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Can I afford a nose job?

Reward yourself with a better-looking nose.

By Iffah Suraya | November 19 2019

After suffering from years of social rejection and self-doubt, you have finally decided to undergo rhinoplasty. After all, your self-perception includes your physical image, and having a nicer nose means an overall more attractive face, which can improve self-esteem. The great satisfaction and relief rhinoplasty can bring to someone born with an unsightly nose is undeniable. In other words, looking better makes us feel good about ourselves and more confident to face the world.

But can you afford rhinoplasty?

Although rhinoplasty prices vary across the globe, the average price of a nose surgery comes to about USD 5000. Depending on your budget, a good rhinoplasty procedure can be affordable or expensive. Nevertheless, if a beautiful nose is your goal, save up USD 5,000-10,000 and you’ll achieve it in no time.

But USD 5,000-10,000 is a huge range. So then, how can we purchase a rhinoplasty procedure where the price falls closer to USD 5,000? This is why traveling for rhinoplasty makes sense. Interestingly, several countries offer a better price, which is why a lot of people travel to get their nose done.

Why is rhinoplasty cheaper in some countries?

Well, the total cost for a nose job includes the following: Anesthesia fees, hospital or surgical facility costs and the surgeon's fee. Nose jobs can be cheaper in some countries because of lower surgeon’s fee & facility costs, which are also pre-included in the treatment price. Many people visit Turkey, South Korea and Thailand for high quality nose surgery without having to pay as much as they would have to in the United States. In addition, in these countries, the government usually provides a higher subsidy to the healthcare sector, which discourages overcharging customers/patients. Moreover, the government regulates the medical fees in these countries, inevitably ensuring that patients are not being exploited. Transparency in prices also leads competitive charges.

Simply put, traveling for a nose job can save cost, allowing you to pay prices that are closer to USD 5,000---because why would you pay double?

Explore more and schedule a nose job with Trambellir today!


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