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Virtual Bronchoscopy (Examination for Lung Conditions)

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It Is Suitable For

· Those looking for a high-quality bronchoscopy procedure in Singapore.
· Those with persistent cough or infection.
· Those who detected something unusual on previous chest X-ray or other tests.
· Those who need to obtain samples of mucus or tissue as recommended by their attending physicians.
· Those who need treatments for lung problems.

What is Virtual Bronchoscopy?

This technology is a novel computed tomography (CT)-based imaging technique used to evaluate the tracheobronchial tree non-invasively. Studies have shown that Virtual Bronchoscopy can show the lumen and the diameter of the trachea, the left and right main stem bronchi, and the bronchial tree down to the fourth order of bronchial orifices and branches accurately. The images produced will look similar to that of fiberoptic bronchoscopy.

Why It's Done

The test allows examination of the air passages to diagnose lung conditions such as cancer, pneumonia, tuberculosis, pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) and other diseases. Apart from diagnosis of a lung problem, the test is done for:
· Detection of a lung infection
· Identification of bronchial obstructions and endoluminal lesions
· Assessment the tracheobronchial tree beyond stenosis

How It Works

This examination is done using a chest CT scan. CT scan uses a narrowed X-ray beam that rotates around your body and produces a series of images from various angles. A computer will then make use of the information to form cross-sectional images and give a clear view of a slice view of what is inside your body. This process will often be repeated to produce a series of slices and the computer will stack them all to create a vivid clear image of your internal organs.

Advantages and Limitations of Virtual Bronchoscopy

· Non-invasive
· Identifies bronchial obstructions
· Accurate lung examination

· Procedure can be uncomfortable to some people


· Exposure to radiation
· Virtual Bronchoscopy is not 100% accurate. False-positives and false-negatives can occur
· May not able to detect subtle mucosal lesions


Q1: Is it reliable?
A1: Yes, it is reliable and our affiliated hospital also provides responsible care alongside having experienced doctors. You can rest assured that you will get the best treatment.

Q2: Are there any risks?
A2: There are usually no side effects of having the test.

Q3: Can pregnant women undergo this test?
A3: Precautions should be taken to protect the mother and baby during the test, but Virtual Bronchoscopy should be reserved for indications that cannot wait until the postpartum period.

Clinic Information

[Clinic Name] Concord International Hospital
[Location] Singapore
[Nearest Station/ Nearest Tourist Destination] 5 mins distance to Coronation Shopping Plaza and Serene Centre Shopping Mall; takes about 7 to 11 mins walking distance to the nearest bus stop
[Radiation Therapy Centre Opening Time] Monday - Friday (8:30AM - 5:00PM); Saturday (By Appointment); Sunday and Public Holidays (Closed)

Operation Time 2 - 4 hrs
Recovery Time None
Number of Postoperative Visit Case dependent
Hospitalization Not required
Location 19 Adam Rd, Singapore 289891

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Customers are advised to contact the healthcare providers directly for any enquiries related to medical treatments.