Trambellir Articles

Alleviate Allergies with NAET Therapy

Know the best diet for your health By Afrina Ghazali | January 21st, 2022 Mild, moderate or severe allergies due to food and/or environmental allergens can interfere with your quality of life. A lot of allergy treatments are perceived as expensive and invasive, not to mention the use of some medicines can refrain a lot of people from getting the help they need.  Not a lot of people know that NAET therapy can help. NAET stands for Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques Therapy, which was established by Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad in 1983. NAET is a non-invasive, drug-free, and natural solution to alleviate allergies of all types and intensities using a blend of selective energy balancing, testing and treatment procedures from acupuncture/acupressure, allopathy, chiropractic, nutritional, and kinesiological disciplines of medicine. It is painless and can be done on an infant, the elderly or even on a healthy person to treat hidden allergies. Treatments and principles applied in NAET · Allopathy & Western Sciences This refers to the knowledge of the brain, cranial nerves, spinal nerves and autonomic nervous system. NAET applies this knowledge to help in understanding the energy distribution of particular spinal nerves that emerge from the 31 pairs of spinal nerve roots. · Kinesiology This is a method to detect allergen(s). Kinesiology is the science of body movement. This knowledge is applied in NAET to compare the strength and weaknesses of any muscle. A detected weakness can mean the effect of an allergy. · Chiropractic Chiropractic can help to detect any nerve energy blockage in a specific nerve energy pathway by detecting and isolating the exact nerve root being pinched. Spinal manipulation in this practice can relieve the obstruction of the energy flow. · Acupuncture / Oriental Medicine This well-known practice teaches the importance of maintaining homeostasis in the body. Acupuncture applied at certain points is believed to be able to remove energy blockages, thus restoring balance. · Nutrition Nutritional assessments will be done to determine the best diets for your condition. How NAET therapy works One allergen will be treated at a time. Depending on the severity of your allergies, 1 to 20 visits may be needed to heal your condition. After a diagnosis has been made using standard medical testing procedures, computerized testing, and kinesiological muscle response testing, a systematic treatment procedure will be done to stimulate the central nervous system in the presence of each allergen. This will help to reprogram the brain. Most patients can be successfully treated by acupressure around the spine to stimulate the nerves which convey messages to and from the brain going to the organs and other tissues all over the body. Precautions If you are interested in getting the treatment, you must first ensure that the specialist you are visiting is practising the real NAET. According to NAET information, practitioners and programs that use words such as "distance treatments", "JMT", "BioSet", "Berg technique", "Advanced Allergy Elimination Technique", "Allergy Pathways", "Allergy Elimination Technique", "the allergy kit", "A/SERT", "BBA", and "Total Reset Method" do not perform Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques (NAET) and are not sanctioned by NAET. And you should also understand that in terms of effectiveness, NAET does not claim to completely cure allergies or food, chemical and environmental sensitivities. But NAET can help to manage them. Get your NAET Therapy with our affiliated specialists. Book your session in Bali now: Allergy Therapy @ Bali   You might also like

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Benefits of Body Contouring with Liposuction

Let your body's natural beauty shine By Azra Shuib | January 14th, 2022 After a major weight loss, you might struggle with some stubborn fat pockets in certain areas like the abdomen, inner thighs or upper arm. This can be quite an eyesore when dressing up and prevent you from wearing the garments you have been eyeing prior to losing weight. Luckily, there are interventions that can help with body contouring, and one of the most effective methods is liposuction. What is Liposuction? Liposuction is a surgical procedure that involves a tiny incision to insert a small tube called a cannula to suck and remove fat from specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms or neck. Other names for liposuction are lipoplasty and body contouring procedures. Liposuction is not a weight-loss surgery, and it is not suitable for those who are severely obese. But it can greatly help with removing stubborn fat that is difficult to get rid of even with diet and exercise. If you are overweight, you may benefit more from interventions like bariatric surgery or bypass surgery than through liposuction. Suitable candidates for liposuction are those with too much body fat in specific spots but otherwise have stable body weight. Benefits of Liposuction You may still not be sure if liposuction is the right procedure for you. So let us list out some benefits of getting a lipo: 1. Liposuction can increase your confidence If you want to confidently wear your bikini, go sleeveless or rock your favourite jeans - but your stubborn fat pockets are bothering you - then liposuction is the way to go. With a better body contour, you can feel more attractive as it highlights your body’s natural beauty. No bulges, just smooth curves. The newly-contoured body also helps you to feel more comfortable and lighter in your own body, improving the overall quality of life. 2. Liposuction may improve your health Liposuction can decrease the fat cells, or triglycerides, in your blood. By getting a liposuction, you can help to increase your heart health. Besides that, liposuction can be an effective preventive method against weight gain. After spending so much on liposuction, you will appreciate your body more and this will motivate you to exercise and eat healthily to maintain stable body weight. You will also put on more effort to ensure fat won’t fill up the treated areas again. Therefore, lipo is definitely a good long-term investment for your looks. 3. Instant results A healthy diet and exercise can definitely help to remove fat from all parts of the body, but they may not be as effective for stubborn fat bulges in specific parts of the body. What’s great about lipo is that it can easily target stubborn fat in your stomach, back, upper arms, and thighs. You do not need months or years to achieve the results you want. In fact, liposuction is a safe procedure too - but you need to do your part in choosing the best clinic with certified doctors. These days, liposuction comes with great innovations such as VASER lipo and Cool Lipo. The advancements come with a high price, but it’s definitely worth it for your long-term goals. Recovery for liposuction is also relatively short, as it may take a few days up to 2 weeks, depending on the size of the treated areas. However, considering the immediate result it brings, the recovery period does not outweigh the benefits at all. 4. Liposuction will improve your happiness One thing that is often overlooked when it comes to liposuction is the satisfaction and happiness level it brings. After lipo, you will fit comfortably into any outfit, pose in pictures without worries and have an increase in self-confidence, which improves your happiness. So many people hold their big and small decisions in life out of insecurity about how they look. And there is nothing wrong with getting treatment interventions that can enhance your self-esteem so that you’ll beam with confidence in your pictures, rock your big presentations, excel in interviews or look stunning on your wedding day. 5. Smoother skin after treatment It’s time to love the skin you’re in. After removing lumps and grooves, your skin will become irresistible to touch. This can also prevent cellulite from forming or getting worse. Generally, your skin will naturally contract after liposuction, but this depends on each individual’s skin elasticity as well. But when you have smoother body contour, skin-tightening treatments will work better. So, if you are considering collagen-boosting treatments or just looking forward to applying lotion each night, then liposuction can definitely help to enhance that experience. Click on any pages to learn more or book a treatment: Cool Lipo @ Kuala Lumpur Liposuction @ Geneva Vaser Liposelection @ Bangkok Neck Liposuction @ Hungary   You might also like

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Can You Breastfeed After Getting Breast Implants?

Can you have the best of both worlds? By Azra Shuib | December 31st, 2021 Breast implants can help a lot of women who are unhappy with their breast shape and sizes. But some of you may be hesitant to undergo the procedure out of concerns that the surgery might interfere with breastfeeding. Breastfeeding can be every mothers' pride and joy. Some mothers would prefer to exclusively breastfeed their babies for 6 months, while some would even prefer to do it for 2 years' solid long. There are numerous reasons why they choose to do so which include bonding with their babies, keeping the babies healthy by giving the best nutrition and boosting their immune systems and it's a great benefit for the mothers too! This is why getting breast implants may concern them. How will breastfeeding be different after getting implants? Firstly, breastfeeding won’t affect the implants, and surgeons generally believe that breast implants also won't affect breastfeeding ability. But there are a few exceptions, depending on the original state of breasts before surgery and the type of incision used. For instance, if implants are placed through an incision on an area where it damages nerves or impacts the viability of milk ducts, then you may have issues with breastfeeding. Implants are usually positioned behind milk glands or below chest muscles, which does not affect milk supply. While nursing, the baby also cannot bite or harm the implants. However, despite the implants’ placement, the incision type plays a big role in ensuring whether you can breastfeed. If the incision keeps the areola intact, it is less likely to cause issues. Incisions made under the breast, through the armpit or belly button don’t usually cause problems with breastfeeding. Tips to breastfeed right If your breasts didn’t change during pregnancy, you may have had insufficient glandular tissue after an augmentation (low or no milk production). To increase milk supply, you can talk to your doctor about getting a prescription for domperidone, the drug that promotes milk production. Besides that, patients who have undergone breast augmentation should be wary of a breast infection, also known as mastitis. This condition can increase the risk of capsular contracture. In serious conditions, doctors may advise you to have your implants removed. Other Takeaway Tips · Breastfeed often · Empty your breasts regularly · Try herbs that can increase breast milk supply, such as fennel, milk thistle, and fenugreek · Ensure baby latches properly. You may get guidance from your attending doctor or nurse about the proper ways to latch Bottom line You shouldn’t worry about the ability to breastfeed with implants. Usually, the surgeon will take into account your condition, desired results and preference to breastfeed in the future. If you have any concerns, always talk to your doctor or lactation consultant. Your baby will benefit from any amount of breast milk you produce, and it’s best to just enjoy the activity. More importantly, to preserve your ability to breastfeed, you should only get breast implants surgery from reputable clinics and doctors. Click any of the links below to learn more or make a booking: Breast Augmentation @ Bangkok Breast Augmentation @ Tokyo Breast Augmentation @ Kuala Lumpur   You might also like

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Understanding Hair Loss and How To Treat The Issue

Prevention is better than cure, but sometimes hair growth treatments work better. By Azra Shuib | December 24th, 2021 Hair loss can be stressful and may interfere with someone’s confidence and self-esteem. Losing hair can happen at any age - and 3 in 10 males in their thirties are bald. In extreme cases, some males start losing hair as early as the age of 16 and are bald by their early twenties. Hair loss can affect women as well, and both male and female pattern baldness stemmed from inherited genes. In men, genes can be handed down from one or both parents. For women, because of their greater amounts of estrogen, are unlikely to be impacted if only one parent inherits the gene. Other types of hair loss, such as stress-related hair loss, are not inherited. Some facts about the hair: · An average person has between 90,000 and 120,000 hairs growing · Blondes usually have the most hair, followed by brown, black and red hair. They also have the finest hair. · It is normal to shed between 50 and 100 hairs a day Non-surgical hair replacement There are 2 drugs approved by the FDA to treat male pattern baldness, which are Rogaine and Propecia. Rogaine is available over the counter at most local pharmacies. Propecia is only available with a doctor's written prescription. These medicines are more successful at preserving existing hair than at regrowing previously lost hair. Despite the fact that the medicines are advertised as remedies for hair loss, they generally only produce modest density restoration. Another interesting non-surgical method is LED treatment. LED light therapy device delivers wavelengths of natural light safely to the scalp to stimulate the mitochondria in your cells through the process of photobiomodulation. This is similar to the process of plants converting sunlight into energy for them to grow. With LED, new hair will grow from your follicles which have been stimulated to expand. This is a suitable treatment for those who like to get thicker hair without undergoing invasive or long procedures. Besides that, you can also consider fillers. For instance, DR. CYJ Hair Filler is a hair growth-stimulating filler with hyaluronic acid and peptides as its active ingredients. It is manufactured with sustained release and peptide technology. This hair filler functions to revitalize the scalp by providing nutrients to the scalp and hair roots for thicker hair, preventing hair loss and restoring hair growth by generating new hair follicles through stem cell activation. Other hair-growth treatments Sometimes, a non-surgical approach can’t help much. Luckily, there are other methods you can try. These treatments may be more invasive and take some time to complete, but they are proven effective and have high success rates: Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) FUE is a minimally invasive procedure in which hair follicles are individually removed from the genetically stronger area of the scalp, called the ‘donor site’, and are then restored at thinning areas of your scalp, called the ‘recipient site’. It is a method to combat baldness by transferring healthy hair follicles to the balding area, hence your hair growth will be restored naturally without any scarring. This method is considered an advanced hair transplant treatment with a massive success rate. In this treatment, a micro-needle will be used to extract the hair follicles individually, making this a delicate and time-consuming procedure. As anaesthesia will be administered, it is also regarded as a painless procedure. Counting the amount of grafts needed is usually done by dividing the hair into parts/areas. 1 graft contains 2 to 4 strands of hair on average. Normally, 500 to 2000 grafts are recommended, depending on the areas of hair loss. 500 grafts can be used to touch up specific bald parts such as the upper forehead part, whereas 2000 grafts can be used to treat almost 3/4 of the hair. For a person with full baldness, up to 3,000 grafts are recommended. Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) Very similar to Follicular Unit Extraction, Follicular Unit Transplant is a hair transplant treatment that offers easy procedures and natural-looking results. The implantation process is identical by placing follicular grafts in the thinning areas or known as recipient areas. Extraction wise, for FUT, all of your hair will be removed at once in a quick and simple process, unlike FUE, in which each individual hair graft is extracted one by one. Counting the amount of grafts needed is usually done by dividing the hair into parts/areas. 1 graft contains 2 to 4 strands of hair on average. Normally, 500 to 2000 grafts are recommended, depending on the areas of hair loss. 500 grafts can be used to touch up specific bald parts such as the upper forehead part, whereas 2000 grafts can be used to treat almost 3/4 of the hair. The results take time to be fully noticeable, usually after 3 to 6 months of the treatment. About 1 to 3 times of revisits are required to follow up the growth progress, depending on the hair condition. PRP Hair Treatment PRP is an abbreviation for platelet-rich plasma. Using growth factors present in your blood, PRP helps to accelerate and stimulate the regeneration of tissues in your scalp. Its application at the capillary level stimulates the formation of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, increasing vascularization at the level of the hair follicle. In the procedure, a small amount of blood is drawn from you, after which your blood plasma is centrifuged until the PRP is obtained. Then, your PRP is injected at the capillary level of your scalp, which helps to stimulate regeneration PRP reduces hair loss by stimulating hair growth in thinning areas of the scalp. In addition, PRP improves the thickness of existing hair by restoring the density and growing ability of your existing hair. Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) The procedure is a popular non-surgical hair loss treatment in which natural pigments are applied within the dermal layer of the scalp; the results replicate a natural shaved head look, creating a fuller hair volume appearance. Which treatment is for me? In general, FUT yields the most donor hair. Therefore, the procedure is best suited for more extensive hair loss and in patients where the main concern is the maximum use of one’s donor supply. The hair is maximized because of the precise nature of stereo-microscopic dissection and the fact that all the hair is harvested from the mid-portion of the permanent zone where the hair is most dense and stable.  A limitation of FUT is that it leaves a line scar in the donor area. With normal styling, this is easily covered with hair, but it precludes someone from wearing their hair very short. FUE is more appropriate for patients who would like to keep their hair very short or who can’t limit strenuous activities in the post-op period. In general, younger patients who need to keep their styling options flexible choose FUE, whereas those who desire the most coverage opt for FUT. Meanwhile, PRP is not a permanent cure for baldness and will not prevent new bald areas from forming. However, it does thicken the hair in areas that have been treated and help to reduce the amount of hair that is shed. Some advantages it has over FUE and FUT are that it involves no recovery period, no scarring and is incision-free / non-invasive. Book a treatment If you are interested to book a treatment for hair growth, visit our page to learn more: Hair Treatments in Istanbul Hair Treatments in Bangkok Hair Treatments in Kuala Lumpur Hair Treatments in Manila Hair Treatments in Lisbon Hair Treatments in New York Hair Treatments in Seoul   You might also like

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10 Self-Care Tips to Practice During Quarantine

What should you be doing when being put in quarantine? By Afrina Ghazali | December 17th, 2021 Since the first onset of COVID-19, a lot of things have changed in our lives. Things have slowly gotten better now after vaccinations roll out in most countries. The good thing about vaccinations is that the number of death rates due to the COVID-19 has decreased and cases are under better control. It helps save people's lives from being severely and fatally affected. However, the effects of being on a long period of isolation and quarantine can really challenge one's mental and physical health. According to many healthcare experts, a lot of people are suffering a great deal of mental and physical pain especially when they are socially restricted. This is the reason why self-care is really important to help you feel less stressed and more resilient. World Health Organization defined self-care as the behaviours you do to take care of your own health and this can include hygiene, nutrition, sports, exercise, leisure activities, seeking professional healthcare services when needed and much more.  It can be tough to control what is around you right now, but you have the choice to make yourself be in control of your health and other needs. We have decided to share some pointers, so here are some tips of the things you can do while staying in: 1. Set and Follow a Routine Did you know that good health is a result of good planning? Yes, that is why setting your daily routine is important. You can start by simply fixing your wake up time and bedtime, and then work on scheduling other things in between. Following the routine is another thing and it can be quite a challenge if you are the type of person who prefers spontaneous plans but you should give this a try once in a while. It helps you manage time well and avoid any unnecessary stress. Who knows, you may find this a better option to be more productive in life once your isolation period ends? 2. Eat and Drink Well Your source of food may be limited due to the movement restrictions but that does not mean you should eat mindlessly. Getting nutritious food is important especially in a critical time when you have to stay in due to positively being infected by the COVID-19 virus. If it is time for you to do some grocery shopping, order it online so you could cook a hearty meal for yourself. In case that may take a while, call in for some Grab food to be sent in front of your door - remember, there is a variety of restaurant selections out there so make sure the food you order is healthy! Also, make sure you drink enough water to prevent dehydration. Do you know how much water your body needs? If you don't, studies say the optimum amount of water you need a day is equivalent to roughly about 1 litre for every 30kg you weigh. For example, if you weigh 60kg then you would need around 2 litres a day; at 90kg, you would need around 3 litres a day and so on. 3. Get Enough Sleep and Rest Good quality sleep helps improve your immune system and overall health. The best is when you could get around 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night. By ensuring you have ample undisturbed time sleeping means you get to have adequate rest daily. Apart from that, good nights sleep can also: Regulate Blood Sugar Reduce Stress Help You Lose Weight Improve Your Memory Repair Your Body 4. Exercise Run a few laps on the stairs, follow the rope-skipping trend, meditate on yoga sessions or choose between Tabata or Zumba; the choice is in your hands. Choose whichever you like doing because practising good exercises is a must, not only can it help you reduce stress, but it can also improve mood, boost energy, promote good quality sleep as well as combat health conditions and diseases. On the days when you might feel a little more tired than other days, you can also consider breathing exercise as an option. It is a good practice especially for those tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. Apart from having the benefits that can help improve your blood pressure, it can strengthen your cardiovascular muscle and encourage your nervous system to relax and restore your lung function. 5. Know When to Connect and Disconnect  Stuck in quarantine, it is good to socially connect with your family and friends online. Apart from giving you updates on how it's like outside, they can be the constant reminder that reminds you of the reason you need to keep it going. Studies believe that staying connected with your loved ones works wonders to keep your mental health checked. However, too much news consumption and unlimited screening time can be bad for your health. Hence, it is very important for you to be in equilibrium. Manage your time well; connect and disconnect whenever necessary. 6. Get Fresh Air If you are in isolation, you may find it suffocating because fresh air is one of the things that you are limited to. At times like that, don't you just wish you could walk outside and let the breeze sweep through your face? But that is just not possible during your quarantine period. Please follow the quarantine guidelines and continue staying at home. For the time being, you can open your windows and let the wind in or you could invest in a good air purifier. Remember, a good ventilation system can have a positive impact on your health and overall well-being. 7. Build a Positive Mindset The only thing that can get in your way is yourself. That's why you play a crucial role in building your mindset. If you want to be rich, it starts with you. If you want to be healthy, it also starts with you. Learn that self-care can be really rewarding - first, you must practice positive habits and have a good perspective about yourself.  A little tip for you is: set positive affirmations such as "I am great! I am divine! I am enough! I have enough!", "I can do this! I am unstoppable" or anything similar to hype your energy every morning. It is believed to help you concentrate on self-love and it can also: Make you focus on your goals Motivate you to act Believe in yourself Change negative thoughts into positive ones Boost your self-confidence Influence your subconscious mind Counter the feelings of panic, stress and self-doubt 8. Find a New Interest or Get a New Hobby Thank you for the lockdowns, with more time spent at home, some people have only recently discovered that they are good at baking, some people suddenly realised they have green fingers, some others have only learnt they love reading, some find it really peaceful to draw and many other exciting self-discoveries. This is a good time for you to be creative and explore your hidden talents. Have you found yours yet? 9. Do At Least One Thing You Love Daily To some, it can be really tough being "locked-in" that they can even develop depression or anxiety along the way. However, you must keep in mind that you are not alone and it can be helped. Although you are limited to a lot of outdoor and social activities, there are so many other activities that you can busy yourself with.  If you love watching movies, why not binge Netflix from 2 PM to 5 PM. If you enjoy learning a new language, you might want to subscribe to a crash course that you could attend online. If you find it relaxing to play some video games, spend a good 2 to 3 hours on it a day to reward yourself. If you love dancing, this is the time for you to step up your dance moves onto another level. Ehh, we won't tell you what to do. It's entirely your decision to call. 10. Treat Yourself Keep in mind that everything shall pass and you can be free soon. To pass the isolation challenges in a breeze is not something easy but you will make it. Reward yourself with a limited edition Gucci handbag. Is that too much to ask? Well then, maybe you can book a hotel to stay in for a few days or book relaxing treatments to indulge yourself. Who doesn't love a good treat?  Here's a suggestion on a few treatments you would surely love after staying in for so long: Spa and Wellness  Facial and Cosmetic Dermatology  Beauty Drip and Injection    You might also like

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Carboxytherapy: Ultimate Solution to Cellulite and Stretch Marks

Enough worrying about your grotesque skin. By Afrina Ghazali | December 10th, 2021 Maybe right now you feel that it is an understatement to say just how disgusted you are with your flabby stretched skin every time you look at yourself in front of the mirror. Everyone especially women would want to have the perfect body and that includes perfect skin too, be it in texture, moisture and tone as well. The ones who would usually be trapped in this dilemma are those who either have lost or gained a lot of pounds in the past few months or years or those who have recently or experienced giving birth; the majority of which will be most likely to complain of this situation. If you are currently experiencing it, this is where carboxytherapy may come in handy for you. What is Carboxytherapy? Carboxytherapy is a non-surgical treatment that originated in French Spas in the 1930s with an objective to treat cellulite, stretch marks as well as dark under-eye circles. This treatment is relatively painless and employs injections or transdermal application to utilize the infusions of Carbon Dioxide under your skin. Other than the aforementioned purpose, studies have demonstrated and proven that carboxytherapy can also: 1. Improve skin elasticity and blood circulation 2. Encourage collagen repair 3. Improve the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines 4. Destroy localized fatty deposits 5. Treat alopecia or hair loss caused by poor circulation Apart from that, patients reported that it is efficient and convenient as the procedure is relatively quick; the treatment can be done in 15 to 30 mins time and you will have no problem in returning to your normal routines immediately after. However, you must refrain from swimming and bathing for at least 24 hours after cellulite or fat reduction treatment. How Does It Work? As everyone knows, your body cells release carbon dioxide as waste; red blood cells are responsible to absorb the oxygen you inhale and carrying it to the tissues then picking up carbon dioxide to be exhaled by your lungs. Well, we have far past that part. Studies suggest that blood circulation can be increased at a specific area by injecting carbon dioxide as it will cause your red blood cells to rush to that area. When that happens, an increase of blood circulation that is in charge to repair skin elasticity, repairing pigmentation and boosting collagen production will take place. Cellulite: Cellulite is usually caused by the protrusion of subcutaneous fat into your skin. When carbon dioxide is injected into the cellulite area, fat cells will then burst and will be eliminated by your body. Stretch Marks: What causes the stretch marks you see on your body is the occurring of dermal collagen rupture. So, when carboxytherapy is introduced in that area, new collagen will be produced, simultaneously thicken your skin and enhancing its appearance. Dark Under Eyes: Vascular pooling is the result of poor circulation under your eyes that appears as dark circles around your eyes. By performing carboxytherapy under the eyelid, bluish pooling is reduced and replaced with a blush tone, resulting in a healthy glow. Is it safe? In terms of safety, carboxytherapy is FDA-Approved and is considered a relatively safe procedure with almost no lasting side effects. Just like every other treatment with its pros and cons, carboxytherapy may cause bruising at the injection site but will usually fade within a week. Some may experience itchiness for a few minutes, some may feel a warm and tingly sensation at the treated area but all that will usually subside within 24 hours. Will you do it? If you ask us, we think you should. Browse through carboxytherapy and other similar treatments: Carboxytherapy @ Bangkok  Fat Melting Injection @ Kuala Lumpur Meso Celluform @ Kuala Lumpur Exilis for Body @ Kuala Lumpur   You might also like

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Safe Travelling in times of Pandemic and Endemic

Travelling 101: New Norm of Safe Travelling during COVID-19 By Afrina Ghazali | December 3rd, 2021 After numerous lockdowns, everyone is bouncing off the walls as the international borders are slowly reopening. We get it, we cannot contain our excitement too as one country announces its border reopening after the other. However, unlike our old tradition of travelling during the pre-covid era, this time, there are many factors to consider and things to prepare to ensure safe travelling throughout. Keep reading to follow the tips that will help you remain healthy and minimize all the risks of getting yourself infected. 1. Assess the Current COVID-19 Rate at Your Preferred Destination Be sure to check the current COVID-19 Rates before you start your engine or book that flight ticket. Study the pattern too, if possible, because you do not want to be cancelled on your travel planning due to the sudden surge of COVID-19 cases in the country you wish to escape to. It is also a good idea to always keep yourself updated of your current location COVID-19 status. You may not be able to travel from a seriously infected area. 2. Get Yourself Vaccinated Vaccinations have been rolled out in most countries and it's believed to be a protection tool for all. Although you can still be infected if exposed to the virus but at least if you get yourself vaccinated, it can help your body be prepared for any possible circumstances and prevent any serious illnesses when contracting the virus. For those who could be allergic to vaccines, be sure you take extra precautions before travelling. 3. Avoid Spontaneous Planning Back in those days, spontaneous planning can always be a thing; you can wake up in the morning and book your night flight in the evening. With COVID-19 still 'on air' though, it is best to put any spontaneous travelling on hold first. Make sure you plan your trip well and consider everything thoroughly from places to visit, where to eat, what time to visit and many others. 4. Plan Your Medium of Transport Some people prefer taking public transports to cut the expenses meanwhile some prefer renting a minivan to travel comfortably with their family. Well, there is no wrong or right with any of that. You can still take public transports or rent your own vehicles, whichever suits your budget and preference. For those renting the vehicles of their choices, most car rentals now will sanitise them before handing you the key, so it should not be worrying. However, it is crucial for those who prefer taking the bus or train to examine the time and try to avoid peak hours. If it cannot be helped, you may want to consider switching your plan by ordering an Uber or Grab. 5. Minimise or Avoid Eating Out Don't you just love the idea of having street food or indulging in different cuisine in a classic traditional setup restaurant? Go for it then!  But wait, instead of having it in your everyday itinerary, why not try to only include it just once or twice throughout your entire trip and stick to simple takeaways for the rest of the days? This way, not only will you be in a safer place, but you will also most likely save up some pounds by having a simpler food selection while having them in your hotel room with your loved ones. 6. Refrain Yourself from any Activities in Crammed Indoor Spaces Museums, bars, theatres, bazaars - these are the examples that can give you just about the right idea on your where-not-to-go's. Well, we won't exactly tell you that these are the places you must not visit but try to cut back on any activities that will curb you in cramped and confined spaces. Instead, try to explore more activities that will let you enjoy nature and the open air. 7. Practise the SOP at all times To protect yourself and the people around you, it is best that you follow these steps during your travel: Maintain a safe distance of 2 meters from other people Avoid being in contact with anyone who is unwell Avoid direct contact with frequently touched surfaces in the public such as elevator buttons, handrails and doorknobs Wear a face mask at all times in public spaces and double masking if possible Avoid touching your nose, mouth, eyes; practically any part of your face Wash and sanitise your hands often; before and after eating, before and after entering a shop, before and after going into the loo and let's just say, before and after you get something done 8. Pack all Your Magic Gears Minus all important documents and travel essentials such as passport, visa, clothing, skincare and shoes - let's add more things to bring onto your existing list. Make sure to pack these extra handies:  Hand Sanitizer - put one big bottle in your check-in luggage and one 50ml bottle in your handbag. Sanitise your hands often Antibacterial Wipes - slip in a mini one in your handbag and the rest in your luggage. If you're uncertain of the cleanliness of the things you will touch, you can use it to wipe down the surfaces Face Masks - although some countries do allow people to go out without masks on, it is still best to wear them since you will have no idea of the conditions of people you will be surrounded with Medications - include some meds like cough drops, panadol and eyedrops in your bags for any in-case situations COVID-19 Test Kits - just slip in a few test kits in your bag just in case you suddenly feel under the weather 9. Enjoy Your Well-Deserving Holiday! Well, if you have done all the necessary preparations, go enjoy breathing a new different air! The unforeseen pandemic and the lockdowns have certainly put most people under great pressure, if not by little. So, go have fun and have a great time putting your mind at ease. Because you certainly deserve it! Explore other relaxing beauty and wellness activities that you could consider including in your itinerary: Spa and Wellness  Beauty Drip / Beauty Injection Facial Treatments  Slimming Treatments   You might also like

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Cryotherapy: A Facial That Treats All Skin Types

Skin rejuvenation method for sensitive skin. By Azra Shuib | November 26th, 2021 If you are skipping facials just because you have sensitive skin, well, good news for you then. What if we tell you that you don’t have to skip facial just because you have sensitive skin? In fact, facial treatments might just be what your delicate skin needs. Let us introduce you to a popularly known facial called Cryotherapy.  Using cryogenics technology, cryotherapy facial is a new method that can tighten and enhance the surface of your skin, and it is suitable for all skin types too. Most people say that they can see the glow immediately after a session. How does it work? It uses cold vaporized liquid nitrogen that can immediately soothe and calm sensitive skin. When exposed to subzero temperatures, your body will think that it is freezing and this triggers the accumulation of blood in the core of your body to keep you warm. Your cells will work faster to protect you. Adrenaline and endorphins will be released to energize your organs. All these reactions will encourage cell rejuvenation, boost immune function and ease skin healing. Low temperatures will also improve the shedding of dead skin cells, revealing fresh and radiant skin beneath. In addition to the cooling effect, some of Trambellir’s affiliated clinics use proprietary brightening serums, which are delivered into your skin via electrophoresis to help make the Cryo Facial process even more effective. What you’ll end up getting is plumper skin and a boost of collagen. The Cryo Facial is a cryogenic treatment that aims to rejuvenate your skin and improve all kinds of skin issues such as enlarged pores, poor skin tone and texture, poor skin hydration and more. After a Cryo Facial session, your skin will feel tighter and pores, wrinkles and fine lines will diminish in appearance. It’s a specially effective treatment for aging skin. Getting them now regularly will result in better youthfulness for your facial appearance in the future. Historically, this method was developed by Japanese rheumatologist, Dr. Toshima Yamaguchi. He developed the technique to treat rheumatoid arthritis and has since been proved advantageous in relieving inflammation, psoriasis and tissue pain as well as reinvigorating the skin. Where to go? If you have been wanting to improve your skin health, why not give cryotherapy facial a try. By booking with Trambellir, you can skip the hassle of booking on your own and plus, you’ll get to book in real-time on our website. Just head on down to any of these links and you are all set to look extra beautiful:  Cryotherapy @ Kuala Lumpur  Cryostamp @ Kuala Lumpur  Cryotherapy @ Bangkok    You might also like

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Effective Treatments for Recurring Acne

Patience and the right treatments are essential to eliminate acne By Azra Shuib | November 19th, 2021 Recurring acne can be very stressful. It also can lead to issues of self-esteem and confidence. People who suffer from this condition may also feel clueless and alone as to why treatments that worked for other people do not work for them. Acne breakouts can cover the face, chest, and back. Severe acne can also occur along the jawline and on the neck.  Acne that is severe produces outbreaks that can spread deep into the skin. These painful eruptions are known as cysts and nodules. Acne scars are common when severe acne clears. To see clearing, those who have acne may have to wait it out or see a dermatologist. However, there are some tips you can try at home to help improve the condition: Tip #1 - Wash your face regularly Washing your face twice a day, especially if you sweat a lot, can help keep oil from accumulating and blocking your pores. However, washing more than that might irritate delicate skin and aggravate acne. Opt for a gentle cleanser with minimal ingredients to ensure you won’t strip your skin’s moisture and hydration. Tip #2 - Use topical treatment that addresses acne Use over-the-counter remedies on your whole face, not just the pimple. This helps to prevent the formation of new pimples. Follow the treatment instructions properly and wait at least four weeks to see if a certain product works. Many pimple treatments might cause your skin to dry out, so make sure to hydrate. Some product you can choose include: Retinoids: This component is derived from vitamin A and is available in creams, gels, and lotions. If you are opting for products with retinol, give your skin some time to adjust. Apply once or twice a week and build  a more frequent routine as your skin adapts. Salicylic Acid: Also known as BHA, this can help to clear mild acne. It is widely available in drugstores or you can get products with BHA from your derm. Benzoyl Peroxide: This inhibits the growth of germs that might cause pimples. It is also available as a prescription. Tip #3 - Use a warm compress A warm compress can aid in the opening of your pimple, allowing it to discharge pus and begin to heal. It's very good for pimples under the skin. Soak a washcloth in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes and apply it to the pimple. You can repeat this procedure multiple times a day until the pimple is gone. When the products don’t work and you have tried a lot of tips without success, it’s time to visit the dermatologist. If you’re looking for treatments that can help with the issue, consider these options for acne / acne scars: Carbon Peel Carbon peel is another type of a revolutionary non-invasive skin-resurfacing treatment that uses liquid carbon and laser as a medium to achieve brighter and healthier skin. Carbon peel exfoliates the outer layer of your skin and it is said that this treatment is particularly beneficial for those with oily skin, enlarged pores, dull skin and pigmentation on their face. It is also said that it can treat acne as it reduces acne-causing bacteria and shrinks sebaceous glands. Chemical Peel A chemical peel is one of the least invasive techniques used to improve the appearance of the skin on the face, neck, or hands. The procedure helps to improve uneven skin tone and texture and also aids in skin replenishment. The treatment involves applying a chemical solution to the skin that causes it to exfoliate and eventually peel off. The new, regenerated skin is usually smoother and less wrinkled than the skin that has been damaged from the result of aging, sun exposure, a poor diet, and environmental pollution. A chemical peel can help improve acne or acne scars, age and liver spots, fine lines and wrinkles, freckles, irregular skin pigmentation, rough skin and scaly patches, and sun-damaged skin. However, sagging skin, bulges, and more severe wrinkles do not respond well to chemical peels. Fire and Ice Facial Popularly known especially in the US and voted as #1 Celebrity Facial in InStyle Magazine, fire and ice facial is so popular among celebrities like Gwyneth Platrow, Halle Berry, Jessica Alba and many others. Many of them use this facial before their big nights out at special events or functions. This facial is also known as Red Carpet Facial, designed to rapidly and safely resurface your skin, reducing fine lines and at the same time encouraging cellular renewal. This innovative facial uses both elements of Fire and Ice. Fire, or the heat therapy is used to resurface skin by using ingredients such as cinnamon while transferring some heat for 3 to 5 mins onto your surface and may give a slight burning sensation. The ice, or cold treatment indeed refers to the cooling and soothing session that aims to intensely hydrate your skin. This part of the treatment is completely relaxing and you can enjoy the feeling of being pampered for about 20 to 30 mins. Fractional CO2 Laser The Fractional CO2 Laser skin treatment is a skin resurfacing technology that successfully corrects a variety of dermatological and cosmetic skin conditions with optimal comfort and minimal post-treatment pain and care. Fractional CO2 laser skin treatments provide excellent results for skin resurfacing and when correcting skin conditions including scars, uneven or dull skin and fine lines. Fractional laser skin treatments are able to treat desired areas without affecting untreated, healthy tissue. More specifically, fractional skin treatments create narrow, deep columns that extend through the epidermis into the dermis through an array of intense laser energy microbeams. These columns can either be “non-ablative” (the laser beams coagulate the affected tissue) or “ablative” (the laser beams vaporize the affected tissue). In addition, your body’s natural healing process will create new, healthy tissue to replace the columns of affected tissue, hence improving your skin condition. Takeaway Treating recurring acne can take some time, but you should be patient and let the skin heal from within. It’s important to follow the doctor’s advice and know that the condition will improve. To book effective treatments for acne, visit our page: Carbon peel @ Tokyo Chemical Peel @ Kuala Lumpur Fire and Ice Facial @ Kuala Lumpur Fractional CO2 Laser @ Kuala Lumpur   You might also like

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Quintessential Facial

The perfect go-to facial detoxification for acne-prone skin! By Kath Wong | November 12th, 2021 During the days where you have “acne attacks”, how often do you think of skin treatments that can actually help to solve your problems? Have you wondered which treatment, in particular, can help you the most among all the ones available these days? Especially one that can be done in no time and help resolve your worries quick? There are lots of skin treatments that can rescue your skin in many different ways and Quintessential, is known to be an award-winning facial that focuses specifically on acne-prone and congested skin. Quintessential Facial mainly eliminates blackheads that clog your pores, exfoliates dead skin cells and remove dirt and excess oil from your skin. After the cleansing process, a high-tech device will be used to enhance the infusion process to allow proprietary serums to penetrate deeper into your skin for the maximum effect of absorption and effectiveness. The process is suitable for all skin types, including the ones with sensitive skin. The step-by-step procedure To start off with, double cleansing will be done to make sure the unnecessary dirt is cleaned from the skin surface. Next, extraction will be carried out precisely to remove all the impurities hidden within your skin eg. acne, blackheads, etc. Exfoliation after the extraction process helps to re-check for impurities as well as to eliminate dead skin cells from your skin for better results. Your face will be exposed to LED light therapy afterwards; this process is known to kill the bacteria present (acne are bacteria after all!) Now, time for your face to rest! A custom-blended mask will be applied. As for why it is called “custom-blended”: we all have different types of skin, sometimes just one formulation is not enough to give everyone the same optimal result.  Moisturizer: the must do to keep your skin hydrated. Sunscreen: the final step before you get back to the sun-is-everywhere world. What to expect Here is a list of some other visible benefits you can expect from the treatment: Firm skin Smooth skin Brighter skin tone Refined pores Reduced sebum production Lightened acne scars Reduced fine lines and wrinkles At our affiliated clinic, Quintessential Facial takes approximately 60 minutes to complete the treatment. Not only focusing on just how it will look on the outside, but the procedure also promotes skin rejuvenation which helps to repair skin from the inside as well; as the key to the long-lasting beauty must be built from within. Check it out: Quintessential Facial @ Kuala Lumpur    You might also like

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Ways to Stay Healthy Before A Surgery

Good pre-surgery preparations can contribute to a better recovery experience By Azra Shuib | November 5th, 2021 If you are scheduled for surgery, you should know that the right preparation steps in the days or weeks before can increase the chances of a successful outcome. In fact, adopting a healthier lifestyle early before the scheduled date can boost recovery post-surgery. Here are some tips to get healthier ahead of your surgery. Tip #1 - Eat a healthy diet In weeks or months leading up to the surgery, eat foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals, as overall inflammation can stem from your diet. You should focus more on consuming sufficient fruits and vegetables daily. Foods like red meat, processed foods and others that are difficult to break down should be avoided in large portions, as this type of diet can increase inflammatory markers as your body prepares for a shock that is coming. Your pre-surgery diet should comprise of: Fruits and vegetables. They help to maintain weight, increase energy, promote healing and are rich in vitamin C, which is important in recovery as it promotes collagen production. Slow carbohydrates like rice and pasta. They enhance digestion, which is critical prior to acute medical treatments since bodily suspension during surgery causes constipation. Fast carbs also aid in mood improvement and stimulate the creation of serotonin, also known as the "happiness hormone," which can be hindered by a lack of motor activity and exercise. Proteins. They help the muscles which will be inactive for a few weeks after the surgery since you would need to rest. Good sources of proteins are chicken, fish, eggs and seafood. Apart from that, you should watch the supplements you are taking prior to surgery. Reduce or stop taking vitamin E, omega 3 supplements as they can thin the blood and increase the risk of bleeding. If you are on any medications, you should consult with the doctor before stopping them. Tip #2 - Exercise regularly By being more active prior to surgery, you can increase the chances of walking sooner after the surgery. You do not need to jump straight into doing vigorous exercises if you are not used to it, as this may lead to injury. Instead, target 5,000 to 10,000 steps daily to increase stamina.  Besides that, there are two types of exercises you can try; anaerobic and aerobic exercise. Anaerobic exercise, commonly known as weight or strength training, helps you burn calories quicker by increasing bone density and muscle mass in your body. Aerobic exercise, which includes activities like swimming and jogging, burns calories by building endurance and strengthening heart and lung capacity. Tip #3 - Get enough sleep A healthy diet and active lifestyle should be complemented with enough slumber. It is the chance for your body to heal itself, and one of the necessary steps to cure all illnesses. Target 8 hours of sleep every night to let your body recover and strengthen the immune system. You can get enough sleep by going to sleep at the same time each night, and getting up at the same time each morning. Besides that, refrain from caffeine and alcohol late in the day, avoid nicotine and unplug from your devices at least 1 hour before bedtime. Tip #4 - Kick unhealthy habits The time you have before surgery is a good time to quit smoking and drinking. In a few days before surgery, alcohol and smoking can affect the anesthesia. Therefore, to increase the surgery’s effectiveness and safety, you should kick unhealthy habits immediately and engage in healthier, stress-relieving activities. This can be a daily morning walk, meditation or simple body stretches to boost your overall health. Tip #5 - Ensure your underlying conditions are controlled Doctors would ask you about your medical history, which you should always answer honestly. You may also need to undergo some medical tests and submit previous health records. Ensure that underlying conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and other conditions are under control by following the doctor’s advice - and it’s necessary to be reminded that going to surgery while you are feeling sick is not a good idea. Tip #6 - Plan your journey ahead If you are getting your treatments far from home or even overseas, you should plan your journey ahead of time. Give ample time for you to get comfortable at the hotel or the location, and give enough days or weeks to recover at the destination. Going elsewhere for surgery is also a brilliant opportunity to rest in private and avoid chores at home; so give yourself enough time to enjoy your medical getaway. For better preparation, book your treatment ahead of time and conveniently through Trambellir. Our affiliated medical institutions in popular destinations are safe and provide high-quality care. To learn more about your medical tourism opportunities, explore more on our website. You might also like

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Massages Make Muscles Heal Faster and Stronger

Is it true that massages don’t only make the muscles feel better? By Afrina Ghazali | October 29th, 2021 Massages have been discovered over 3,000 years ago as a traditional method especially to ease muscle sores and injured bodies. Until today, it is still very well known everywhere in rural and urban areas, especially in the Southern East Asian countries.  Growing up in one of the Asian countries, I could not count the number of times I have visited masseuses for traditional massages back in my village; from having a minor sprain, to twisting my back to having a high fever, it is widely believed here that massage could greatly help in a lot of illnesses. The majority of athletes, too, depend on massage guns to loosen up some strained muscles. But how far can massages help? Did you think that massages could only make your muscles ease and feel better? Well, you may want to think again because of a new study in mice from researchers at Harvard’s Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering and John Al. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) has recently confirmed other benefits of mechanotherapy and immunotherapy and their relation to muscle regeneration. A core faculty member and a postdoctoral fellow of Dr Dave Mooney, Bo Ri Seo said, “Many people are trying to study the beneficial effects of massage and other mechanical therapies on the body, but until now they have not been done in a systematic and reproducible way. Our work is mechanical stimulation and immune function. It can also be used in patients with illnesses that promise regeneration of various tissues such as bones, tendons, hair and skin and interfere with the use of drug-based interventions.” How was it experimented? This study has been under investigation on the effects of mechanotherapy on injured mice since a few years ago by Seo and her co-authors. Published in Science Translational Medicine, the research was conducted using a custom-designed, soft-interface robotic system called a mechanical load, ML, acting as a massage tool that delivered consistent and fixable forces to mice’s muscles.  Image from Seo et. al. Science Translational Medicine (2021) ML, is a specialised robotic device equipped with real-time force control that uses sensors and actuators for monitoring and controlling purposes. It’s developed with built-in compatibility of ultrasound imaging for tissue strain analysis as shown above. The experiment was found effective in the process of muscle fibre regeneration enhancement. What is the science behind it? Upon the exertion of controlled and compressive force produced by the robotic system, ML, some reactions are shown by the mice, the reactions are believed to be in a patterned flow: 1. Proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines reduction: The detailed biological assessment was made to analyze various inflammation-related factors such as cytokines and chemokines; which are often associated with the movement of immune cells. After being massaged for 3 days, cytokines are believed to dramatically reduce in the treated muscles. 2. Neutrophils clearance: Neutrophils are immune cells that play an important role in the inflammatory process. The study shows a decrease in neutrophil infiltration and researchers had the premonition that the exerted force produced by ML would somehow release the neutrophils and cytokines from the damaged tissues. Fluorescent molecules were injected into the muscles to confirm the theory. It observed the reactions of the muscles upon the exertion of force from ML. 3. Improved composition and function: The treated and untreated mice were observed 14 days after the injury; Seo and her colleague witnessed type IIX fibres in healthy and treated mice, while the untreated ones had an increased number of IIA fibres.  The differences explained the increased fibre size and the production of greater force with greater strength recovery in the treated muscles as noticed in  IIX fibres. Conclusion to the finding According to Paul A. of SEAS, “These findings are noteworthy because they show that they can affect the functioning of the body’s immune system in a non-invasive manner without the use of drugs.” A professor in SEAS, Robert P. Pincus Family, had also commented, “Although the fields of mechanotherapy and immunotherapy rarely interact, this study considers both physical and biological factors when studying and working to improve human health. It proves how important this is.” This study has scientifically proven and concluded that, although massages are mostly noted as a traditional approach to recoveries, the study shows and explains how the body improves over massages that most of us have yet to recognize.  Sure, there are other approaches to directly deliver what your body needs but we also believe that there isn’t any harm in trying other alternatives, which in this case is specifying messages without having the need to use any drugs or what could be foreign to the body.  There are selectable options of massage therapy to choose from; some may use other tools such as bamboo or warm stone, some use aromatherapy oil to relax and tune in your hormones and some would simply force using bare hands. Whichever one you choose, we are sure it will help you feel better. More of them are on our website and may include: Massages in Bali Massages in Phuket Massages in Kuala Lumpur Massages in Langkawi Massages in Cebu Massages in Chiang Mai Massages in Tokyo Massages in Melbourne   You might also like

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October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast cancer can be every woman’s nightmare By Afrina Ghazali | October 23rd, 2021 On average, breast cancer is one of the most common cancers diagnosed in women. It could occur in both men and women but it’s far more common in women. Although it can be scary, many women are still not aware of the importance of Breast Checkups. October is very well known as Breast Cancer Awareness month and sometimes is referred to as Pinktober. It is a worldwide campaign that aims to raise awareness and channel support for any women who have been affected by breast cancer. The campaign takes place every year throughout the entire month of October. Over the years of the successful Pinktober campaigns, it is said that survival rates for breast cancer have increased due to the advancements in early detection and treatment. The disease's death rate has also declined due to improved understanding of the disease. Why is it important to get checked? Some people think it’s only important to get a routine check for those who have had family histories of breast cancers. But this is exactly why this awareness month was first campaigned. It’s important for every woman to get checked as risks of getting breast cancer can be reduced, especially for early detected cases. This is because early-stage cancers are easier to treat and with higher survival rates. It is believed that routine screening can help. Did you know that it only takes around 10 minutes to screen for breast cancer using mammography? What could cause breast cancer? Doctors and researchers believe that apart from hormonal factors, lifestyle and environment can also be the contributing factors that can increase the risk of breast cancer. It's widely believed that several thousand cases of breast cancer are linked to inherited gene mutations.  What are the risk factors of breast cancer? Some of the breast cancer risk factors include:  Female: Men are not likely to get breast cancer Age: The risks increase as increasing age Personal history: If you’ve previously had breast cancer or if any of your family members had been diagnosed with breast cancer, risk of you getting it is higher Radiation exposure: Radiation treatments or surroundings can increase the chance of breast cancer Obesity: Obese people have more tendency to get breast cancer Never been pregnant: Those who have never been pregnant have a greater risk Breast cancer risk factors increase the likelihood of getting breast cancer. But having multiple risk factors does not mean that you will get breast cancer.   What are the signs of breast cancer? It is still unclear why and who would be at risk of breast cancer but it is likely that it could be caused by complex interaction between your body cells and the environment. Some early signs and symptoms of breast cancer may include:  A breast lump or thickening that feels different from the surrounding tissue  Change in the size, shape or appearance of a breast  Changes to the skin over the breast such as dimpling  A newly inverted nipple  Peeling, scaling, crusting or flaking of the pigmented area of skin surrounding the nipple  Redness or pitting of the skin over the breast If you find a lump or change in your breast even after a recent mammogram, you should see a doctor right away.   Woman health checkup in Singapore      Woman health checkup in Bangkok.        Woman health checkup in KL     You might also like 

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Trambellir is an Official 2021 Go Global Awards Recipient

Receiving the 2021 Go Global Award is truly an honourable feat By Afrina Ghazali | October 22nd, 2021 Trambellir, an online marketplace for wellness holidays has recently received the Top Placer HealthTech 2021 Go Global Awards by the International Trade Council. The award recognizes the achievements of organizations that have persistently shown leadership, resilience and innovation while embracing change, supporting employees and contributing to the communities in challenging days facing the pandemic. The Go Global Awards, first launched in 1989, are presented to celebrate the organizations that drive global economic growth. This year's Go Global Awards saw over 6416 entries from over 170 participating countries and the awards were announced on 14th October 2021. The breadth of entries was astounding. It is an outstanding privilege for Trambellir to be one of the award recipients in the honourable mentions.  The Go Global Awards are a rigorous three-tier review process, judged by expert panels from multi-backgrounds. Each nomination is preceded by a pre-screening and ranking phase. This Award brings together some of the most notable individuals from many different industries. Trambellir has been in the health technology business of making things for the B2C and B2B markets since 2018. Given a few other recognitions, this is the first time it has secured the Top Placer under HealthTech for 2021 Go Global Award. “It’s a great honour to be awarded this time and we are really proud of this one,” said Trambellir CEO, So Iizuka. “We have always believed that we need to be the best to get to the best and it’s still a long way to go from here but we will continue to improve and contribute better.” More About Trambellir Trambellir is an online marketplace for wellness holidays that mainly aim to ease medical, wellness and beauty treatments' booking procedures all over the world. This way one can simply book various kinds of treatments whenever and wherever they are with just a simple click. Trambellir's missions aim to:  ✓ Enrich your itinerary with treatments for your health, wellness and beauty  ✓ Enhance your medical tourism experience   ✓ Travel beyond food and sightseeing Trambellir also channels well-trusted health and beauty institutions to join our affiliate programs at zero cost. We are currently expanding our missions even further and covering more categories to offer.

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Beauty Drips: An Instant Health Boost

Spend a few minutes for a lasting health and beauty benefits. By Afrina Ghazali | October 8th, 2021 With only 24 hours on the clock, sometimes you wish you could ask for a little bit more time. I get it – it’s a real struggle to juggle in between work, family, friends and yourself. You seem to always be on the run to catch up things in life, especially during this pandermic right? Well, this is exactly why Beauty Drips are so popular nowadays. What do you know about Beauty Drips? Some people -- probably you too, call it as IV drips or Intravenous Drips. Did you ever know why you call it that? That is because all those vitamins, acids and minerals are administered intravenously through a drip while you sit comfortably. Just another reason why it shows results almost immediately as it is injected directly through your veins. At times when you feel like staying healthy can sometimes take a toll on yourself, those efficient beauty drips are just what you need. If you think those beauty drips can only top up your body minerals and vitamins with only added advantage to make one’s facial skin glows, then you need to know it is capable to do more than just that. Beauty Drips can be overflowing with minerals and vitamins that can benefit your overall systems in the body. They are power packed to give you added benefits like improved immune system, improved sleep quality, radiant skin, chronic fatigue recovery and many others. The best part of all is that, beauty drip treatments will usually take less than an hour. So, tell me, what more could you ask for? Get the ultimate health and beauty boost from the inside out. Of course, different kinds of drips contain different formula of ingredients and you should know which would suit best for you. Here are amongst the choices of Beauty Drips you can opt for: Skin Rejuvenation & Whitening Rushing in the morning for meeting and all exhausted upon returning home, most of the times your skincare routines are ignored. Then you wake up in the morning looking all gloomy and dull wanting to do something, but you just don’t have the time, I know. Try these containing drips: Vitamin C, Glutathione, Collagen, Cindella  Anti -Aging and Antioxidant As you age, some creases start to appear and you have tried several product test kits to help reduce the aging signs but showing no hints of improvement. Now you wonder what could help.  Try these containing drips: Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Niacin, Grape Seed Extract  Fatigue Recovery & Improved Immune System There are days when you feel like something is not right. You become lethargic and easily get sick regardless which season you are in. Most probably its because your body could be overfilled with toxins. Usually treatments for this also cater for detoxification and vital organ supports to provide the right amount of vitamins to ensure organs like liver, kidneys, intestines and few others are performing well.  Try these containing drips: Magnesium, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Vitamin B or Glutathione  Slimming With those heaping up reports at work and running children at home, how could you possibly hit the gym, right? It always seems impossible to squeeze in a complete fitness routine.  Try these containing drips: L-Carnitine, Alpha Lipoic Acid  So, why wouldn’t someone take a couple of minutes off their hectic day and reap the multiple benefits beauty drips can give? We don’t know about you but at least we know for sure that we would. Learn more about what our affiliates have to offer: Whitening Drip @ Kuala Lumpur    Skin Health Booster Drip @ Kuala Lumpur      Whitening Drip @ Tokyo    Cocktail Injection & Infusion @ Tokyo  Energy Booster Drip @ Phuket   You might also like

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