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Colon Hydrotherapy (Detoxify and Cleanse)

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It Is Suitable For

· Those who want to get a safe colon hydrotherapy treatment in Bangkok.
· Those with bowel, colon or gastrointestinal issues.
· Those who wish to have their large intestine cleansed.
· Those who wish to remove waste materials from their large intestine.
· Those who wish to undergo a detoxification procedure to remove wastes from the colon.

What is Colon Hydrotherapy?

Colon hydrotherapy is a safe and effective method of removing waste from your large intestine without the use of drugs. A waste-free large intestine is central to your health, as a toxic colon/bowel results in a host of health problems. By introducing filtered and temperature regulated water into your colon, the waste is softened and loosened, resulting in waste evacuation through natural peristalsis. This process is repeated a few times during 1 session. Although not a curative solution, it helps your body fight a variety of diseases efficiently.

How It Works

This treatment will be done in a private room, and throughout the procedure, you will rest comfortably on your back with a pillow or a bolster under your knees and a warm blanket over you. Our affiliated clinic uses a FDA-approved closed-system machine. There is no smell or sound during the process. You will be able to see matter (stool, gas, mucus, etc.) leave your body through a viewing tube.

Advantages and Limitations of Colon Hydrotherapy

· Detoxifies your digestive system
· Cleanses your large intestine
· Boosts immune system
· Improves mental well-being/outlook
· Improves gastrointestinal symptoms

· May remove some healthy bacteria
· Risk of electrolyte imbalance, dehydration, bowel perforation


Q1: Can colon hydrotherapy treat my irritable bowel syndrome?
A1: Colon hydrotherapy is a non-medical procedure and is not intended to be a treatment, prescription, or therapeutic/corrective measure for human diseases, symptoms or conditions of any kind. Therefore, any medical complaint or request for diagnosis, prescription or treatment of human diseases should be referred to a licensed doctor.

Q2: What can I do to improve my bowel health?
A2: Consume a higher amount of fibre. Besides many fruits and vegetables, whole grain, nuts, seeds, beans, peas and potato skin contain a lot of fibre.

Q3: Is this treatment safe?
A3: Yes. In fact, with the modern advancements of today's colon hydrotherapy devices and standardization of training and procedures, colon hydrotherapy is often safer than administering an enema. And, with the dangers of laxative overuse, colonics have a definite advantage and greater long-term benefits.

Q4: Does Colon Hydrotherapy hurt?
A4: Most people describe their colon hydrotherapy session as being both refreshing and relaxing. The instillation of warm, purified water is very gentle. Therefore, the pressure of water entering your colon is less than that of a standard hospital enema. Most people describe the insertion of the speculum as "a feeling of oddness for about 5 seconds".

Q5: Can I do this during my menstruation?
A5: Definitely. Your menstrual flow will not interfere with the success of the treatment.

Q6: Will I be able to resume my routine after the treatment?
A6: Yes, you may resume your routine as normal immediately after.

Clinic Information

[Clinic Name] Yanhee Hospital
[Location] Bangkok
[Nearest Station/ Nearest Tourist Destination] Walking distance to shopping places, FamilyMart, Horseriding place, Futsal Court and 1 min walk to bus station (Bang Phlat).
[Clinic Opening Time] Open 24 hours

Operation Time 45 - 90 mins
Recovery Time None
Number of Postoperative Visit Not Required
Hospitalization Not Required
Other Information Consultation Fee at this clinic ranges from USD 17-33.
Cancellation Policy No cancellation fees will be charged if you notify your cancellation at least 48 hrs in advance.
Include In This Price Virtual Consultation Fee
Location Yanhee International Hospital Charan Sanitwong Road, Bang Ao, Bang Phlat, Bangkok, Thailand

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Trambellir is a health tourism platform and does not in any way provide, promote, or sell any medication or medical treatment to the Customers.
Customers are advised to contact the healthcare providers directly for any enquiries related to medical treatments.