Trambellir Articles

Facial Treatments for Sensitive Skin

Even your delicate, sensitive skin deserves some love and pampering By Azra Shuib | August 19th, 2022 You may be worried about getting any beauty treatments like facials, fillers or any rejuvenating therapy because of your sensitive skin. But you don’t have to deprive your skin of any good care anymore. The good news is, there are a lot of treatments that are suitable to treat and freshen up your skin. If your skin is reactive to any products, you may need to find gentle and calming facials that are effective at addressing your concerns. In this article, let’s learn about the procedures you can consider so you won’t be left out on the beauty trend. First and foremost, as with any beauty procedures, you should only get them done with the right dermatologists or estheticians, especially if you have sensitive skin. Cryotherapy Facial This is one of the best treatments for those with sensitive skin. Using cryogenics technology, cryotherapy facial is a new method that can tighten and enhance the surface of your skin. Most people say that they can see the glow immediately after a session, and this facial has no downtime at all. This facial uses cold vaporized liquid nitrogen that can immediately soothe and calm sensitive skin. Your body’s reaction when exposed to low temperatures will help to encourage cell rejuvenation, boost immune function and ease skin healing. Brightening serums may also be delivered into your skin, which makes the results from Cryo Facial session even more satisfying. Aqua Peel Aqua Peel or what is known as skin scaling, is a treatment that cleanses facial pores. This treatment uses AHA and BHA-infused solutions as well as a suction nozzle to suck dirt from the skin while infusing and saturating your pores with nutrient-rich serums, resulting in a hydrating effect. Imagine clean and fresh skin that is flooded with moisture – that’s what Aqua Peel can do. Not only that, but it also has no downtime so you can expect a painless and rejuvenating facial treatment. It does not leave you with the raw or tight feeling of the skin due to suction of blackheads and other blemishes like the other ‘dry’ peels. Plus point, Aqua Peel is also safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Dermal Fillers The idea of getting injections may terrify you due to the condition of your skin, but don’t worry too much with getting needles under the skin. In fact, a lot of times this treatment does not hurt at all. These days, dermal fillers come together with anesthesia, and they can be done super quickly. And for a very fast procedure, the results are significant and long-lasting (6 to 12 months). Dermal fillers are made of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance found in your body. Bonus point – since it’s natural, it is safe. And hyaluronic acid has the ability to store moisture which helps to maintain skin hydration. Unlike Botox or Dysport that freeze muscles to reduce wrinkles, fillers smooth out skin by restoring volume. They can be injected into the forehead, temples, crow’s feet, under eyes, upper and lower cheeks, lips, nose and other desired areas. Of course, the treatments mentioned above can work wonders to your especially sensitive skin and since you have been worrying about your sensitive skin a little too much and maybe excited and interested to try other kinds of treatments, just be sure to: 1. Consult with well experienced dermatologist Learn to accept the do's and dont's for your skin and the kinds of chemical your skin must avert. Also let them know your goals for the treatments. 2. Always tell your aesthetician / facialist that you have a sensitive skin Make sure the products used throughout the session will not trigger your skin to break like hypoallergenic products and also let them know the step by step of your skin-care routine. 3. Expert yourself in which kind of treatments to commit and avoid Those harsh exfoliating treatments or any that involve extractions is for sure for you to desist. If you wish to commit to healthier skin, always opt for calming, hydrating and soothing facial treatments like mentioned above. So don't wait. Book a treatment with us! Why book with Trambellir? Our affiliated clinics are safe and trusted in these beauty procedures. By booking with us, you can be worry-free in your travels. You might also like

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Official Partnership with MHTC

Trambellir is now officially partnered with Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council By Afrina Ghazali | July 15th, 2022 We are elated to announce that Trambellir and Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC) have entered into a collaborative partnership to support one another’s objectives and developments in the medical tourism industry. With common sets of goals, Trambellir and MHTC will strive to work towards valuable ideas and provide innovative solutions for customers through upcoming cognitive collaboration offerings. The purpose of TRBR x MHTC As a Malaysia-based global medical and wellness tourism platform, we are always a customer-centric entity and seek to contribute to people's healthcare by enhancing itinerary for SDGs. We are keen to contribute to the country and provide prosperity in a variety of ways, including the aforesaid initiative. On top of that, we believe that the collaboration will help to raise more awareness that Malaysia is a very well known digitally innovated destination especially for medical travellers. What to look forward to in this partnership? Trambellir and MHTC have a shared objective of offering the greatest service to visitors travelling to Malaysia for medical tourism, as it is one of the most sought-after nations for the medical and tourism industries. With a focus on delivering high-quality, in-depth, and accessible information to international travellers, both Trambellir and MHTC aim to reach a broader global crowd. Our principal is to satisfy the customer by providing our best services. This partnership will surely help us enhance and enrich our business and also provide newer services, whenever and wherever possible. About MHTC First initiated and established in 2005 by the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH), MHTC carries the mandate as the country’s curator for the healthcare travel scene. Tasked to facilitate and promote the healthcare travel industry of Malaysia, MHTC helps coordinate the industry and collaborate to build valuable partnerships locally and globally. To push Malaysia as the leading global healthcare destination as their vision, they aim to promote the healthcare of the country globally and at the same time facilitate the sustainability of the industry. Today, MHTC continues with its mandate of raising Malaysia’s profile as a leading provider of quality healthcare for global citizens. About Trambellir Trambellir is an online marketplace for wellness holiday activities that mainly aim to ease medical, wellness and beauty treatments' booking procedures all over the world. This way one can simply book various kinds of treatments whenever and wherever they are with just a simple click. Trambellir's missions aim to:      ✓ Enrich your itinerary with treatments for your health, wellness and beauty      ✓ Enhance your medical tourism experience       ✓ Travel beyond food and sightseeing Trambellir also channels well-trusted health and beauty institutions to join our affiliate programs at zero cost. Being featured for the second time marked another achievement unlocked and we are even more excited to expand our business and grow even bigger in this industry. Connect with Us Are you planning to book any medical or beauty treatments? Are you interested in publishing your treatments and services on our platform for free? Or, do you simply want to know more about our services and how you could benefit from what MHTC and Trambellir could offer? Feel free to reach out to us at and we would love to hear from you.  

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Hair Loss Myths You Might Have Heard

What can really cause your hair to lose? Is it true, all the things people say? By Afrina Ghazali | June 17th, 2022 Hair loss can be frustrating especially for men as it's widely known to be the men's crown. A lot of people have come up with reasons why you could go bald and I am sure you must have heard a few. Ladies and gents, some statements can be trusted, but should you believe the hearsays you might have come across bluntly? Why it happens, when it happens, who it happens to, this article will straigthen out a few most popularly misunderstood beliefs about hair loss. Myth 1: "Wearing hats too often can lose your hair?" Most assumptions stick out the idea that scalps need to be aired out to "breathe". Do you think that's true? It's not. It's true that our hair needs oxygen but the supply comes from our bloodstream, not the surrounding air. Imagine how much hair women with headscarfs would have lost by now if this statement is true. So go on ahead and wear whatever your heart desires. Caps or hats, they won't affect hair growth or cause your hair to fall off. Myth 2: "Once bald, forever bald man!" Hold on there. Not all hair loss are permanent. You need to seek out professional advise before believing this. Hair loss is commonly associated with genetic conditions that could cause male pattern baldness. But not all hair loss is like that. It could be caused by other factors as well, such as, hormonal changes, illnesses, eating disorders or certain trauma. So if these were to happen to be the cause of your hair loss, good news then, it's temporary. Myth 3: "Stop stressing out, you'll lose all your hair!" This is not entirely true. Studies have shown that severe stress could lead to your hair going into a "rest mode", which means they pause the regeneration of hair which could also cause alopecia areata --- a form of hair loss that creates baldy patches. However, these kinds of hair loss are usually connected to severely traumatic events prolong to long-term suffering and illnesses including hair loss. Everyday stress like politics in the office or your chaotic children at home would not cause your hair to fall. Even if it does, don't stress yourself because it's only temporary. Myth 4: "Shampooing too often is the cause you're losing too much hair" Well, this is not true. The hair follicles are not directly sensitive to shampoos. In fact, it is genetically driven and comes from under the scalp. So whether you shampoo your hair too often or never, it should be your least worrying factor that's causing or increasing your hair loss.  Those hair getting in between your fingers in the shower? Well, those hair were meant to fall off and have been fallen off anyway. So if you ask us? We say, go wash your hair as often as possible for hygienic purpose. Myth 5: "Buy the over the counter supplements, it can help grow your hair" Sometimes we are buying too much of the marketing tactics, we might even endanger ourselves. We don't recommend holding onto to over the counter supplements. Not only it is not recommended by the doctors to consume such medicine as it is not safe, it is also not proven to help regenerate hair growth. So ask again, is it worth risking your life? Myth 6: "Don't worry, you won't be bald, you're only 20" Did you know that hair loss can happen to anyone regardless of age? Especially for those who has hair loss due to genetic factor, pattern baldness can even take place sooner. Some people even experience it as early as 20 years old.  So, if you happen to have started to lose your hair, don't beat up yourself thinking you must have done something bad to have caused it. If you want to be certain whether any statements could be true or myths, you can seek professional advice from our specialists. There could be several to solving your concerns, try check out numerous selections of treatments in different locations to treat your hair loss issue down below: Hair Loss Treatments You might also like

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The Things You Need to Know About Men's Health

Why is it important? By Afrina Ghazali | June 3rd, 2022 It's June and to commemorate it as the month of Men's Health, it's time we highlight the importance of male health attitudes and share a few preventive health practices that can help men to stay healthy and save their lives. But before that, a quick pop quiz:  Do you know which gender is outpacing the other in health? Despite the advances in medical diagnosis and treatments which progresses positively towards human's life expectancy, gender gap in health still has not changed and over many decades, records show that women continue to outpace men. In fact, recent studies show that the gender gap between the women and men has even became wider today than it was decades ago. This trend is not only shown in one country but many around the world, whether in developed or developing countries, the gap is present in rural or urban areas. It is a universal finding that highlights the difference between the health of men and women in our society. Is it true that men die younger than women? There is no specific answer as to why males are found to be the weaker gender when it comes to health but it's almost accurate when people say men tend to have more diseases and die younger than women. For instances, men are more likely to have gout and get inguinal hernias than women. Also, men have five times more chance at getting aortic aneurysms and develop kidney stones or to have bladder cancer. This is the reason why although women always see their doctors more often than men do, but the medical care costs are mostly contributed by men. Importance of Men's Health Men's health are very important and just as important as women's, but compared to women, men are more likely to smoke, drink, make risky choices and not seeing their doctors for regular checkups. Those are among the major reasons studies stress why men need to pay more attention to their health as they too are susceptible to cancer, stroke, diabetes, depression and heart diseases. Preventative measures and early detection are the key According to researches, most of the critical health risks that are associated with men can be prevented but it comes with a lot of effort. Here are a few tips you can practice to heighten your health: 1. Eat clean: Eat more healthy food and avoid harmful fast and processed food 2. Exercise regularly: Join the classes or walk to work, be sure to keep up being fit 3. Reduce stress: Work never ends so don't overwork yourself and get enough rest 4. Avoid drinking and smoking: Even if you choose to, try to limit yourself  5. Get regular checkups: Run all possible screening tests and listen to your doctor's advice There are more tips to practice such as avoid risky behaviors such as drug abuse, unsafe sex, dangerous driving, or reduce exposure to chemicals or radiation whenever possible or try to seek joy and share it with your loved ones. Conclusion: Go see your doctor! Skip being the average guy. It's about time we break the "I'm the man" or the "Tough Guy" stigma. Visiting your doctors annually does not prove you are weak. In fact, you are doing yourself and your loved ones a great favour to obtain the best health and jolly a long prosperous life with your family. Check out for procedures available for men down below: Men's Health You might also like

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Physiotherapy Vs Chiropractic

Which one is for you? By Afrina Ghazali | May 27th, 2022 When it comes to relieving pain in the muscles, you would usually resort with seeing a physiotherapist. Or some might wonder if it would be better to meet a chiropractist instead? This article will summarise the similarities and differences between the two as well as highlight which one of the two would suit you. What is Physiotherapy? Physiotherapy is a physical therapy that usually associated with rehabilitative programme with end goal is to relief pain and promote enhanced mobility. Physiotherapists will normally assess your conditions and come up with a right approach of exercises or stretches to practice.  Physiotherapy also plays important role to encouraging patients to feel that they could be in control of their rehabilitation and could cover every part of the patients' daily needs and care from correct diet, regular exercises to posture and breathing. What is Chiropractic? Chiropractic is a treatment often opted as a complimentary or alternative therapy. The trreatment are not necessarily done for those experiencing trauma or severe injuries.  Chiropractic is practiced by applying force to the joints and muscles around the spine, hence it is also known as the spinal manipulation. In usual cases, a short shard thrusts will be applied to the spine while the chiropractor gradually move the joints through different positions to improve the general movement. The Similarities Both the treatments aim to treat health conditions related to the spine which could include neurological tissues, nervous system, mobility and functionality wise. They are focused on treating pain especially on the neck, back and lower back region. They also target to treat repetitive motion injuries, whiplash injuries, sports injuries and a lot more. Basically they have the same goal but with different approaches. Either way, in both cases, it's crucial that they evaluate the patients' symptoms while gathering a thorough background history. Listed below are more points that prove they complement one another.  The Differences While both the treatments' focus is to balance the whole body, physiotherapy tends to focus towards muscles and movements whereby chiropractic tends to focus more towards the spine. In most cases, a course of physiotherapy is often applied after a severe trauma or injury. A simple summary of further comparisons between the two are shown below: Which one should you go for? Both instances of physiotherapy and chiropractic are good options to help those with nerve pain. The objectives of both procedures are too similar, you might get confused. To decide the best that would match your condition, you can refer the info below: If your condition requires, you might have to go for both therapies but it's best that you stick with one since the two professionals are not in direct communication, therefore there is a chance that one's approach could contradict the other's.   Check out the details of the procedures below: Physiotherapy Chiropractic You might also like

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Your 101 Guide to Planning Your Medical Tourism Trip

What are the must do's to planning your medical tourism trip? By Afrina Ghazali | April 29th, 2022 Over the past few weeks as most countries have announced official movement to endemic phase, we have received the highest volume of inquiries regarding their plans for their medical procedures abroad. This proves that the demand in the industry have started to rise and people are starting to relive a normal pre-pandemic life. Most countries have also started to open their borders welcoming tourists and medical travelers to visit; and these countries include Malaysia, South Korea, Thailand, Turkey, Singapore and a lot more. However, kindly note that there are a few countries that still choose to close its borders in handling the cases until further notice. Well, that's about that. This article will guide you through the early stage process to planning your medical tourism trip. Remember, an advance planning will always be more successful and smooth.  Read on below to learn them more: 1. Research your interest Among the things that you need to know are: i. The treatment availability and standard of care ii. The location or medical tourism destination iii. The cost of the procedures and other hidden fees iv. The infrastructure and technology used v. The insurance, visa and other immigration-related paperwork vi. The accommodation and the transportation   The list could be longer but the ones listed above are the most crucial one. No, of course you won't end up having a master degree but doing your research before you travel can help you plan your trip better.  2. Prepare your budget If you are coming from the US or the European countries, you are most likely prefer to have done the medical procedures in countries with high-end technology and highly experienced medical team at a downcost price like Malaysia and Thailand. But if you are going to those countries from neighbouring countries for better service and standard of care, then you must budget your trip properly. Some of our customers even save up for months before they finally proceed to getting the treatments. A few tips that can help you save more than you think you could: i. Book a discounted flight tickets in advance ii. Hunt for discounted accommodations iii. Pack your snacks from home   3. Consult the professionals If you are one of those fast-paced planners, you must have already been in motion with planning your trip. There's no wrong in that but we highly suggest that you have direct consultation with the professionals. At trambellir, you can first liaise with our consultants and further with our health professionals. This way, knowing your medical history and the kinds of treatments you wish to have, the health professionals will guide you with the timing, medication screening and a few others as they want to give the best care to you as well!  We say wait no more. Reach out to our consultants at or WhatsApp us at +601151303160. You can also DM us via our social media platforms @trambellir if you want to have the best medical tourism trip planned! You might also like

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Tips to Increase Your Oxygen Level at Home

Did you know that there are a few ways that you can increase your oxygen level at home? By Afrina Ghazali | April 8th, 2022 Since most countries have announced going towards endemic phase, we can look forward to living the life we used to before the pandemic. But this also means, we have to live with COVID-19 as well. It's possible to still contract the virus but it's no longer a panic as it was now that most of us have received the vaccination as a protection. One of the many symptoms that people get when contracting th COVID-19 virus includes a decrease in oxygen level. It's normal for most people to worry once there's a dropping patter to the reading. This article will roughly tell you all you need to know about your blood oxygen level as well as when to and when to not worry about it. How is oxygen important? The oxygen we breathe in gets transported through all parts of the body that's delivered by the blood. Red blood cells bind with the oxygen that gets into your lungs and carries it through your bloodstream. It's important to keep track of your oxygen level as oxygen helps regenerate decayed cells, supplies the body with energ, aids in boosting immune systems and a few others. How to understand the reading? It's important to keep your oxygen maintained at the safe level. So even if you're at home, please keep the oximeter to be safely used when times in need. You can refer the list below to understand the reading of oximeter: 96% and more: Normal 95%: Acceptable to continue home monitoring 93% - 94%: Best to seek advice from your GP especially if you're experiencing difficulty breathing or chest ache 92% or less: Require of urgent medical attention, call 999 if it gets serious What should you do when your SpO2 reading is low? Here's a few pointers to increasing your oxygen level in your blood can be done naturally: 1. Practice breathing exercises There are a few ways of breathing exercises that can be practices to open up your airways and simultaneously help increase the amount of oxygen level in your blood. A few example of breathing exercises include deep belly breathing, pursed-lip breathing, yawn-to-a-smile breathing, humming while exhaling breathing and a few others. Clinical breathwork is one of the exercise that can help too. 2. Get fresh air Make sure that even if you have to stay inside the house for a long period of time, make sure you open your doors and windows to let the outside fresh air in and circulate the air flow in a way that you don't suffocate yourself 3. Get into the Prone Position Lying down in the prone position or sometimes also known as proning, is said to be amongst the best position to increase the oxygen level. Proning is done by lying down on your belly with your chest on top of a pillow or two. It is recommended to stay in this position for at least a few hours long when your SpO2 reading is low. The air ventilation in the lungs will be improved and help increase the oxygen saturation. 4. Drink lots of water There is a reason why keeping yourself hydrated is important. Not only will hydration keeps your skin healthy and help ensuring your body systems functioning well, it can also help regulate your body temperature and boost your immunity system. Apart from that, when you drink a lot of water, it helps your lungs to improve their ability to oxygenate and expel carbon dioxide. This way, oxygen saturation level can be improved. 5. Grow plants Well if you find it hard to find a seed to grow out of, move any of those plants outside your house into your room. This way, not only can you have the 'green' view, it also helps supply oxygen into your room. The above are some of the things you could do when your SpO2 reading is still monitor-able from home. Should your oximeter start signing a dramatic decrease in the percentage of oxygen saturation to the concerning level of 94% and below, please seek medical help as accordingly. You might also like

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Trambellir Stands with Ukraine

Here's our stand on the current Ukraine crisis By CEO of Trambellir, So Iizuka | March 30th, 2022 Over the past few weeks we have been alarmed by yet another humanitarian catastrophe spiraling in Ukraine. Trambellir, a medical related company whose vision is to support people’s wellbeing and wellness all around the world, is really concerned by the news. OUR STAND With partners, customers, and friends from over the world, including Ukraine, Trambellir now stands in line to officially support the healthcare of Ukraine citizens and stand for human rights as clearly stated in our values.  Apart from declaring our concern, we have also taken this as part of our CSR and made a donation to the Medicart Project to provide a Mobile Medical Clinic in Ukraine to support the efforts to treat civilian casualties in Ukraine. Standing firm by our corporate philosophy, everything that we are, we will always support peace, health and safety. We believe that Medical care should be delivered to everyone in the world equally at the time they need. OUR PARTICIPATION The Medicart Project is designed to facilitate medical treatment delivery in disaster situations and now on the ground in response to the current crisis ongoing in Ukraine especially in areas where access to roads, gasoline and power is impossible.  WHAT IS A MEDICART? Medicarts are known to be the world’s only fully portable human powered and mobile medical clinic. The medicarts are compact, easily transported and can reach even the remotest outposts to provide front-line medical services. Medicarts support and is capable to facilitate different functions, including: Primary medical care Immunisations Sexual and reproductive health Health promotion and prevention Women’s health Dental treatments Although it is not much, we have unanimously agreed to do what we can do and will also continue to explore how Trambellir can make a difference as an organisation. Sincerely, So Iizuka CEO of Trambellir  

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101 Top Southeast Asia medical and Tourism Company

Yet again, another award received by Best Startup Asia By Afrina Ghazali | March 25th, 2022 Last year, we were listed in 3 Best Startup Asia's picks as the:        ✓ Top 58 Malaysian Medical Companies and Startups of 2021        ✓ Top 101 Malaysian e-Commerce Companies and Startups of 2021        ✓ Top 101 Malaysian Healthcare Companies and Startups of 2021 This time round we are excited to receive the news of achieving another milestone as we are listed in another 2 top picks as:        ✓ Top 101 Southeast Asia Medical Companies and Startups        ✓ Top 101 Southeast Asia Tourism Companies and Startups As a B2B and B2C company, our team at Trambellir has always been keen on keeping up to perform and ensure the best service is delivered to both partners and customers. According to Best Startup Asia, the listed companies are taking a variety of approaches to innovating the Medical and Tourism Industry and we are certainly doing our best at that. A little about Trambellir Trambellir is an online marketplace for wellness holiday activities that mainly aim to ease medical, wellness and beauty treatments' booking procedures all over the world. This way one can simply book various kinds of treatments whenever and wherever they are with just a simple click. Trambellir's missions aim to:      ✓ Enrich your itinerary with treatments for your health, wellness and beauty      ✓ Enhance your medical tourism experience       ✓ Travel beyond food and sightseeing Trambellir also channels well-trusted health and beauty institutions to join our affiliate programs at zero cost. Being featured for the second time marked another achievement unlocked and we are even more excited to expand our business and grow even bigger in this industry. Thank You & Congratulations! With another not one but two picks this time, we would like to extend our gratitude and express our huge thanks to Best Startup Asia for featuring us. Also, we would like to congratulate all the other outstanding businesses showcased for being selected for exceptional performance in one of these categories: Innovation Innovative ideas Innovative route to market Innovative product Growth Exceptional growth Exceptional growth strategy Management Societal impact Connect with Us Are you planning to book any medical or beauty treatments? Are you interested to publish your treatments and services on our platform for free? Or, do you simply want to know more about our services? Feel free to reach out to us at and we would love to hear from you.  

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Regular Spa Sessions - Necessity or Luxury?

Are The Benefits Worth The Hype and Commitment? By Azra Shuib | March 18th, 2022 Any photos or advertisements about spa getaways are hard to miss. They look enticing, luxurious and relaxing. But is it as serene as it appears to be?  Historically, spa treatments have deep roots in human civilization as a healing practice. Back then, traditional communities built bathhouses, saunas, hammams and other facilities for bathing and beautifying purposes. Nowadays, spas seem to be an extravagant indulgence that not a lot of people are into, especially in regular sessions. A spa experience is one of the most enjoyable treats you can get for yourself. It is the best way to care for your body after a tiring day-to-day hustle at work and in life. Spa sessions have also been proven to help calm the mind and reduce stress, ensuring you to look and feel your best in managing your routines. The benefits for your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing are fantastic, so why not get a little more pampering time in a restful setting? Spa treatments are abundant and not only consist of massages. Spas also offer facials, mani pedi, slimming treatments, and hair therapies, among others. Here are some reasons why you should get more spa sessions as a self-care step: 1. Relieves Aches and Pains Spas are famous for their massage service - and for good reasons. Today’s lifestyle can cause a lot of pain to accumulate in your body and affect your quality of life. Sitting for too long has been a big issue in today’s society. Apart from that, old injuries, wrong postures, repetitive actions or strenuous jobs can bring negative effects if not treated. Hence, massage techniques that focus on your problem areas can help to reduce the pain by increasing blood flow to the area, facilitating the healing process to take place. Massages like Hot Stone Massage, Thai Massage, Balinese Massage, and other types can help you to relax. The right type of massage should be chosen based on your issues or desired results. Undeniably, a massage can be painful or uncomfortable especially if you are a first-timer, but the benefits are worth it and you’ll definitely get used to it, if not wanting more sessions. Uses of aromatherapy oil, heated stones or specific kneading/rolling methods in a massage can further enhance the therapeutic experience. 2. Reduces Stress and Improves Your Mood Continuous stress can impair your productivity and focus, hence why it’s important to take a break in between. And what is a better way to enjoy your ‘me time’ other than a trip to the spa?  A good massage is known to increase serotonin and lower cortisol levels, helping you to fight off negative emotions better. The tranquil setting of a spa adds on to the stress-reducing experience. Not only that, spa treatments aim to make you look better with radiant skin and restored energy. Facials, body scrubs, baths and wraps can nourish your skin with ingredients your body have been longing for. Not only you get to feel good on the inside out, but also outside in! 3. Improves Sleep Quality It’s no surprise that a lot of people are not getting enough sleep nowadays. Accumulation of stress, lifestyle changes and hormonal imbalance are among the factors leading to inadequate Zzzz’s.  Spa treatments are a great escape from your busy lifestyle or the best way to unwind and take a break from stress. A spa session is also a good way to reward yourself after a hectic period. Body or facial massages can help to relax your muscles, lower your blood pressure and regulate your body systems - all situations that will aid in a good night's sleep. A lot of people who fall asleep during massage are just the perfect examples of how relaxing spa sessions can be. 4. Aids in Weight Loss A lot of spa treatments focus on weight loss and detoxifications. Hot massages, herbal baths and usage of antioxidants can help the body to ward off toxins and burn calories. Some massages can also help the body system to break down the fatty deposits and get rid of toxins, such as Deep Tissue Massage and Lymphatic Massage. A lot of specialists also encourage drinking a lot of water after getting your massage, so that it will be easier for the body to get rid of toxins. So if you ever feel ‘stuffed’ and in need of some detoxification, a spa session is always a great idea. It’s Spa Time! We often forget just how our body needs extra pampering alongside physical and mental health. Giving it a special session for nourishment under the hands of those who really care about our wellbeing can be very good for our overall quality of life. So next time, just take a break from your daily grind when needed and splurge in a spa session. Your body will definitely thank you for it. Interested in getting a high-quality and relaxing spa session? Book with us now: Spa & Wellness Treatments   There are varieties of treatments in major cities.   You might also like

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Stepping Up to the Challenge: Trambellir’s Contributions to SDGs

Not following the trend but Trambellir realises the importance to contribute to SDG's By Afrina Ghazali | March 11th, 2022 The world’s largest organization, the United Nations had established the 17 Sustainable Development Goals in 2015 that aimed to help build a more sustainable and resilient world. Since digital technology is a key component in achieving the SDGs, Trambellir has correlated the SDGs with our purpose and is slowly trying to keep up with the rising challenge and identifying the areas where we can make the greatest impact. Trambellir has identified 3 SDGs Keeping up with the SDGs, our key philosophy and vision is to create a better future and world for the next generation/children. We consider the Sustainable Development Goals as important initiatives that aim to improve the quality of life for all by 2030. We've identified 3 key areas where we can make a positive contribution to the SDGs: Good Health and Wellbeing Sustainable Cities and Communities Partnerships for the Goal SDG 3 - Good Health and Wellbeing Good Health and Wellbeing, with its official wording interwoven throughout the 2030 Agenda focus on “to ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages”. Good health is a basic human right that is needed to achieve sustainable development. It focuses on addressing the various factors that contribute to the development of poor and vulnerable communities, such as climate change, education, and urbanization. With the COVID-19 taking place, there has been a need to give special attention to the realization of good health on a global scale. For Trambellir, SDG3 is the core to our business as it applies to every purpose that we have envisioned and share a lot of SDG3 targets - from the fight of communicable diseases, to achieving universal health coverage, to promoting mental health and much more. Furthermore, we cover aspects from providing and delivering preventive medicine activities to transforming healthcare into entertainment. SDG 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities This goal, Sustainable Cities and Communities targets to “make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”. Heritage is very important to the economy. With medical travel passes, the culture sector which has been suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic can be revived slowly. For Trambellir, SDG11 can be considered a contribution as we offer alternative things-to-do to add on itineraries at travel destinations in hope that over-tourism issues can be mitigated. SGG 17 - Partnerships for the Goals Following the pandemic, strong international cooperation is needed to help countries recover and rebuild their lives. SDG17 aims to “strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.” For Trambellir, SDG17 is all about the importance of partnerships and this is another core of our business. Through our collaborations with various medical institutions, we can help develop and sustain sustainable solutions for the global health system. It draws on our collective expertise and commitment to supporting the development of future nations.

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Tips to Effectively Challenge Your Mind

Don't you think your mind deserve a break too? By Afrina Ghazali | February 18th, 2022 Our brain is the 'processing machine' that gets other parts of the body to function and of course, it's known as the central nervous system for a reason - it controls the thoughts, memories, emotions, breathing, hunger and basically everything that involves human body. It is that important that it deserves to be cared for like other bodily organs. This is the reason why mind training is very important in order to have a healthy functioning body. Let's look at it this way: our minds are muscles which when trained, will be stronger and allow you to carry more cognitive load. Mind training is believed to keep you at your highest potential and we are about to reveal a few tips that you could practise in order to dive in for a treat! 1.  Read more If you're not the type to read, this is a guarantee for you that reading will certainly help with mind training. It's scientifically proven that reading can help enhance your cognitive function, increase your attention span and develop new skills like language skills for instance. Oh, and we almost forgot, reading can also help you learn new things and build your vocabulary. 2. Try out new things Whether it's learning a new language, learning how to bake, getting yourself used to public speaking or trying new water sports - trying out new things is said to help strengthen the connections in your brain. Studies also show that it can improve memory function in adults. So if you have always wanted to try new things - perhaps snowboarding, horse riding or archery, now is always the best time for you to do so.  3. Meditate Meditation is always known for reducing stress and anxiety. But there are more to it than just that. If you might wonder about its effectiveness, best if you try it out yourself. Find yourself a good and calming spot, have your eyes shut and spend at least 10 minutes meditating every day. For Muslims, in prayers are the best time for you to do so and meditation is believed to help fine-tune your memory and increase your brain's ability to process information.  4. Start your day with positive affirmation The beginning of the day is always the highlight. Tuning your morning means tuning the entire day - take the chance to spread positivity by making affirmations. "I am great", "I am enough", "I am capable", "I am strong", "Things will be great" - channelling the right affirmations will set your mind to stay healthy and hone your mental sharpness. 5. Overcome your fear Overcoming fears is not something easy for anyone to do - that's why they're called fears. But what if we tell you that overcoming it will help you find yourself and train your mind unlike any other?  The power that you sourced out from fear will not hold you back from a lot of things. It will certainly involve a lot of adrenaline in between but it will also help you build a healthy brain. Oh, but hold on! It needs to be done right and gradually. Take it step by step and you will start experiencing the difference. 6. Play brain training games There are a lot of fun brain games available nowadays - from physical board games to in-app sudoku or scrabble, everything is at your fingertips. Not only is it important to let kids engage in brain games, but it's also equally important for adults to take the challenge. Making sure that you stay mentally active, will improve your memory, prevent memory loss and at the same time improve overall mental health.  7. Social Media Detox Yes, you read that right. This is probably by far one of the tops in the list that is making it hard for people to commit to. Social media obviously has its pros and cons but it's important that you keep a healthy balance in consuming it. Not to confuse it with socialising physically. A study found that those with more social contact in life are less likely to experience memory loss and dementia. So, we highly recommend you ditch your gadgets once in a while and enjoy more of your time with the company of families and friends. 8. Single-tasking Try to recall when was the last time you did something one at a time? Did you go to the gym without listening to music? Did you email someone without biting onto your breakfast croissant this morning? Did you watch your favourite K-Drama without scrolling on your social media? If your answer is mostly a no then it's worth giving this a try. People usually think multi-tasking is the best way of doing things quickly but it's not always effective. Keeping it at a single pace will allow you to focus more and if you want to produce more work at the best standards, conditioning your mind to do single-tasking is the best answer. 9. Work on your imagination Has anyone ever told you that imagination is a skill? Fine-tuning your imagination will allow you to be better at handling critical situations and imagining things can help your brain to be more active. 10. Attend customized programs If you don't know what to do, well then, what if we say we have a quick solution for you? Mind Training with our affiliated professionals will help you achieve your highest potential and obtain a peaceful state of mind. You might also like

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RE-GEN: Your Quick Lunch Break Skin Lift Fix

There are a lot of things that you could be doing during lunch break nowadays and that includes skin-lifting! By Kath Wong | February 11th, 2022 RE-GEN uses tripolar radiofrequency wave technology to improve sagging skin treatment in a non-invasive approach. It helps to smooth and tighten your skin by regenerating collagen. The main purpose of this developed technology is to lift up your sagging skin which can range from mild to moderate and it works wonderfully with any skin colour. In recent years, radiofrequency (RF) treatments have become increasingly popular for deeper skin treatments. The process involves heating up your dermis layers with RF energy without damaging the upper skin layers. The RF technology used for this treatment is Tripolar radiofrequency. Tripolar radiofrequency wave technology is the effective combination of unipolar and bipolar RF. This combination provides deep and shallow dermal tightening simultaneously, resulting in microscopic changes to tissues and collagen contraction, along with collagen remodelling. Another Treatment on the Lunch Break menu RE-GEN treatment can be listed as one of the “lunch break facelifts” as the whole procedure takes just 20 to 45 minutes to complete, depending on your skin conditions. The process involves heating the skin to a bearable temperature up to 40°C for the tightening effect. After the treatment, discomfort and slight redness may occur for up to 24 hours. The overall downtime is said to be from minimal to zero. It’s All About the Patience Plants take time and nourishment to grow, so does our skin. For it to heal and grow, it also needs time. RE-GEN is not a miraculous cure-all as it takes time to fix little by little; thus, visible results can hardly be perceived by just one treatment. It is recommended to schedule yourself for the treatment once a week for 6 continuous weeks and followed by once a month for 3 months. Not Recommended for People with Rosacea RE-GEN is a heat-based treatment, it is not suitable for people with rosacea as heat can cause further inflammation and redness; it is not advisable for people with broken blood vessels or capillaries as well. Other than that, there is no other known risks or side effects for the treatment. For a non-invasive sagging skin treatment, RE-GEN is definitely worth a try.  You might also like

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Why Is It Important to Practice Yoga While Travelling?

How often do you do yoga and do you incorporate it in your travels? By Afrina Ghazali | February 4th, 2022 Travelling can be fun but at the same time, it can also be tiring and challenging not only physically but emotionally and mentally as well. Most of the time, it always starts with adapting quickly to the long hours' flight, sudden time change and not to forget, the jet lags. Imagine having your itineraries packed up with sightseeing during the day, street food tasting, souvenirs hunting and nightlife experiencing until late at night and what's more, it's the same routine continuously for a few days or even a few weeks!  In addition to that, we got some people questioning, shouldn't be running to catch the trains and juggling in between the opening hours for a few different locations be enough exercise throughout? Well, in this case, we must not agree. No matter how exciting your trip is, your body and mind will eventually reach a state of exhaustion. This is when yoga would play a crucial role.  Why Yoga? Yoga as all would have known is a simple exercise technique that involves moving your body to become fitter, more flexible and at the same time put your mind at ease. It circles you back to the centre of the neutral state of your mind and body which helps calm your nerves and release body sores. So even if running between your set activities would be considered an exercise, the stress  There are numerous reasons why yoga is believed to be really helpful when practised during travels, but here are a few reasons why we think you must include yoga in your itineraries: 1. It is a natural stress-reducing activity Let's admit it, shall we? All exercises have stress-busting benefits as it reduces the stress hormones and releases your endorphins - which explains why you often feel fresher and better after a few smashes at the court or a quick run. Yoga is not an exception. It has the same effect and you can do it in one place without running around. So considering you will have to squeeze in within your wrapped up schedules, yoga is one of the best exercises for you to reset your mind every morning of your travels. 2. Let you live in the moment Did you know that the more you do yoga, the more it helps you become mindful? As you achieve a state of peace of mind, the more you can be present and embrace the moment. What kind of a trip would it have become if you are all over the place, ey? So instead of worrying about how your trip will turn out or stressing about how uneventful it has been, why not relax and be in the zone? Yoga is a great tool that can help you do that. 3. Boost up your immune system If you haven't known, let us tell you that stress and the immune system are correlated with one another. As stress hormones increase, your immune system will automatically be weakened. What yoga does is that the postures help calm your nervous system, automate your respiratory tracts and lungs as well as stimulate your lymphatic system. Overall, your body will be conditioned to eliminate all the present toxins, improve the functions of your organs and immune system. 4. Regulate your sleeping cycle Remember the jet lags? Well, one might not mind it considering the excitement that comes with travelling but don't forget that your body is well aware of it. So be prepared for how it could mess up your body clocks. If you think sleeping in and waking up anytime your body tells you would be a problem looking at how it does not fit your schedules, well, it's time you think about incorporating yoga to fix your sleep. Not only can it help you fall asleep faster, but it can also improve the overall quality of your sleep. That way, you can get yourself back on track! 5. Do it for the grams? Oh, come on! Don't tell us you won't update your vacation on your social media? Okay, fine, if it's not for the gram, let's do it for the memories, shall we? It's not forever that you will witness a different place with different views, this is a great time for you to experience yoga with unique and beautiful spots settings. Giddy-up and enjoy the show, ey! Footnote To sum it up, yoga has a lot of great effects on your body and mind. It increases your blood flow, it helps you feel fresh from fatigue, it helps stop your anxiety to go up the roof and it keeps diseases away. So, why not 'bookmark' your favourite 3 - 4 poses and bring them along on your future trips? If you also like to have a professional helping you along your way, check a few yoga sessions that you could add to your to-do-list: Yoga & Other Similar Activities   You might also like 

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Medical Tourism: Now and Then

How is medical tourism different after COVID-19? By Afrina Ghazali | January 28th, 2022 A lot of things have been severely affected since the COVID-19 and medical tourism is certainly not an exception. Flashback to the pre-pandemic, medical tourism had a major growth rate in the tourism industry. However, the industry relies greatly on international travel, so, due to the travel bans and lockdowns, the growth rate has dented tremendously. But how unalike can medical tourism be before and after the pandemic? Medical Tourism Travelling abroad for medical aid has been trendsetting since the start of the last decade and it was very popularly marketed in Asian countries due to its significant economic benefits. Although it was greatly and especially popular in Southeast Asia, Dubai was regarded as the world leader among the emerging market destinations. It was an eye-opener for most people to realise that seeking medical procedures in medical tourism marketed countries is exciting as high-quality medical services were easily accessible at a low cost with a short waiting time. So, what was unaffordable and what would have been a long queue in the waiting list would then be made possible abroad and promptly. Reasons for medical tourism may vary greatly from which country they come from, their payslip or their records of medical history, but some of the most frequently performed procedures among medical tourists include cardiovascular treatments, dental treatments, orthopaedic treatments, cosmetic treatments and a few others. Pre-COVID Era A few countries in Asia have been targeted hotspots for medical tourists over the last decade and many initiatives have been made to bring in more foreign patients. Thailand for instance had started the strategic plan known as "Thailand: A Hub of Wellness and Medical Services" in 2016 to secure the country's position as a regional leader in medical tourism. The UAE introduced a new visa policy and offered packages that could cover the entire tourists' trip in conjunction with their support in the economy of medical tourism. The Indian government likewise had announced a new visa offer for medical purposes in 2017. The medical tourism boom was greatly prompted by the increased awareness especially among the citizens of the higher incomed countries and this has led to a great increase of inbound visits by medical tourists in 2019. It was reported that at least 14 million visits were made for the purpose of medical tourism globally. With that, it was expected that the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) would grow from 4.5% and up to 15% over the next few years.  However, what no one had predicted was the coming of the COVID-19 that became a total hit globally and affected almost all industries including medical tourism. Post-COVID Era As though lockdowns were not hard, travelling abroad is now even harder. It is just no longer possible to simply book a plane ticket within the day because a lot of procedures need to be involved in international travels and looking at it right now, not all countries have allowed entries for visiting foreigners. So, not only will you need to check if the country allows entry, but you must also go for COVID-19 testing because only those proved negative of COVID-19 will be allowed to travel. When it is harder for people to travel, this will instantly affect the rate of medical tourists and data have shown that Year-On-Year (YOY) revenue has dropped gravely and one of Thailand's main medical tourism healthcare providers has reported that at least 94% of YOY revenue was decimated in 2020.  It is believed to take some time to level up to how it was like before the pandemic, therefore, many measures and initiatives are being implemented to revive the market industry. Some countries have expedited the pandemic recovery and Dubai again, for instance, has been handling COVID-19 well to be ranked as the most COVID-19 safe and restoring the confidence for tourists' number to level up. It has since then been at the forefront and is welcoming medical tourists since September 2020.  Other countries like Thailand and Malaysia have introduced "travel bubbles" and testing programmes whereby tourists will be allowed entry in some cities in support of encouraging and promoting the tourism industry. Germany on the other hand has recently launched German healthcare accreditation provider Temos that confirms and convinces tourists that clinics and hospitals meet necessary standards. Above all, the first step on the road to recovery involves different implementations of solutions that can help reboot the confidence of medical travellers and as observed in the recent positive performance by Dubai, other countries must take more steps forward to resuscitate medical tourism in their respective countries.

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