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Mastectomy (Breast Tissue Removal With Reconstruction Of Nipple And Areola)

$4,252 - $13,082
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It Is Suitable For

· Those planning to go for Breast Tissue Removal in Bangkok, Thailand.
· Those with large breast size.
· Those with the risk of breast cancer.
· Those who wish to reconstruct breasts.
· Those who wish to remove lumps from the breast.

What is Mastectomy?

Mastectomy is a surgical procedure performed to remove all the breast tissues present for various reasons such as the risk of having breast cancer due to lumps found within the breasts, breast cancer, etc. The treatment is also suitable for the ones who would like to have a man-like chest; this also helps to prevent breast cancer in the future.

How It Works

In this surgery, the breast will be cut open in a horizontal line under general anesthesia, breast tissues present in the breast will be completely removed; in some cases, lymph nodes are also removed. Threads will be used to sew back the breast afterward. At our affiliated hospital, the treatment is done following a reconstruction of the nipple and areola to improve the breast appearance.

Procedure for Mastectomy

1. Consultation and examination of the breast
2. Marking area of the breast to be removed
3. Application of general anesthesia
4. An incision will be made according to the marks to remove breast tissues
5. Nipple and areola will be reconstructed depending on the case
6. Chest will be compressed with tapes and sutured with threads

Advantages and Limitations of Mastectomy

· To prepare breasts for reconstruction
· To prevent/cure breast cancer
· Gives a natural finish

· Possible redness, swelling, and soreness in some patients
· Numbness can occur under the arm, where the lymph node is removed

Treatment Preparation

· You may be asked to not eat or drink for a few hours before the surgery
· You need to inform the doctor before the surgery if you are sensitive to or allergic to any medicines, latex, tape, and anesthesia medicines (local and general)
· If you are on any medications or supplements, it is best to inform the doctors before deciding to do the surgery
· It is a must to inform if you have a history of bleeding disorders or you are taking any blood-thinning medicine such as aspirin, ibuprofen. You might need to stop the medication for some time before the surgery
· Avoid alcohol consumption for at least 1 week before the surgery
· Do not smoke for at least 2 weeks prior to the surgery

Mastectomy Post Care

· You may be required to wear a compression garment for a few days to make sure the chest is still and not get affected by any factors
· Do not smoke until the wound is completely healed
· Avoid drinking alcohol for at least 1 week after the treatment
· Sleep still on your back to avoid causing more swelling on the treated area


Q1: Can I reconstruct my breast if I have undergone a mastectomy to prevent breast cancer?
A1: Yes, breast reconstruction surgery can be done to rebuild the breast.

Q2: Will I feel sore after the mastectomy?
A2: Yes, some soreness will be felt and it will disappear within 7 days.

Q3: Do I need to stay hospitalized?
A3: Hospitalization for at least 2 nights is recommended.

Q4: Can I start breast reconstruction at the same time?
A4: Yes, the overall treatment would take 5 to 6 hrs, depending on your condition.

Clinic Information

[Clinic Name] Sikarin Hospital
[Location] Bangkok, Thailand
[Nearest Station/ Nearest Tourist Destination] Walking distance to restaurants, banks, gym, and fitness center
[Clinic Opening Time] 24 hrs

작동 시간 2 - 3 hrs
복구 시간 Several weeks
수술 후 방문 횟수 Not required
입원 2 nights
취소 정책 No charge for cancellations made at least 48 hrs prior appointment date
이 가격에 포함 Hospital stay, Doctors Fee
위치 976 Lasalle Road, Bangna Tai, Bangna, Bangkok 10260