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Health Screening (Checkup Packages for Men)

¥8,263 - ¥70,237
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It Is Suitable For

· Those who wish to get a thorough health check-up in Bangkok.
· Those who wish to undergo a complete physical examination.
· Those who wish to undergo an examination for STDs.
· Those who wish to identify health hazards before they become chronic.
· Those who wish to get married soon.

What is Health Screening?

Undergoing a routine medical checkup will help to identify unrecognized problems early, when the probability for a treatment and cure is high. Moreover, a medical check-up may be regarded as the foundation of disease prevention and operates together with other ways of disease prevention such as lifestyle modifications, risk factor management and vaccination programs. In short, by having the appropriate check-up procedure, screening, or treatment, you are taking action that will help your chances of living a longer and healthier life. These are the types of health screening offered at our affiliated hospital:

· Program 1 (20 years old and above)
· Program 2 (25-34 years old)
· Program 3 (35-44 years old)
· Program 4 (45-54 years old & above)
· Program 5 (55 years old & above)
· Program 6 (Complete physical examination for couples getting married and women planning to get pregnant)
· STD Package 1: Chlamydia Rapid Test (Swab), Gonorrhoeae Gram, RPR (male only), Anti-HIV (male only), physical examination (male only), Thin-Prep + HPV (female only)
· STD Package 2: Physical examination (male only), Thin-Prep + HPV (female only), RPR, Anti-HIV, HBsAg (female only), HBsAb (female only), STI Multiplex PCR (tests for Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma urealyticum, Uroplasma parvum, Trichomonas vaginalis

Program 1

This is offered for 20 years old and above. These are included in the program:
· Physical Examination
· Chest X-ray
· Electrocardiography (EKG)
· Complete Blood Count (CBC)
· Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS)
· Serum Cholesterol, Triglyceride and HDL Level
· Creatinine Level
· SGPT and Alkaline Phosphatase
· Urine Analysis (U/A)

Program 2

Suitable for those aged 25 to 34 years old

Tests included:
· Physical Examination
· Chest X-ray
· Electrocardiography (EKG
· Complete Blood Count (CBC)
· Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS)
· Serum Cholesterol, Triglyceride, HDL and LDL Level
· BUN and Creatinine
· SGOT, SGPT, and Alkaline Phosphatase*
· Uric Acid
· Urine Analysis (U/A)

Additional Test for Men:
· Prostate specific antigen (PSA)
· Ultrasound Upper Abdomen

Program 3

Suitable for those who are 35 to 44 years old

Tests included:
· Physical Examination
· Chest X-ray
· Electrocardiography (EKG)
· Complete Blood Count (CBC)
· Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS)
· Serum Cholesterol, Triglyceride, HDL and LDL Level
· BUN and Creatinine
· SGOT, SGPT, and Alkaline Phosphatase
· Uric Acid
· Urine Analysis (U/A)

Additional Test for Men
· Prostate specific antigen (PSA)
· Ultrasound Upper Abdomen
· Exercise Stress Test (EST)

Program 4

Suitable for 45 to 54 years old and above.

Tests included:
· Physical Examination
· Chest X-ray
· Electrocardiography (EKG)
· Complete Blood Count (CBC)
· Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS)
· Serum Cholesterol, Triglyceride, HDL and LDL Level
· BUN and Creatinine
· SGOT, SGPT, and Alkaline Phosphatase, Total Bilirubin, Direct Bilirubin, Total Protien, Albumin, Globulin
· Uric Acid
· Alpha-Feto Protein (AFP)
· Caricnoembryonic antigen (CEA)
· Urine Analysis (U/A)
· Test for Occult Blood in Stool
· Ultrasonography (Whole abdomen)
· Bone Densitometry (to detect Mineral Density)
· Exercise Stress Test (EST)

Additional Test for Men:
· Prostate Surface Antigen (PSA)

Program 5

Suitable for those aged 55 years old and above.

Tests included:
· Physical Examination
· Chest X-ray
· Electrocardiography (EKG)
· Complete Blood Count (CBC)
· Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS, HbA1C)
· Serum Cholesterol, Triglyceride, HDL and LDL Level
· BUN and Creatinine
· SGOT, SGPT, and Alkaline Phosphatase, Total Bilirubin, Direct Bilirubin, Total Protien, Albumin, Globulin
· Uric Acid
· Test for Occult Blood in Stool
· Alpha-Feto Protein (AFP)
· Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)
· Urine Analysis (U/A)
· Ultrasonography (Whole abdomen)
· Bone Densitometry (to detect Mineral Density)
· Exercise Stress Test (EST)

Additional Test for Men:
· Prostate Surface Antigen (PSA)

Program 6

Suitable for those who plan to get married.

Tests included:
· Complete Blood Count (CBC)
· Physical Examination
· Complete Blood Count
· Urine Analysis (U/A)
· ABO Blood Group Test, Rh factor
· Rapid Plasma Reagin
· Anti-HIV Test
· HBsAG Test
· HBsAB Test
· Hemoglobin typing

STD Package 1

Tests included:
· Physical Examination
· Chlamydia Rapid Test (Swab)
· Gonorrhoeae Gram
· Anti HIV

STD Package 2

Tests included:
· Physical Examination
· Anti HIV
· STI Multiplex PCR (Urine)(Lab 14)

Advantages and Limitations of Health Screenings

· Identifies health risks
· Monitors health condition
· Tests for multiple conditions
· No downtime

· Routine check-up is encouraged every year


Q1: How often do I need to go for a medical check-up?
A1: Once a year is a common rule. However, your age, health and family history, lifestyle choices (i.e. the food you eat, how active you are, whether you smoke), as well as other critical indicators can influence what and how often you need a check-up.

Q2: How often should I go for STD check-up?
A2: Depending on how sexually active you are, you need to get your check-up once every 3 to 12 months. But whether you are 'risky' or not, you should get the check-up. Consult with the doctor to learn more.

Q3: How should I prepare for the check-up?
A3: You may need to fast 8 hours before the check-up. Another tip is to wear loose-fitting and comfortable outfit, and please share your medical history with the doctor for examination.

Clinic Information

[Clinic Name] Yanhee Hospital
[Location] Bangkok
[Nearest Station/ Nearest Tourist Destination] Walking distance to shopping places, FamilyMart, Horseriding place, Futsal Court and 1 min walk to bus station (Bang Phlat).
[Clinic Opening Time] Open 24 hours

Toiminta-aika 1 hr
Toipumisaika None
Postoperatiivisen käynnin määrä Not Required
Sairaalahoito Not Required
Muut tiedot Consultation Fee at this clinic ranges from USD 17-33.
Peruutusehdot No cancellation fees will be charged if you notify your cancellation at least 48 hrs in advance
Sisältyy tähän hintaan Virtual Consultation
Sijainti Yanhee International Hospital Charan Sanitwong Road, Bang Ao, Bang Phlat, Bangkok, Thailand