Terms of Use

User Agreement

Trambellir Company Limited (hereafter, “the Company”), Trambellir (https://www.trambellir.com )provides the following agreement for the usage of the services of Trambellir. Trambellir provides the following agreement (hereafter, “this agreement”)

You are deemed to have accepted this agreement upon usage of Trambellir. Please ensure that you have read this user agreement when utilizing our service. Additionally, as this agreement will be altered as the need arises, please read the newest version when you use it.

*For information on the management of personal information, see the “Website Policy”.

*Read this agreements as well as the disclaimers for each service and function when making reservations for treatment.

Article 1: Purpose

This agreement applies to users who utilize the Company’s medical tourism reservation site, “Trambellir”. Trambellir’s Users must use this service only after consenting to this agreement. The terms and conditions herein may be changed without prior notice.

Article 2: Member registration

A “member” is defined as an individual who, upon accepting this agreement, has been approved by the Company as a member after their completion of member registration procedures as provided by the Company, in order to access services as based on these provisions. However, even after approval, the Company reserves the right to rescind approval in the event that the user is deemed unsuitable as a member.

Article 3: Information provided by clinics/hospitals

The Company Information on facilities, fees, available appointment times, appointment cancellation policies, etc., necessary for each appointment (hereafter, “appointment information”), and information concerning clinics/hospitals will be offered to members will be provided on Trambellir. Appointment information is based on the responsibility of clinics/hospitals, and the Company will never assume liability for information – excluding cases where the Company does not pass along information due to intent or negligence.

Article 4: Payment of treatment

Members will pay the treatment fees to the Company by credit card when the reservation is finalized. In the case that the cost of treatment is displayed in a foreign currency and the Company performs the request in Other currencies, the Company will exchange the cost into the currency at a rate as decided by the Company. However, payments with regards to certain treatments will be made according to one of the following methods, as dictated on the page in question. The reservation application fee will be paid to the Company by credit card when the reservation has finalized, and the remainder will be paid directly to the clinic/hospital on the day of treatment or the date that set by the company.

Article 5: Goods and services provided by clinics/hospitals

The Company is not liable for the contents or quality of the services provided by the clinic/hospitals, nor is it liable for issues, conflicts, complaints, or damages incurred by members that arise between members and clinics/hospitals; the problems listed above will be solved between said member and clinic/hospital.

Article 6: Member cancellation of treatment reservation and cancellation fees

Cancellation fees incurred by members canceling for private reasons will follow the cancellation policy of the clinic/hospital. The Company is not liable for any changes in the foreign exchange rate between the time treatment is paid for, and the time that said payment is reimbursed. Cancellations, in general, The Company are conducted from your mypage. However, in the case the clinic/hospital can be reached by phone, and the clinic/hospital has accepted the cancellation, the cancellation procedure can be completed by informing the Company of this through your mypage at a later date.

Article 7: Treatment cancellation and reimbursement by the clinic/hospital

All fees will be returned to members in the case that a cancellation is made by a clinic/hospital due to their own circumstances. However, the Company will not be responsible for any the difference in foreign exchange rates between the point of the reservation and the point of the cancellation.

Article 8: Password management

Members are expected to manage their own passwords.

Members cannot lend, transfer, alter their name, sell, pawn, or allow third parties to use their email address or password.

The company assumes no liability for damages incurred by a member’s mismanagement of their password, negligence, or allowing a third party to use their account; this will be the responsibility of said member.

Article 9: Management of member registration information

Personal information registered by a member during member registration (hereinafter, “registration information”) will be managed and held by the Company in accordance to the Website Policy.

The Company will not disclose registration information that can identify a specific individual (hereinafter, “personal information”) to third parties. However, this does not apply in the following cases.

The case that the customer has agreed to disclose the information

In the case that said personal information is required to fulfil services to consignment partners with whom the Company has signed confidentiality contracts for the purpose of personal information protection

In the case that information is disclosed or provided to a third party in a state wherein the individual cannot be specified, with the purpose of improving service through gathering and analysing personal information.

Information disclosed for a warrant or other decisions made the courts

Further, for details regarding the purpose of use and other handling of personal information collected by the Company, please consult the “Personal Information Protection Policy.”

Article 10: Prohibited actions

When members use Trambellir, they must refrain from the following acts, or acts that invite the danger of the following acts.

Acts that violate this agreement

Acts that go against privacy policy or laws and regulations

Acts that violate the Company’s, or a third party’s trademark rights, right of likeness, or any other intellectual property rights

Acts that abuse or slander a third party

Acts that inflict losses to third parties

Acts that interfere with the Company’s business or services provided by the Company

Acts with the purpose of profit-making

Any information the Company deems unsuitable

Article 11: The deletion and alteration of information sent by members

The Company can delete, or, if deemed necessary, completely or partially alter any information provided by a member that corresponds or may correspond to any of the following items.

Anything that the Company deems to correspond with the “prohibited actions”

Information that the Company has deemed to be clearly false

Any information the Company deems unsuitable

Article 12: Membership deletion

In the case that a member corresponds to any of the following items, the Company can, with no prior notice and with no liability to said member, can rescind their membership.

When a member commits an act that corresponds with any of the “prohibit actions”

In the even that any other item of this agreement is violated

In the event that the Company deems a user unsuitable as a member

Article 13: Cessation, discontinuation, and modification of services

The Company can discontinue, cease, or alter the contents of this service without prior notification to members.

The Company is not liable for any losses or damages incurred by members during the modification or discontinuation of the contents of this service.

The Company can discontinue its services by providing one month’s prior notice to members.

Article 14: Trademark and property rights

All trademark rights and property rights related to contents displayed on Trambellir belong to the clinic/hospital, their partners, and advertisers. Users and members agree not to copy, publish, transfer, lend, translate, reproduce, send, or perform license transactions of said contents unless they have express written consent from the Company, clinic/hospital, their partners, or advertisers. Additionally, the Company retains the right to request an amount equal to the amount of profit obtained by a user or member who commits the above acts.

Article 15: Exemptions and limitation of liability

The Company will not be liable for any damage incurred between members and clinics/hospitals.

The clinics/hospitals are separate entities from the Company; therefore the Company assumes no responsibility for any act of intent, negligence, inattention, activities as an agent, guarantees, by a clinic/hospital, or the injury, death, damage or loss of property, damage from terrorism, or any other damages a member incurs.

The Company will not be liable for treatment cancellations, duplicate reservations, and strikes that are outside of the direct scope of management of the Company. In addition, the Company is not responsible for alterations to treatment, cancellations, and additional fees caused by government authorities or warrants from the courts.

The Company will only be liable for damages to members that are tangible and direct, and are within the scope of what would ordinarily arise resulting from providing this service, even in the case of intent or negligence.

Article 16: Modifications to this agreement

The company can alter this agreement as necessary. In the case that this agreement is altered, the alterations will be completed with changes to this page. No notification will be sent to members.

Article 17: Jurisdiction agreement

The Malaysian Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction for the court of first instance with regards to conflicts arising from this agreements.

Article 18: Negotiations

If a problem arises with regards to items that are not listed in this agreement, or regarding this agreement itself, the concerned parties are to negotiate in good faith, and strive for an expedient solution.