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Deluxe Health Plan (Checkup for Individuals at Risk of Chronic Diseases)

CNY3,254 - CNY3,312
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It Is Suitable For

· Those interested for a detailed health checkup in Singapore.
· Those who are at risk of chronic diseases; male or female.
· Those who wish to monitor their health condition and take preventive measures.
· Those who wish to have a complete clinical examination.
· Those who wish to detect underlying diseases.

What is Deluxe Health Checkup Package?

Undergoing a routine medical checkup will help to identify unrecognized problems early, when the probability for a treatment and cure is high. Moreover, a medical checkup may be regarded as the foundation of disease prevention and operates together with other ways of disease prevention such as lifestyle modifications, risk factor management and vaccination programs.

In short, by having the appropriate checkup procedure, screening, or treatment, you are taking action that will help your chances of living a longer and healthier life.

Procedures Included in Male Deluxe Package

<Comprehensive Medical History>
including Height, Weight, Waist Measurement, BMI, Auroscopy, Colour Vision, Fats Analysis, Visual Acuity, Electrocadiogram and Optional Rectal Examination

<Diagnostic Test>
1 view of chest X-Ray and Abdomen Ultrasound

<Laboratory Investigations>
<Complete Blood Count>
<Diabetic, Lipid, Renal, Bone and Joint Profile>
<Hepatitis A and B Screening>
<Tumor Marker Studies>
includes Liver (AFP), Gastrointestinal (CEA), Pancreas (CA199) and Prostate (PSA)

<Thyroid Studies>
<Urine and Stool Test>

Procedures Included in Female Deluxe Package

<Comprehensive Medical History>
including Height, Weight, Waist Measurement, BMI, Auroscopy, Colour Vision, Fats Analysis, Visual Acuity, Electorcardiogram and Optional Rectal Examination

<Diagnostic Test>
1 view of chest X-Ray and any 2 choices of Breast Ultrasound / Pelvis Ultrasound / Abdomen Ultrasound

<Laboratory Investigations>
<Complete Blood Count>
<Diabetic, Lipid, Renal, Bone and Joint Profile>
<Hepatitis A and B Screening>
<Tumor Marker Studies>
includes Liver (AFP), Gastrointestinal (CEA), Ovary (CA125), Pancreas (CA199) and Prostate (PSA)

<Thyroid Studies>
<Pap Smear>
<Urine and Stool Test>

Advantages and Limitations of the Deluxe Health Checkup Package

· Identifies health risks
· Monitors health condition
· Tests for multiple conditions
· Provides exposure to a healthy lifestyle
· Allows you to take action and manage health risks
· No downtime

· Routine checkup is necessary every year

Instructions for Checkup Preparation

· Bring any past medical reports, scans results and medications if any
· Abstain from food and drinks for at least 10 hrs before appointment
· Bring along your identification documents for registration
· Do not consume medicine or administer insulin in the morning of your appointment
· Regular medications for your heart and high blood pressure are allowed
· Bring along your spectacles for vision tests. Do not put on contact lenses.
· Be punctual for your appointment

Specific for Women:
· Best to come 1 week before menstrual cycle for pap smear procedure, urine and stool test
· Inform our affiliated specialists if you are pregnant


Q1: How often do I need to go for a medical checkup?
A1: Once a year is a common rule. However, your age, health and family history, lifestyle choices (i.e. the food you eat, how active you are, whether you smoke), as well as other critical indicators can influence what and how often you need a check-up.

Q2: Can my insurance cover the cost of Checkup?
A2: This solely depends on your insurance plan and savings. There are possibilities that it is covered under your insurance. Please consult your insurance agency to be sure about this.

Q3: How long will I have to wait until the results are out?
A3: Usually the results can be produced on the same day of the checkup. This usually takes up about 5 - 7 hours after. Some complicated tests may take up to 1 - 2 weeks before the results are out.

Q4: Will it be painful?
A4: It won't be painful, but may be uncomfortable - for ultrasound of abdomen and pelvis, you will be required to have a full bladder for a better view of the internal organs. It is advised to abstain from going to the toilet at least 1 hr prior to examination. The procedure will take about 30 mins, but may be uncomfortable due to the full bladder.

Clinic Information

[Clinic Name] Concord International Hospital
[Location] Singapore
[Nearest Station/ Nearest Tourist Destination] 5 mins distance to Coronation Shopping Plaza and Serene Centre Shopping Mall; takes about 7 to 11 mins walking distance to the nearest bus stop
[Clinic Opening Time] Monday - Sunday (Open 24 hrs)

Operation Time 3 - 5 hrs
Recovery Time None
Number of Postoperative Visit Not Required
Hospitalization Not Required
Limitations You may be required to fast at least 10 hrs prior to the check up.
Checkups may take about half a day to complete.
Other Information Breakfast will be provided.
You are recommended to do this once every year for a close watch on your health performance especially if you are at risk of chronic diseases.
Include In This Price Medical Report, Doctor's Consultation Fee, Tax
Location 19 Adam Rd, Singapore 289891

Terms of Service

Trambellir is a health tourism platform and does not in any way provide, promote, or sell any medication or medical treatment to the Customers.
Customers are advised to contact the healthcare providers directly for any enquiries related to medical treatments.