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Premium Checkup (Male and Female Full Body Checkup Program) [Rawai]

HKD7,486 - HKD7,914
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It Is Suitable For

· Those in Phuket, Thailand looking for health screenings.
· Those with concerns in health conditions.
· Those who wish to identify and manage potential health risks.
· Those who wish to screen for potential chronic diseases.
· Those who wish to start a healthy lifestyle.

What is Premium Checkup?

Health checkups can point out early undetectable symptoms of illnesses, making it possible to take action before the illness becomes full-blown. Our affiliated wellness center offers a wide range of health checkups and annual check-up programs that can help to screen for various health conditions.

In this Premium Checkup procedure, there are 2 separate packages for males and females. These packages offer a complete full-body checkup which can be done conveniently and yet very beneficial as the results will give clear details regarding your health.

Male Premium Checkup Package

The package comprises of:

· Free testosterone
· Cortisol
· Estradiol

Metabolic Function
· Complete blood count
· Urine examination
· Electrolyte
· Glucose fasting (FBS)
· Glycated Hb (HbA1c)
· Lipid profile
· Fasting insulin
· Total vitamin D
· Uric acid
· G6PD
· Calcium
· Magnesium

Kidney Function
· Creatinine
· Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
· Microalbumin

Liver Function
· Liver function test
· GGT (Gamma GT)

Cancer Screening
· Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)
· Alpha fetoprotein (AFP)
· CA19-9 digestive tract
· Prostatic specific antigen (PSA)

Thyroid Function
· Triiodothyronine free (Free T3)
· Thyroxind free (Free T4)
· Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)

· Ferritin
· Homocysteine
· C-reactive protein high sens

Gut Health
· Urine indican
· Stool examination

Toxin and Heavy Metal
· BIO Scan

Growth Hormone
· IGF1

Physical Examination
· Body composition

Female Premium Checkup Package

The package comprises of:

· Total testosterone
· Estradiol
· Progesterone
· Luteinizing hormone (LH)
· Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
· Cortisol

Metabolic Function
· Complete blood count
· Urine examination
· Electrolyte
· Glucose fasting (FBS)
· Glycated Hb (HbA1c)
· Lipid profile
· Fasting insulin
· Total vitamin D
· Uric acid
· G6PD
· Calcium
· Magnesium

Kidney Function
· Creatinine
· Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
· Microalbumin

Liver Function
· Liver function test
· GGT (Gamma GT)

Cancer Screening
· Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)
· Alpha fetoprotein (AFP)
· CA19-9 digestive tract
· CA125 (ovary cancer)
· CA153 (breast cancer)

Thyroid Function
· Triiodothyronine free (Free T3)
· Thyroxine free (Free T4)
· Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)

· Ferritin
· Homocysteine
· C-reactive protein high sensitivity

Gut Health
· Urine indican
· Stool occult blood
· Stool examination

Toxin and Heavy Metal
· Bio Scan

Growth Hormone
· IGF1

Physical Examination
· Body composition

What is BIO Scan?

BIO Scan gives a full health overview of over 250 parameters through the bioelectronics measurement of the weak magnetic field of our body cells. The screening does not involve blood testing and is not invasive; you only need to hold on to the bar provided on the device as the health report will be displayed on the screen. From the results, the doctor can analyze and tell a lot about your health before giving advice on which lab tests should be performed further.

Premium Checkup Procedure

1. Fasting is required at least 8 hrs prior to the checkup schedule
2. Consultation and general body examination performed
3. Blood collection for lab tests
4. Urine and stool collection for lab tests
5. BIO Scan will be performed by holding the bar of the device
6. Other necessary checkups will be done
7. Results will be obtained within 2 hrs

Advantages and Limitations of Premium Checkup

· Screens for various diseases
· Tests and screening available individually
· Giving insights on how to have a healthy life

· Blood sample required for screenings
· Fasting for at least 8 hrs is required prior to the blood test


Q1: Why is health screening important?
A1: It is important to check for underlying or potential diseases so that you can enjoy a better quality of life. Seeing the doctor only when you are sick can be damaging to your health, especially when the condition is already serious.

Q2: How often should I go for health screening?
A2: It is recommended to get your health check-up once every 1 to 3 years, depending on your age and medical condition.

Q3: I feel healthy. Do I need to go for health screening?
A3: It is advisable for you to go for periodic health screening as this can identify health risks, detect any disease that has no apparent symptoms or as a prevention measure.

Q4: What is the difference between Total Testosterone and Free Testosterone?
A4: Total Testosterone measures the Free Testosterone as well as the amount of hormone bound to the proteins albumin and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG); whereas Free Testosterone measures just the amount of unattached testosterone in your blood.

Q5: Does BIO Scan require a blood sample?
A5: No, BIO Scan does not require a blood test.

Clinic Information

[Clinic Name] Lyfe Medical Wellness
[Location] Phuket, Thailand
[Nearest Station/ Nearest Tourist Destination] Walking distance to restaurants and spas, and within 10 mins driving distance to various beaches and viewpoints.
[Clinic Opening Time] Monday to Friday (8:30AM - 5:30PM)

작동 시간 1 - 2 hrs
복구 시간 None
수술 후 방문 횟수 Not required
입원 Not required
취소 정책 No charge for cancellations made at least 48 hrs prior appointment date*
위치 LYFE Medical Wellness, 58/147 Moo 6 T, Rawai, Mueang Phuket District, Phuket 83130, Thailand