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IMSI (Intracytoplasmic Morphologically selected Sperm Injection Improve Male Fertility)

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It Is Suitable For

· Those interested in professional and high quality IMSI procedure in Buenos Aires.
· Those with male fertility issues
· Those who wish to increase their chances of conceiving a baby.
· Those who wish to discard unhealthy sperm to increase the chances of producing a healthy embryo.

What is IMSI?

Intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection (IMSI) is a new development that can improve assisted reproduction pregnancy rates. This technology is a power light microscopy that allows embryologists to magnify sperm up to 6,000 times compared to the standard 200 to 400 times magnification associated with traditional fertilization approaches. This higher magnification enables them to discard sperm which are less likely to produce a healthy embryo. The IMSI procedure may be a potential alternative to couples whose semen analysis shows a severe teratozoospermia (severe alterations in sperm morphology).

How It Works

In IMSI, sperm whose nuclei have an abnormal shape or contents are discarded. The optimum nucleus is smooth and symmetric with an oval configuration. Using IMSI, any malformation or vacuole in the nuclear mass can be identified and the spermatozoa with optimal length and width can be chosen.

Advantages and Limitations of IMSI

· Increases the chances of conception
· Increases the success of IVF
· Increases the chances of having a healthy baby (discards unhealthy sperm)
· An alternative for those who have tried ICSI but failed to conceive

· IMSI may be preferred only when sperm quality is low, or after repeated IVF or IVF with ICSI failure
· Emotional and mental well-being issues


Q1: Is IMSI truly effective?
A1: IMSI is still an investigational technology that is supposed to be at least as good as conventional ICSI, but has the potential of delivering better results in those who might benefit from it. Some papers have already published about increased pregnancy rates in those who underwent IMSI.

Q2: Does IMSI treatment with IVF increase the chance of conception?
A2: IMSI can improve the chances of fertilization with IVF significantly, and can be considered as another measure if an earlier IVF cycle has been unsuccessful. It's best to talk to the doctor about your possibilities.

Clinic Information

[Clinic Name] Fertility Argentina
[Location] Buenos Aires
[Nearest Station/ Nearest Tourist Destination] Walking distance to many commuter stations.
[Clinic Opening Time] Monday - Friday (8:00AM – 1:00PM) &amp; (2:00PM – 8:00PM)

Operation Time 1 hr
Recovery Time None
Number of Postoperative Visit 1 time
Hospitalization Not Required
Other Information The fee for your first office visit at this clinic is USD 400.
Cancellation Policy $400 on the first visit is not refundable. The rest can be refundable, provided that no treatments are undergone.
Location CEGYR Buenos Aires Viamonte 1432 - Buenos Aires Argentina

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Trambellir is a health tourism platform and does not in any way provide, promote, or sell any medication or medical treatment to the Customers.
Customers are advised to contact the healthcare providers directly for any enquiries related to medical treatments.