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Refractive Lens Exchange (Correct Refractive Errors With IOL)

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It Is Suitable For

· Those looking for a safe and effective RLE procedure in Bangkok, Thailand.
· Those who want to fix a refractive eye lens.
· Those who want to treat refractive errors effectively without an overnight stay at the hospital.
· Those who want to prevent permanent vision loss.
· Those who want to restore vision and improve quality of life.

What is Refractive Lens Exchange?

Refractive Lens Exchange is a surgery performed by removing the crystalline lens of the eyes and replacing them with artificial lens implants to fix the refractive errors of the eyes.

The procedure is the same as cataract surgery, but it is done to change the refractive properties of the eye rather than fixing cloudy lenses, or cataracts, that have developed in the lens.

At our affiliated clinic, the procedure replaces the lens with different focusing power, this helps to provide good distance vision as well as good reading vision.

How It Works

RLE surgical procedure works well to fix the refractive errors and also reduces or eliminates presbyopia by using an advanced multifocal intraocular lens implant. Not only fixing the refractive issue, but these lenses can also provide a clearer vision for the ones who suffer nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, as well as presbyopia.

Types of IOL

Before undergoing the surgery, your eyes will be measured to determine your IOL prescription and the doctor will decide and recommend which IOL type would be appropriate for you.

· Multifocal IOLs
These lenses have a variety of regions with different power, allowing a variety of distance, including distant, intermediate, and near; however, they are not able to correct astigmatism and patients still require spectacles for clear vision

· Multifocal Toric IOLs
The doctor may recommend these lenses in the case where you have astigmatism; they help to restore nearsightedness or farsightedness along with astigmatism

Recommended For

RLE is suitable for you if:
· You have presbyopia (loss of reading vision)
· You are too nearsighted or farsighted for LASIK or PRK
· Your corneas are too thin for safe LASIK or PRK
· You wish to eliminate dependence on spectacles and also early signs of cataracts

Refractive Lens Exchange Procedure

1. Consultation and examination of your eye condition
2. Discussion on the type of IOL to be implanted
3. Removal of the natural lens using ultrasound
4. The intraocular lens (IOL) will be inserted into the capsule of the lens

Advantages and Limitations of Refractive Lens Exchange

· Enhances vision at all distances
· Corrects refractive errors
· Eliminates the risk of cataracts
· Quick recovery

· Natural lens will be removed
· Mild pain may be experienced

Refractive Lens Exchange Preparation

· A full health history including medications may be asked
· Certain health conditions such as diabetes, diabetic retinopathy, autoimmune diseases, glaucoma, corneal disease, and age-related macular degeneration may need special discussion
· Stop wearing contact lens for 7 days (soft contact lens for 3 days) before the appointment date
· Plan to have someone to drive after the procedure
· Bring all your current medications on the appointment date
· Certain medications may be asked to stop a few days prior to the operation
· Sunglasses is recommended
· Eye examination takes 2 to 3 hrs

Refractive Lens Exchange Post Care

· Do not remove the bandage for the whole day until the next day of your check-up
· Avoid rubbing the eyes for a few days
· Rest and try to keep the treated eye closed
· Do not lift heavy objects until recovered
· Consume light meals

First 2 weeks after the procedure
· Do not rub or put pressure on the eye
· Avoid getting water and dust into your eye
· Avoid smoky and dusty environments to prevent eye irritation
· Avoid sleeping on the side that has been treated
· Do not bend your head down
· Avoid any eye makeup
· Avoid getting your hair into your eye
· Avoid straining your eye, especially at the time of constipation
· Avoid strenuous exercise
· Do not cough or sneeze forcefully
· Wash your hands thoroughly before applying eye drop
· Take medications as prescribed
· Cover your eye with eyeshield at night to prevent accidental contact
· Resume light activities such as reading, writing, watching TV, and walking
· Wear sunglasses outside at all times
· Do visit the clinic as scheduled


Q1: What is presbyopia?
A1: Presbyopia is a long sightedness condition caused by loss of elasticity of the lens of the eye; usually occurs in the middle and old age.

Q2: How long does it take to recover?
A2: It can take 4 to 6 weeks to recover fully.

Q3: Is the procedure safe?
A3: Rest assured that the procedure is safe and effective.

Clinic Information

[Clinic Name] Laser Vision International LASIK Center
[Location] Bangkok, Thailand
[Nearest Station/ Nearest Tourist Destination] 10 mins driving distance to Chatuchak Weekend Market, and 3 mins to BTS Phahonyothin 24
[Clinic Opening Time] Monday to Friday (8:00AM - 8:00PM), Saturday (8:00AM - 6:00PM), Sunday (8:00AM - 4:00PM)

Toiminta-aika 30 - 60 mins
Toipumisaika None
Postoperatiivisen käynnin määrä Not required
Sairaalahoito Not required
Rajoitukset Patient would need to arrange for a driver to go back home / to the hotel after treatment
Peruutusehdot Deposit of USD 620 will not be refundable upon any cancellations of the appointment
Sijainti 49/5 LASERVISION B.D., Ladyao ,, Chatuchuk, Thailand, Bangkok 10900, Thailand