Trambellir Articles

Quick Q&A: HIFU Skin Lifting

What You Need To Know Before HIFU Skin Lifting. By Kath Wong | December 4 2019 High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) is the only non-invasive treatment that can target the deeper layer of skin without utilizing any surgical procedures. It is also the only treatment which uses ultrasound imaging to view the layers of tissue that are being targeted and ensures that HIFU is transmitted effectively into the problematic areas. HIFU deposits focused ultrasound energy below the surface of the skin to contract the facial layer as well as to stimulate the body’s creation of new collagen. As a result, the skin will actually begin to lift and tone over the course of 60-90 days. HIFU is also known as Lunch-Time Face lift, as the full-face treatment takes around just 60 mins, and a partial face or brow lift treatment can take around 45 mins -90 mins to complete with zero downtime. Which type of procedure HIFU is? Will there be any downtime? HIFU is a 100% non-invasive procedure that deals with the skin and support layers below it without incisions or disturbing the surface of the skin involved. As for the downtime, HIFU does not have any; soon after the treatment, you can return to your daily life carefree. Is HIFU Treatment Safe? How long can the effect last? HIFU is considered to be the safest techniques known for face lifting as well as tightening; several clinical studies have been done along with the actual treatments successfully performed worldwide. For HIFU, the effect usually lasts for 1-2 years; but it is recommended to return for a yearly touch up to be ahead of the aging process. Can HIFU be considered as an alternative to Facelift surgery? How long can the effect last? Although HIFU provides the safest treatment for face lifting, there are certain cases in which the person requires an actual facelift surgery instead of HIFU. Nonetheless, HIFU is an option available for the ones who are not ready to commit for any surgical facelift just yet or those who are seeking ways to prolong the effects of cosmetic surgery done previously without going for another incisional treatment. Who Is A Good Candidate For HIFU Treatment? HIFU is suitable for people in their late 20's with skin that has begun to sag or wish for face to have a better lift. For women in their 30's and above, HIFU is useful for the stimulation of collagen production to occur and hence this can help to slow the aging process. Is there any side effects for HIFU? There were cases that have been reported: six patients with erythema and swelling, and two patients with purpura and bruising. However, these conditions were known to be resolved within 2 weeks time without any permanent complications. To book HIFU treatment in Malaysia or Thailand, click the link below:   You might also like

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Blue Rose Lifting: Non-surgical Face Lift (Tokyo, Japan)

One of your To-Do Lists to Stay Young and Lifted! By Kath Wong | December 3 2019 Ladies! When reaching your 30's you might start to notice all the visible face lines, wrinkles, sagging skin and there is nothing you can do but to stop and wonder: “is it time for me to start looking for ways to maintain my youthful face?” The answer is yes, if you want to look young like in your early 20's, you better start now. There are various types of treatment available for different types of skin and concerns, you just really have to read up and choose the right one! For today, one of the well-known face lift treatments will be introduced here - Blue Rose Lifting. Blue Rose Lifting, is a non-surgical facelift procedure that uses medical thread with rose stem’s thorns-like hooks to give lift-up effect for sagging skin. Why Blue Rose Lifting? First things first, Blue Rose Lifting has been approved by the US FDA and KFDA in the means of fixing facial tissues for a facelift procedure. Moreover, it has a rather strong lifting effect (by 3 times) compared to the other existing threads; with the hooks that are similar to rose thorns, the procedure is ensured to be a very effective way to tighten and firm the skin. Nonetheless, as the Blue Rose Lift threads are made by molding method where the tensile strength can actually be well-maintained at 100%, this further assures that Blue Rose Lifting provides a long-lasting face lift effect. Some of the main advantages for Blue Rose Lifting include: ・Immediate effect - the moment threads are inserted, results of the sagging skin being lift up can be observed right away. ・Skin elasticity increased - once the threads are inserted into the areas that need to be treated, the process for cellular tissues to stimulate collagen synthesis would start immediately to boost skin elasticity. ・Side effects and downtime reduced - with this treatment compared to the conventional thread lifts, swelling afterwards is minimized along with scarring that could appear from almost visible to none. Best Candidates for Blue Rose Lifting: Women at any age are welcomed to proceed with Blue Rose Lifting treatment; though the early, the better as it would be more effective and gives more optimum results. The treatment is suitable for everyone who wish to see an instant improvement with just one session of face lift. Face lifting may give the first impression that is only to be used for aging skins, but that is not just what it can do; Blue Rose Face Lifting can also help with women who do not adore their plumply facial figure and wish to have a more egg-shaped face, like how models do. Some other information you might want to know about Blue Rose Lifting ・Blue Rose Lifting is categorized as one of the “Lunchtime facelift” ・Uses biodegradable threads for the treatment ・Does not make large incisions ・Can be done without general anesthesia ・Normal daily lives can be carried on right after the treatment ・V line face can be achieved Click the link below for more info or to make a booking:   You might also like

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Which Facial Should I Choose and How Often Should I Get It?

Answering it according to your skin types. By Azra Shuib | December 2 2019 With innovation continuously driving facials to popularity and efficacy, it’s so easy to be overwhelmed by the options while finding the right one for your skin. Which one is right for you? And how often should you go for facials? And when you’re ready to dedicate your funds and time to go for facials to achieve your skin goals, how can you ensure that you’re maximizing the benefits without irritating the skin at all? The General Rule Experts say that an ideal time frame to get facials is once every month. It’s the best frequency since your skin cell turnover cycle is 28 days. But this also depends on your lifestyle and age. Younger people have beautiful skin at its peak, so getting very frequent facials shouldn't be necessary. But as you get older, you might need to tweak your skin care routine to stimulate the growth of collagen. If you’re above 25... Remember, your body will stop producing collagen by your late twenties so taking care of your skin now will pay you later. Treatments like microdermabrasion is a great way to slough off dead skin cells and reveal fresher skin. For this treatment, you can book a session for once in two months. For aging skin… There are a plethora of facials for aging skin. Getting facials that aim to smooth out wrinkles and stimulate your body’s collagen production is a game changer for many. The frequency of facial treatments vary depending on your skin condition and the treatment itself. It may range from once a month to once a week. You can go for lasers like this anti aging laser skin treatment or WISHPro treatment. If you can’t commit to multiple sessions, try dermal fillers where the plumping effects can last from 6 to 12 months.  For sensitive skin… You don’t have to deprive yourself of good facials that can soothe and pamper your skin. And you also don't need frequent facials as to avoid upsetting your skin, but calming treatments can provide a lot of benefits. Try Cryotherapy Facial that can rejuvenate sensitive skin while providing adequate moisture. Maintenance sessions are not required, but if your skin loves it, getting a cryotherapy facial 2 to 3 times a week for 2 to 3 weeks is recommended. For oily and acne-prone skin... You are recommended to schedule regular sessions until your skin clears up. This can let the treatments to cope with your oil production and cell turnover rate. Some products may not work to clear out your breakouts, so letting aestheticians and dermatologists assess your skin might be the best solution. Try Quintessential Facial, an award-winning facial treatment for acne. For this facial, can schedule maintenance sessions once or twice a month. Trambellir has a lot of cosmetic dermatology treatments and locations for you to choose from. Just go to our website at and you can choose any health or beauty treatments desired. You deserve to be pampered, and so does your skin.   You might also like

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How to Choose the Right Fertility Treatments

Realizing your parenthood dreams. By Azra Shuib | November 29 2019 Waiting for a bun in the oven can take an emotional toll after years of trying. But know that you are not alone, and this is certainly not an isolated case. This situation happens to every 1 of 7 couples, which is much more common than you think. And you don’t have to go through it alone. Fertility treatments can help you conceive and assist you throughout pregnancy to deliver your bundle of joy you have always been waiting for. If you’re struggling with infertility, there are fertility treatments that aim to either fix the cause of infertility or use technologies such as IVF or IUI to aid in conceiving. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) This is the most common kind of fertility treatment in which the sperm and eggs are joined in a small dish in the laboratory in order to allow fertilization to take place before being transferred into the uterus. Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) Using a very delicate microneedle, a single healthy sperm will be injected into the centre of the egg. This method is usually performed if the sperms have difficulty penetrating the egg or if the sperm count is rather low. The ability of the sperm to penetrate the egg is then no longer important as this has been assisted by the ICSI method. Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) Similar to IVF, but the embryo is cryopreserved or frozen before being transferred to the uterus. The frozen embryo will be placed back in the uterus at the right time of the month. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) Using a small catheter to put washed sperm into uterus. This is always done after minimal stimulation of medications or injections. Semen Analysis A common test for males. It is used to evaluate the characteristics of the semen and determine the sperm’s number and quality. Fertility Screening A few tests will be made in order to determine the health of fertility. This can be done for couples, advanced age women and men. Egg Freezing Also known as oocyte preservation, egg freezing involves harvesting and then preserving your oocytes so that you can delay having children. Egg freezing is also suitable for those undergoing systemic chemotherapy or other therapies thought to be a threat to reproductive potential. It’s important to undergo fertility screening and checkup. There are many factors that influence the success rate of fertility treatments. Repeated treatments may be necessary as there is no 100% guarantee that the treatment will result in conception. So it is best to consult with our affiliated specialist to evaluate your personal circumstances properly. However, it goes without saying that taking care of yourself throughout the journey is the most important. Taking care of yourself is not selfish. Read up people’s experiences and talk to your loved ones who can understand what you are going through. Discuss your expectations with your doctor so that you’ll be adequately informed. And during this difficult time, it is not wrong to step away from negativity.   Our affiliated clinic, Sunway Medical Centre in Selangor, Malaysia can help you in getting your best fertility treatment. There are also a few other similar treatments that can be done in Argentina too. Browse through our link here to learn more or make a booking easily:   You might also like

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Get A Naturally Youthful Look With Dermal Fillers

Full cheeks, youthful skin, plump lips - here I come. By Azra Shuib | November 28 2019 Young people are lucky to have naturally plump skin, pouty lips and full cheeks. Older ones are lucky too - they can opt for dermal fillers. If you think the inescapable process of aging has gone against your facial appearance, don’t give up just yet. Dermal fillers are injections done to fill up wrinkles so your skin will look plumper. It is also used in lips enhancement. And no, it won’t look unnatural - when done by the right doctor, the changes will look so subtle, but everyone will notice just how gorgeous and youthful you look. What is it? Dermal fillers are made of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance found in your body. Bonus point - since it's natural, it is safe. And hyaluronic acid has the ability to store moisture which helps to maintain skin hydration. As you age, the body’s natural production of hyaluronic acid decreases, which is why your skin will lose volume. But if you get a hyaluronic injection, it can help in giving you a naturally plump skin - which is why dermal fillers are desirable by many. Unlike Botox or Dysport that freeze muscles to reduce wrinkles, fillers smooth out skin by restoring volume. They can be injected into the forehead, temples, crow’s feet, upper and lower cheeks, lips, nose and other desired areas. What do dermal fillers treat? ・Volume loss on the face ・Wrinkles and skin folds ・Tear Trough ・Chin Elongation ・Temples ・Nasolabial fold ・Sagging cheeks and hands ・Thin lips You don’t have to wait so long to get dermal fillers. Aging process can happen quickly. Experts don’t agree over a specific age that we start losing collagen; but the generally agreed age is 25. Which is pretty young, right? And your collagen and elastin levels will continue to decline each year until your body stops producing it altogether by your late twenties. Will the effects be permanent? The effects will last from 6-12 months. This depends on the brand, thickness, treated area, skin type, lifestyle, age and many other factors. So despite being not permanent, the effects are long lasting. And if the effects have diminished, you can always go for another treatment. Does it hurt? Who injects you matters as it can be painful if carried out by a person who is not very skilled. Basic procedure does not require anesthesia as the filler contains local anaesthetic. It involves a direct injection into the skin and takes only about 1/2 hour maximum per area. You may experience slight pressure as the product is being injected, but it will be tolerable. Look for certified and safe clinics to avoid side effects like serious redness, swelling or bruising at the injection site. And why not book through Trambellir? We can make bookings a lot easier.  There are many locations offered and since the treatment requires no recovery time, you can straight away enjoy your travels after the treatment. What’s more, booking with us is safe and easy so you will not have to worry about anything else during your trip. Click the link below for more info and to make a booking:   You might also like

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Pause Aging With Cheek Implants (Bangkok, Thailand)

Fill in your cheeks, and lift everything up. By Azra Shuib | November 27 2019 Having full, refined cheeks can do wonders to your face. You can reduce up to 10 years off your facial appearance when you have full and smooth cheeks. Your smile will definitely shine even more radiantly with prominent and epic facial angles. As you age, face tissues can become thinner and less firm. You can always buy expensive anti aging creams, but when underlying issues are beginning to surface, it’s time to get things done from the inside out. And getting cheek implants is a good option. With cheek implants, you can add more volume and improve facial contours. It goes beyond getting a younger appearance too. Cheek implants can help to restore a more natural look to the face after a reconstructive surgery, serious illness or traumatic injury. The best thing? It's a permanent solution. The implants are manufactured in various thickness, sizes, and shapes. And the doctor will determine the best for you during medical consultation and examination. How does it work? Using silicone as the implant, your cheeks will increase in size, which will provide more balance to your overall facial appearance. The implants are inserted through an incision made inside the mouth in order to prevent visible scarring post-surgery. Our affiliated clinic offers cheek implant procedures that can be done under either local or general anesthesia. Here are the advantages of having cheek implants: ・Improves flat and sagging cheeks ・Non-visible incision/scar ・Provides a more balanced/proportioned facial appearance ・Permanent results ・Feels and looks natural What to expect after getting your instant plump cheeks? Note that swelling and bruising are typical. You may also experience a degree of numbness that will normally subside in 1 to 3 months after surgery. Extensive pain is not typical; however, if you have a low threshold for pain, ask your surgeon to prescribe an analgesic in advance. Results can be observed immediately. At first, swelling may cause the implants to appear larger than they actually are. It may take a couple of months to see a more refined result. Check out the link for more info on our affiliated clinic or to make a booking:   You might also like

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Identify What Your Body Needs With Micronutrient Test (Phuket, Thailand)

Identify What Your Body Needs With Micronutrient Test (Phuket, Thailand) By Kath Wong | November 27 2019 First Things First Have you ever heard of Micronutrient Test? Or have you come across the term “micronutrients” and wonder what does it really mean and how is it different from the typical nutrients? Here’s the answer: Micronutrients are nothing else but just a word to represent one of the major groups of nutrients that your body requires - vitamins and minerals! Vitamins and minerals cannot be produced automatically by the body, you must obtain them from your diet. Although your body does not need a lot of micronutrients, they are vital for body development, disease prevention as well as your overall well-being. Types of Micronutrients and their Overall Benefits: There are 2 forms of vitamins available: water-soluble and fat-soluble. Water-soluble vitamins (vitamin B and C) stay in your body for only a short period because the body is unable to store them for a long time and will be excreted in urine. So you need to replace the water-soluble vitamins more often than the fat-soluble ones. Fat-soluble vitamins (vitamin A, D, E, K) tend to accumulate within your body and daily replacement is not necessary. There are also 2 forms of minerals available: macrominerals and microminerals. Macrominerals include calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium. They are needed in larger amounts than microminerals. Microminerals are needed only in small amounts - these include iron, copper, iodine, zinc and fluoride. Vitamins are organic compounds that are essential for energy production, regulation of metabolism, immune function, blood clotting and many other roles. Meanwhile, minerals play an important role in growth, fluid balance, bone health and several other processes. Micronutrients are extremely necessary for your body to function properly as they take part in nearly every process of your body. In addition, certain vitamins and minerals act as antioxidants too. Overall, micronutrients provides your body with various functions: reduces systemic inflammation, protects against free radical damage, maintains healthy hormonal balance and insulin sensitivity; and slows down aging. Why You Should Take A Micronutrient Test It is difficult to track the amount of micronutrient intake in each meal you have daily. Lack or excess of micronutrients can lead to certain diseases such as arthritis, cancer, cardiovascular risk, diabetes, various immunological disorders and metabolic disorders. Micronutrient Test can assess how much micronutrients are present in your body and if they are actually functioning within white blood cells by using measuring the biochemical intracellular function of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. This test also keeps you healthy by aiding in early diagnosis of potential diseases, and thus will help you to identify what are the vitamins and minerals that you need more or lesser.   You might also like

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Top Benefits of Thai Massage (Phuket, Thailand)

Rub the stress away. By Azra Shuib | November 26 2019 You just had a tiring day at work, and you had to face a horrendous traffic jam before coming home to see your laundry piling up. It's been a stressful day and you can only get a few hours of sleep before starting all over again the next day. If you constantly face a tiring routine, it can take a toll on your body. It’s good to be proactive and excel in everything you do, but if you don’t take any rest it will eventually affect your productivity. There is also a big chance that you don’t even realize that you’re actually stressed until you reach your breaking point. Stress response is called the “fight-or-flight” reaction. This is how your body will protect you from harm when you feel threatened. During stress response, your heart rate increases, breathing quickens, muscles tighten, blood pressure rises. If this is prolonged, you will get body aches and become more vulnerable to illness and injury. If you care about your body and health, take a break. And what is a better way to forget about the busy life other than a trip to the spa capital of the world. At Thanyapura Health and Sports Resort in Phuket, you can get relaxation treatments while enjoying the beauty of the rainforested island. Here are some massage treatments, together with their benefits, offered at our affiliated centre: 1. Abdominal Massage (Treatment Time: 55 mins) Your abdomen plays an important role in the body system. This massage helps to ease abdomen related problems and regain healthy organ function by draining toxins, stimulates digestive system, improves blood circulation, relieves back pain and fights negative emotions. 2. Lymphatic Drainage Massage (Treatment Time: 55 mins) This therapeutic massage is suitable for those with weak immune system or those who are enticed with body detoxification. This massage improves metabolism, eliminates body waste, boosts immune system and increases lymphatic flow. 3. Herbal Compress & Stretch (Treatment Time: 85 mins) Luk Pra Kob, as it is popularly known in Thailand, provides pain relief by using a wide selection of therapeutic herbs wrapped in a muslin compress. This massage improves blood circulation, stimulates nerves, relaxes muscles and soothes tension. 4. Thanyapura Signature Massage (Treatment Time: 55 – 85 mins) This signature massage is highly recommended for sportspersons or anyone who would like to experience a combined sports and classic Swedish massage in 1 treatment. The benefit for this massage is that it increases body flexibility, stimulates blood circulation as well as relieve muscle tension. 5. Body Slimming Treatment (Treatment Time: 140 mins) This treatment is formulated from phyto aromatic slimming components of brown seaweed extracts, caffeine and ivy to detoxify fatty deposits and promotes elimination of waste. This massage treatment involves body scrub, body massage and slimming body wrap. Don’t you feel relaxed just by reading about the massage? If you’re going to Phuket, make sure to get the massage listed to make your travel even more worthwhile. Book your session now by clicking the link below:   You might also like

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4 Good Reasons To Say Yes To LASIK (Bangkok, Thailand)

700,000 people couldn’t be wrong. By Iffah Suraya | November 25 2019 If you wear glasses for short-sightedness, you’ve probably heard of LASIK. But why LASIK? While other refractive eye surgeries such as PRK and LASEK can also help correct myopia and are suitable for those with thin corneas, there are reasons why LASIK has been a favorite of surgeons. With LASIK, your newfound vision stabilizes at a faster rate. Downtime is at most, a week. You will also experience less discomfort during LASIK compared to PRK and LASEK. But best of all, there is a much lower risk for post-surgery infection for LASIK compared to other refractive eye surgeries. Anyone who wishes to regain normal vision would also want to do so without thinning their wallets. But with various countries offering affordable LASIK procedures, there is no excuse not to get your eyes fixed. You should only ignore LASIK if you have: high blood pressure, cataracts, high astigmatism, severe dry eyes, corneal abnormality, any pain syndrome or glaucoma. If you are indeed free from the aforementioned symptoms, let’s jump into the 4 reasons to say yes to LASIK. 1. Clear vision Without Complications Any kind of refractive eye surgery can improve your short-sightedness. But the difference is that LASIK is more effective at restoring vision. LASIK’s effectiveness lies in the fact that there are fewer complications associated with LASIK compared to LASEK and PRK. Moreover, LASIK is more effective in correcting myopia because it uses a laser to reshape the underlying tissue of the cornea. In LASEK and PRK, the cornea is reshaped only at the epithelial level. This means that LASIK is able to correct vision to a higher degree. 2. Trusted Technology LASIK technology has been around for over two decades and is approved by the FDA. Like any other surgery, there will always be related risks. But research done by scientists at a German university in 2016 confirms the safety and efficacy of LASIK. Similarly, F.D.A.’s Dr. Eydelman stated that with Lasik, “like other medical procedures, there are risks,” but that it is “safe and effective when used as intended in accordance with approved use”. An academic survey of LASIK patients’ satisfaction reported that 92% of LASIK patients were fully satisfied with their surgery (from a sample size of more than 300 patients). 3. Affordable The standard price for LASIK and other types of refractive eye surgeries are about the same. But because LASIK is more widely offered throughout the world, there are lots of clinics to choose from, making it possible for you to eventually settle on not just a reputable clinic, but a clinic that offers the best price. Some clinics even have partnerships with medical tourism agencies and online booking websites such as Trambellir, where prices of LASIK procedures from all over the world are being displayed. The fair display of prices lets you compare LASIK procedures around the world, allowing you to travel while attending an affordable LASIK procedure. In fact, since LASIK is a simple procedure with much shorter down time than LASEK and PRK, it makes for a brilliant medical tourism procedure. 4. Short Procedure, Short Recovery Period Besides taking less than 20 minutes of your whole lifetime, LASIK is pain free. On the other hand, PRK and LASEK procedures are associated with discomfort. More importantly, LASIK has a much shorter downtime compared to LASEK. Because of this short downtime, you will start to see clearly in less than 2 days. Most people with LASIK return to work immediately after 1 or 2 days. Love your eyes by restoring their ability to the fullest. Say yes to LASIK today. Click the link below to make a booking:   You might also like

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ND Yag Laser Treatment (Bangkok, Thailand)

One of the best ways to remove permanent marks on skin. By Kath Wong | November 25 2019 ‘LASER’ in general These days, we hear a lot of the word “laser” without actually knowing what it stands for. ‘LASER’ stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Lasers work as the emitter of the wavelengths with high energy light (measured in nanometers), which when focused on a certain skin condition, heat is created, destroying the diseased cells. There are various different types of laser available, where each of them has a specific range of utility, depending on its wavelength and penetrating power. What is ND YAG Laser and how does it work? ND YAG laser uses ND YAG (neodymium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet), which is a crystal, as the laser medium. This type of laser has a wavelength of 1064 nm, with a stronger capability to reach the deeper layers of skin tissue than other types of laser available. Moreover, ND YAG laser can be used in Q-switched mode, producing 2 different wavelengths (1064 nm and the second beam as 532 nm). The beam with a wavelength of 532 nm is known to be useful for superficial skin lesions. The idea behind Q-switching is a unique technique to make use of high-intensity beam in very short pulses, to provide instant repair with short exposure time. Q-switching ND YAG laser can be used to treat various skin and health troubles such as hair removal, onychomycosis, hyperhidrosis, pigmented lesions, tattoo removal, etc. In our affiliated clinic, the focus is on treating pigmented lesions, age spots, freckles, lentigines, birthmarks as well as tattoos. As a non-ablative laser, it is designed to target pigment cells and there will be no damage to skin tissue during the treatment. The specific wavelengths (1064 nm and 532 nm) are absorbed preferentially by pigments (melanin) and the heat will cause damage to those cells. These damaged cells will then be cleared from the site, resulting in lightened appearance. Side effects of ND YAG Laser Side effects from ND YAG laser treatment are usually minor and may include: ・Pain as too much heat experienced during treatment, this can be dealt by cooling contact or topical anesthesia. ・Redness, swelling and itchiness may occur immediately after the procedure and may last a few days after the treatment ・Rarely, too much light may be absorbed by the skin pigments and blisters may occur (self-healing) ・Skin pigmentation may be changed as sometimes the pigmented cells (melanocytes) can be damaged, resulting in either darker (hyperpigmentation) or paler (hypopigmentation) patches of skin. ・Up to 10% of the patients get bruising (self-healing) ・Bacterial infection Why ND YAG Laser? As a non-ablative laser, it ensures that treatments can be done effectively without getting our skin damaged unnecessarily. ND YAG Laser helps to treat various problems that we are not able to fix on our own: skin tone, freckles, age spots, birthmarks and tattoos. If you are having a hard time with your birthmarks and tattoos that you no longer adore, this treatment is specially made for you. Browse through:   You might also like

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Look Young and Fresh from the Inside Out

Hyaluronic Acid to the Rescue! By Iffah Suraya | November 21 2019 Aging has been a fact of life ever since the beginning of time. Who doesn’t wish to reverse the aging process? If only such is possible. But if we can’t slow down cellular aging, perhaps we can attempt to slow down the formation of wrinkles and prolong our lives by keeping ourselves healthy. Anti-aging pills and creams have been invented to pump up our hopes to get rid of wrinkles and blemishes. But do these products and treatments keep their promise of ensuring a more youthful you on the outside? Do creams help firm up the skin? Do serums remove deep blemishes? According to many dermatologists, the real results are still arguable. What you swallow and spread on your skin might make your skin softer and smoother, but they won’t actually tighten skin and remove wrinkles. Then what should we turn to? The human skin is for the most part, impenetrable (think about how you can swim for hours in the sea and still remain unbloated). Because of this, skin improvement must begin from the inside. For instance, collagen can be stimulated to achieve firmer skin. Some products have also been created in the name of delivering collagen molecules into the skin. But in order to do that, molecules have to overcome the skin barrier. This means that injections are possibly a good option, because they go inside the skin. There is no way that creams and serums would penetrate the skin. So an effective way to stimulate collagen and improve the skin would be syringe-based procedures that actually reach into layers of the skin where collagen lies. Injections may sound scary, but why do a lot of people get them? Because they work. Hyaluronic Acid (HA) injections Hyaluronic Acid (HA) injections stimulate collagen synthesis by targeting collagen inside the skin directly. Plus, HA exists naturally in our body which makes the injection safe. To a certain extent, anti-aging serums such as HA serums do help to firm the skin. Low molecular weight hyaluronic acid has been touted as being good at hydrating the skin; and research detailing the efficacy of low molecular weight HA at penetrating the skin exists. Studies have shown that when applied topically, HA can heal and protect skin from the damaging effects of UV rays. The verdict: to possess youthful skin, you could get yourself a facelift, a dermal filler, a botox (recommended for very loose skin with more wrinkles). Or, you could do it inside out. Stimulate collagen that’s already in your skin with a syringe. Then your skin will start to glow. Blemishes and dark circles will disappear. The successful attainment of youthful skin happens best inside out. Trambellir offers beauty drip packages that energize, rejuvenate and bring you back to life. Check out:   You might also like

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Is Botox Worth it?

Does it align with your beauty goals? By Iffah Suraya | November 20 2019 Worldwide, millions of women have undergone Botox procedure with the aim of reducing or eliminating wrinkles to look younger. Safety is not a major concern as these women believe in the consensus that Botox is safe to use. The Food and Drug Administration in the U.S. has also approved the use of Botox for cosmetic purposes in 2002. So the safety isn’t the issue here, but is getting an injection worth it? In order to decide if something is worth doing, you should weigh the pros and cons. Why inject yourself with a drug that freezes your muscles when you can obtain a dose of, say, Juvederm Hyaluronic Acid? Or a thread lift, in which the results last longer than a Botox procedure? The truth is, although face lifts are surgical, they provide a much longer-lasting and dramatic solution to wrinkles and aging skin. So then, why Botox? Botox is super quick There’s a reason why botox has been labelled a lunch break procedure. What’s amazing about Botox is that it can smoothen out lines on your eyebrows and forehead effectively in a short amount of time, typically around 10 minutes. You don’t have to take time off from work  Botox isn’t just great because you can have it done during your lunch break. The fact is, you can return to your office desk right after your procedure. You don’t need to take time for recovery. The mechanism behind the no downtime benefit is simple: your muscles are paralyzed with botulinum toxin - no incisions and cuts are made. Although headaches occur to some people, over-the-counter medicine can help. Moreover, it is possible to reduce the doses in your next session. Breathing and swallowing problems (dysphagia) can occur, but this is very rare. If you go to a doctor you trust, you can minimize the risks and get a comprehensive consultation session. For a super quick procedure, the results last quite long  There have been complaints about botox being temporary. But the truth is that any non-invasive procedure is temporary. The fact that a botox procedure is non-invasive should be the focus here. For a procedure that is still able to help your skin look great without cutting and pulling your skin, botox should receive some recognition. Anyways, most women who use Botox attend a touch-up session only 2 or 3 times a year. Sure surgical face lifts last longer, but there are many more complication risks associated with face lifts. Botox is more affordable than other procedures The cost of a botox session can range from USD 300-500, which covers more than 20 units/doses. On the other hand, dermal fillers, which can also help to smooth out wrinkles, cost an average of USD 800 per syringe or dose. That is how much their prices differ. Now that it makes more sense why a lot of women opt for Botox, you might want to give it a try. And why not get your botox while on holiday? No downtime means that you can go right back to traveling after the procedure, but with a more gorgeous look. Trambellir offers a selection of botox procedures from clinics in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Japan and others:   You might also like

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Can I afford a nose job?

Reward yourself with a better-looking nose. By Iffah Suraya | November 19 2019 After suffering from years of social rejection and self-doubt, you have finally decided to undergo rhinoplasty. After all, your self-perception includes your physical image, and having a nicer nose means an overall more attractive face, which can improve self-esteem. The great satisfaction and relief rhinoplasty can bring to someone born with an unsightly nose is undeniable. In other words, looking better makes us feel good about ourselves and more confident to face the world. But can you afford rhinoplasty? Although rhinoplasty prices vary across the globe, the average price of a nose surgery comes to about USD 5000. Depending on your budget, a good rhinoplasty procedure can be affordable or expensive. Nevertheless, if a beautiful nose is your goal, save up USD 5,000-10,000 and you’ll achieve it in no time. But USD 5,000-10,000 is a huge range. So then, how can we purchase a rhinoplasty procedure where the price falls closer to USD 5,000? This is why traveling for rhinoplasty makes sense. Interestingly, several countries offer a better price, which is why a lot of people travel to get their nose done. Why is rhinoplasty cheaper in some countries? Well, the total cost for a nose job includes the following: Anesthesia fees, hospital or surgical facility costs and the surgeon's fee. Nose jobs can be cheaper in some countries because of lower surgeon’s fee & facility costs, which are also pre-included in the treatment price. Many people visit Turkey, South Korea and Thailand for high quality nose surgery without having to pay as much as they would have to in the United States. In addition, in these countries, the government usually provides a higher subsidy to the healthcare sector, which discourages overcharging customers/patients. Moreover, the government regulates the medical fees in these countries, inevitably ensuring that patients are not being exploited. Transparency in prices also leads competitive charges. Simply put, traveling for a nose job can save cost, allowing you to pay prices that are closer to USD 5,000---because why would you pay double? Explore more and schedule a nose job with Trambellir today!   You might also like

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Lose Arm Fat With Arm Lift Surgery (Bangkok, Thailand)

Going sleeveless has never been so comfortable. By Azra Shuib | November 19 2019 As you age or lose a significant amount of body weight, your upper arm skin can become droopy. Or if you’ve had a bariatric surgery, you might see and feel the irritating loose skin.Surgery was a success, but now you are left with another flabby problem. In some cases, an arm lift procedure, or brachioplasty (‘brachio’ means arm and ‘plasty’ means reshaping) can help with alleviating your discomfort. Here’s what you need to know. Brachioplasty, also known as an arm lift, is a surgical procedure that aims to smoothen your skin by trimming down excess skin and fat between the underarm and the elbow. If you have dangling, drooping or sagging skin on your upper arm, which is an inescapable outcome of aging, an arm lift can give you smoother, toner, and well-defined balanced skin. Although exercise can shape your arms, exercise cannot help shape inelastic skin, weakened tissues and localized fat deposits. Before undergoing the surgery, you should expect a medical history review with your doctor. You should share your medical conditions, concerns as well as the medications that you are currently taking. And discuss with your doctor about your expectations to ensure you'll be adequately informed. Arm lift is done using direct excision (removal by cutting), or a combination of liposuction followed by direct excision. Incisions are made at the inside or back of your arms. Then, tissue in the upper arm is tightened and reshaped. Lastly, the skin is pulled back over the remaining tissue and incision is stitched up. Patients who undergo this surgery are always satisfied with the results, but significant fluctuations in weight will negate the results of the surgery. So post arm lift care, as mentioned below, is important for you to follow and adhere to: Strictly follow a balanced diet of low fat and carbohydrates, high fibre, raw greens and fruits. Sutures in the arm will allow only limited movement. Such decreased activity can promote constipation. Hence, raw fruits, bread, cereals and a diet containing lot of fibre must be included. The pain medication prescribed should be taken consciously. Aspirin should be avoided as it has a tendency to cause gastric ulcers. Alcohol should be avoided for at least 3 weeks after surgery as it could interact with pain medication to cause complications such as fluid retention. Smoking must not resume until your scars have healed off completely, as nicotine in blood slows down healing and can increase complication risks. And just a little reminder, if you have diabetes or any medical condition that might inhibit fast healing such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol level and a weak immune system, you are recommended not to undergo an arm lift procedure. It might hinder recovery time and put you at more risks. If you are thinking about an arm lift procedure with an experienced doctor and at an affordable destination, why not Bangkok? By booking with Trambellir, you will get the best treatment during your travels, and go back home looking better and amazing!   You might also like

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Coolsculpting - Freeze Your Fat Off!

Show your stubborn fat who's the boss. By Kath Wong | December 18 2019   What is CoolSculpting? CoolSculpting is the latest technology of non-surgical and needleless procedure done to achieve your goals in fat reduction. If you’re targeting a more sculpted body, then this is an effective procedure. And if you are the right candidate for the treatment, you will go through a personalized treatment plan with each session being just 35-60 minutes. Although CoolSculpting fat-reduction procedure is designed specifically for those who would like to get rid of unwanted fat in the targeted areas, it is not a weight-loss solution for people who are obese - the process is tailored for the ones who have noticeable bulges in certain areas they would like to eliminate out from their body. Basically, to get the treatment, you have to be at or near your ideal weight.   How does it actually work? CoolSculpting mainly focuses on stubborn fat that still exist in the body despite diet and exercise. The technology controls the cooling process that targets and kills only the specific fat cells determined. After few weeks of treatment, the body continues to process and eliminate the dead fat cells naturally, and this process results in a long-term effect, as the treated fat cells are gone for good. Restrictions, side effects, post-care and results The CoolSculpting procedure is not for everyone. People who suffer from cryoglobulinemia, cold agglutinin disease as well as paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria are strictly not allowed to try coolsculpting treatment. Every treatment has its own common as well as rare side effects. As for CoolSculpting treatment, typical temporary side effects include temporary redness, swelling, blanching, bruising, firmness, tingling, stinging, tenderness, cramping, aching, itching, or skin sensitivity, but these side effects can be resolved within days or weeks. If you are more concerned about your activities after the treatment, like whether there is a need to take leave from work or avoid any activities that can affect the healing process, you can eliminate your worries. CoolSculpting is regarded as a non-surgical procedure with minimal downtime, which means that anyone who has undergone this treatment can return to normal activities as well as to work on the same day. The obvious changes done by CoolSculpting can be observed as quickly as within 3 weeks time, but the most dramatic results that you can expect from the treatment is 2 months after that. Nonetheless, your body would continue to flush out fat cells for up to 4-6 months after the treatment, optimizing the results as much as possible. Check out our affiliated clinics in destinations of your choice:   You might also like

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