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LVS ReLEx (Minimally Invasive Shortsightedness and Astigmatism Treatment)

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It Is Suitable For

· Those looking for a safe and effective ReLEx procedure in Bangkok, Thailand.
· Those who are at least 18 years old and free from corneal disease e.g keratoconus or thin cornea.
· Those who want freedom from depending on glasses and contact lenses.
· Those who want to undergo a laser eye procedure with lesser eye discomfort after treatment.
· Those who want to retain as much corneal nerves as possible after a laser eye surgery.

What is LVS ReLEx?

LVS ReLEx stands for Laser Vision Signature ReLEx (Refractive Lenticule Extraction), a laser refractive treatment. It applies a less invasive way to treat shortsightedness and astigmatism as compared to other traditional laser treatments. While the widely known LASIK involves creating a flap on the cornea to reshape it, ReLEx does not need any corneal flap, allowing you to preserve as much of your original corneal strength.

How It Works

ReLEx involves the use of the Femtosecond laser to create a lenticule in the inner layers of the cornea. This laser can penetrate the surface of the cornea without any incision involved or causing any damage to the surface layers. ‘Femtosecond’ is the unit used to measure the duration of each pulse. One Femtosecond is equal to one millionth of one billionth of a second, or one millionth of a nanosecond. It is precise and offers more control.

Then, a 4mm incision will be made at the side of the cornea to alter its shape and change eye power. Since only a tiny incision is needed, the original corneal strength can be preserved.

Treatment Procedure

1. Femtosecond laser will be used to create a lenticule in the inner layers of the cornea.
2. A micro incision will be made at the side of the cornea.
3. The lenticule that was earlier created will be removed through the micro incision.
4. The cornea shape will be modified to change the power of the eye.

Advantages and Limitations of LVS ReLEx

· Uses high-quality and effective equipment
· Considerably short recovery
· Gentle to the cornea
· Suitable for those with dry eyes
· Gives excellent vision quality

· Not suitable for pregnant women


· ReLEx is much more accurate than LASIK.
· ReLEx is less invasive than LASIK - ReLEx needs 80% smaller side-cut on the cornea as compared to LASIK.
· Since ReLEx conserves a lot more corneal strength than LASIK, ReLEx has fewer complaints of dry eyes.
· ReLEx can only treat shortsightedness and astigmatism. LASIK can correct sightedness, longsightedness and astigmatism.


· Individuals under 18 are contraindicated since young eyes are still developing and are constantly changing. Mature eyes are more stable and this ensures a positive and permanent result.
· Those who are pregnant are not allowed to get the treatment since the body hormones are unstable.
· Those who have a corneal disease, especially keratoconus or thin cornea, or any disease that will delay the wound healing process are not advised to get the treatment.
· Those with unrealistic expectations are not advised to undergo the procedure. Please understand the benefits and side effects.

The procedure may not be recommended if you have:
· Eye injuries or eye diseases
· Inflammation of the cornea
· Autoimmune disorders
· Weakened immune system caused by immunosuppressive medications


· Please take off soft contact lenses 3 days ahead of consultation day. For hard contact lenses, please take them off 7 days ahead of time.
· Bringing a pair of sunglasses is recommended.
· Please arrange for a driver since your vision may be blurry after the procedure.


· Do not drive until your vision is clear enough to drive safely.
· Avoid bright lights and wear sunglasses to protect your eyes until the doctor cleared you from wearing them.
· Avoid straining the eyes with activities such as reading, watching the screen and rubbing the eyes.
· You may begin to exercise around a week after the procedure, but do avoid contact sports to avoid injury to the eyes.
· Refrain from using eye makeups or creams for at least 1 to 2 weeks after procedure.
· Avoid swimming for 2 weeks to prevent eye infection.
· Attend follow-ups as set by the doctor to monitor your condition.


Q1: How long will it take until I can continue my daily life routine?
A1: You can proceed with your life routine within 24 hrs after the surgery, but please practice good aftercare as outlined by the doctor.

Q2: Do I still need to wear glasses after getting the treatment?
A2: Some patients may need to wear reading glasses especially if they are above 40, as aging of the eyes will occur eventually.

Q3: Will it hurt?
A3: Since topical anesthetic to numb the eyes will be given, patients will feel no pain during the procedure.

Q4: How long will it take before I can see well again?
A4: Most patients get good vision on the same day after surgery and will feel normal within 24 hrs. The vision can continue to improve for 2 to 3 months before patients can get their best vision.

Q5: Since the recovery is quick, can I return to work immediately?
A5: This largely depends on your job. Those who require good vision like drivers or surgeons may need to rest until they are cleared by the attending doctor. Most patients can return to work the next day, assuming their vision is adequate for their job.

Clinic Information

[Clinic Name] Laser Vision International LASIK Center
[Location] Bangkok, Thailand
[Nearest Station/ Nearest Tourist Destination] 10 mins driving distance to Chatuchak Weekend Market, and 3 mins to BTS Phahonyothin 24
[Clinic Opening Time] Monday to Friday (8:00AM - 8:00PM), Saturday (8:00AM - 6:00PM), Sunday (8:00AM - 4:00PM)

Operation Time 30 - 60 mins
Recovery Time None
Number of Postoperative Visit Not Required
Hospitalization Not Required
Limitations Patient would need to arrange for a driver to go back home / to the hotel after treatment
Cancellation Policy Deposit of USD 620 will not be refundable upon any cancellations of the appointment
Location 49/5 LASERVISION B.D., Ladyao ,, Chatuchuk, Thailand, Bangkok 10900, Thailand

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Trambellir is a health tourism platform and does not in any way provide, promote, or sell any medication or medical treatment to the Customers.
Customers are advised to contact the healthcare providers directly for any enquiries related to medical treatments.