screening A few tests will be made in order to determine the health of fertility. This can be done for couples, advanced age women and men. Egg Freezing Also known as oocyte preservation, egg freezing involves harvesting and then preserving your oocytes so that you can delay having children. Egg freezing is also suitable for those undergoing systemic chemotherapy or other therapies thought to be a threat to reproductive potential. It’s important to undergo fertility screening and checkup. There are many factors that influence the success rate of fertility treatments. Repeated treatments may be necessary as there is no 100% guarantee that the treatment will result in conception. So it is best to consult with our affiliated specialist to evaluate your personal circumstances properly. However, it goes without saying that taking care of yourself throughout the journey is the most important. Taking care of yourself is not selfish. Read up people’s experiences and talk to your loved ones who can understand what you are going through. Discuss your expectations with your doctor so that you’ll be adequately informed. And during this difficult time, it is not wrong to step away from negativity. Our affiliated clinic, Sunway Medical Centre in Selangor, Malaysia can help you in getting your best fertility treatment. There are also a few other similar treatments that can be done in Argentina too. Browse through our link here to learn more or make a booking easily: You might also like …
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Get A Naturally Youthful Look With Dermal Fillers
Full cheeks, youthful skin, plump lips - here I come. By Azra Shuib | November 28 2019 Young people are lucky to have naturally plump skin, pouty lips and full cheeks. Older ones are lucky too - they can opt for dermal fillers. If you think the inescapable process of aging has gone against your facial appearance, don’t give up just yet. Dermal fillers are injections done to fill up wrinkles so your skin will look plumper. It is also used in lips enhancement. And no, it won’t look unnatural - when done by the right doctor, the changes will look so subtle, but everyone will notice just how gorgeous and youthful you look. What is it? Dermal fillers are made of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance found in your body. Bonus point - since it's natural, it is safe. And hyaluronic acid has the ability to store moisture which helps to maintain skin hydration. As you age, the body’s natural production of hyaluronic acid decreases, which is why your skin will lose volume. But if you get a hyaluronic injection, it can help in giving you a naturally plump skin - which is why dermal fillers are desirable by many. Unlike Botox or Dysport that freeze muscles to reduce wrinkles, fillers smooth out skin by restoring volume. They can be injected into the forehead, temples, crow’s feet, upper and lower cheeks, lips, nose and other desired areas. What do dermal fillers treat? ・Volume loss on the face ・Wrinkles and skin folds ・Tear Trough ・Chin Elongation ・Temples ・Nasolabial fold ・Sagging cheeks and hands ・Thin lips You don’t have to wait so long to get dermal fillers. Aging process can happen quickly. Experts don’t agree over a specific age that we start losing collagen; but the generally agreed age is 25. Which is pretty young, right? And your collagen and elastin levels will continue to decline each year until your body stops producing it altogether by your late twenties. Will the effects be permanent? The effects will last from 6-12 months. This depends on the brand, thickness, treated area, skin type, lifestyle, age and many other factors. So despite being not permanent, the effects are long lasting. And if the effects have diminished, you can always go for another treatment. Does it hurt? Who injects you matters as it can be painful if carried out by a person who is not very skilled. Basic procedure does not require anesthesia as the filler contains local anaesthetic. It involves a direct injection into the skin and takes only about 1/2 hour maximum per area. You may experience slight pressure as the product is being injected, but it will be tolerable. Look for certified and safe clinics to avoid side effects like serious redness, swelling or bruising at the injection site. And why not book through Trambellir? We can make bookings a lot easier. There are many locations offered and since the treatment requires no recovery time, you can straight away enjoy your travels after the treatment. What’s more, booking with us is safe and easy so you will not have to worry about anything else during your trip. Click the link below for more info and to make a booking: You might also like …
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Pause Aging With Cheek Implants (Bangkok, Thailand)
Fill in your cheeks, and lift everything up. By Azra Shuib | November 27 2019 Having full, refined cheeks can do wonders to your face. You can reduce up to 10 years off your facial appearance when you have full and smooth cheeks. Your smile will definitely shine even more radiantly with prominent and epic facial angles. As you age, face tissues can become thinner and less firm. You can always buy expensive anti aging creams, but when underlying issues are beginning to surface, it’s time to get things done from the inside out. And getting cheek implants is a good option. With cheek implants, you can add more volume and improve facial contours. It goes beyond getting a younger appearance too. Cheek implants can help to restore a more natural look to the face after a reconstructive surgery, serious illness or traumatic injury. The best thing? It's a permanent solution. The implants are manufactured in various thickness, sizes, and shapes. And the doctor will determine the best for you during medical consultation and examination. How does it work? Using silicone as the implant, your cheeks will increase in size, which will provide more balance to your overall facial appearance. The implants are inserted through an incision made inside the mouth in order to prevent visible scarring post-surgery. Our affiliated clinic offers cheek implant procedures that can be done under either local or general anesthesia. Here are the advantages of having cheek implants: ・Improves flat and sagging cheeks ・Non-visible incision/scar ・Provides a more balanced/proportioned facial appearance ・Permanent results ・Feels and looks natural What to expect after getting your instant plump cheeks? Note that swelling and bruising are typical. You may also experience a degree of numbness that will normally subside in 1 to 3 months after surgery. Extensive pain is not typical; however, if you have a low threshold for pain, ask your surgeon to prescribe an analgesic in advance. Results can be observed immediately. At first, swelling may cause the implants to appear larger than they actually are. It may take a couple of months to see a more refined result. Check out the link for more info on our affiliated clinic or to make a booking: You might also like …
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