Trambellir Articles

How Hypnotherapy Helps With Stress Management

A way to reframe the subconscious mind By Azra Shuib | October 1st, 2021 As normal human beings, we can’t run away from stress. There are 2 types of stress, good stress and bad stress. Good stress drives you to excel and meet your goals, while bad stress is completely the opposite. It hinders you from making sound judgement and interferes with daily life. What happens when you are stressed Physiologically, when stress happens, the body goes into a fight or flight response. The reproductive system, the immune system and the digestive system are put on hold to save energy, and the cortisol hormone (stress hormone) is released in larger quantities to help with increasing the metabolism of glucose. When cortisol is left too long in the bloodstream, it can harm the body, leading to weight gain, blood sugar imbalance, fertility problems and decreased immune function. Some other effects of stress include: · Tense muscles · Headaches · Sleeping problems · Fatigue · Changes in appetite Yoga and exercise are proven ways to reduce stress, but not everybody can or prefer to do them. Hypnosis is a much more relaxed method; it does not require intense activities or invasive measures.  Hypnosis is a safe treatment that allows you to enter a state of deep relaxation, where the subconscious mind is more open to new ideas. This way, the hypnotherapist can ‘suggest’ different ways of responding to stress in your subconscious. Our subconscious mind works without us realizing it, thus helping us to change our mindset and behaviours from within. What happens during Hypnotherapy Hypnotherapy is a powerful procedure performed to connect and integrate with what you have manifested and to release what is no longer serving you. The treatment helps you to consciously understand your inner soul and be your authentic self.  During a Hypnotherapy session, the procedure involves a meditative state of deep focus and concentration to connect with the blueprints, negative belief systems, and triggers that are stored in your subconscious mind in order to release them. Some patients will see improvements after just 1 session, while others may require more sessions, depending on each individual’s needs. Hypnotherapy can be helpful for short-term stress, for instance, if you have a big presentation coming up, the therapy is able to help frame your mind to respond in a more relaxed way. With regular sessions, you can expect reduced stress and an increase in self-esteem and a good mood. With a stronger mind, it can also help you to increase confidence to say ‘no’ or set boundaries with people for your own mental health. Book your session on the beautiful island of Bali: Hypnotherapy @ Bali   or You might also like

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Trambellir’s Special Deals For 10 Million Maxis & Hotlink App Members!

Maxis and Hotlink App Members, these special deals are for you! By Afrina Ghazali | September 17th, 2021 With the rise of numbers in the COVID-19 cases, more and more Malaysians are looking for ways to escape their homes and relish some extraordinarily rejuvenating activities. In light of this, we are delighted to announce that Trambellir has stepped forward and made collaborations with Maxis and taken part in Maxis & Hotlink Deals.  TRAMBELLIR X MAXIS PARTNERSHIP Through this partnership, Maxis will provide a higher opportunity to reach out to the large and affluent base of Maxis and Hotlink with attractive offers. e-Vouchers are also made available for Hotlink customers to redeem exclusive discounts. This way, we will not only be able to reach out to over 10 Million active Maxis and Hotlink users through their mobile app, eDM newsletter, targeted SMS push notification, and social media post; we will also obtain a strong customer acquisition channel for Malaysians and increase brand awareness and corporate value. We are more than happy to offer special deals for Maxis members to relieve their daily fatigue,  stress, and maintain mental health, especially for Malaysian people who have been in stressful situations during the pandemic period. We hope we can contribute to Malaysian people’s healthcare, wellness, mental health care and overall well-being. Whether they’re preparing for their big day or simply spending their me-time out; whether they’re first-timers or an experienced user,  Trambellir has something for everyone and has the resources to make it lavishly enjoyable for them. With exciting experiences and great prices, Trambellir is the one-stop online marketplace for all their wellness activities and is committed to supporting the development of sustainable solutions that improve human health. ABOUT TRAMBELLIR Trambellir is an online marketplace for wellness holidays that mainly aim to ease medical, wellness and beauty treatments' booking procedures all over the world. This way one can simply book various kinds of treatments whenever and wherever they are with just a simple click. Trambellir's missions aim to:      ✓ Enrich your itinerary with treatments for your health, wellness and beauty      ✓ Enhance your medical tourism experience       ✓ Travel beyond food and sightseeing Trambellir also channels well-trusted health and beauty institutions to join our affiliate programs at zero cost. We are currently expanding our missions even further and covering more categories to offer. ABOUT MAXIS / HOTLINK Maxis is a leading digital solutions provider in Malaysia. They offer a variety of high-quality digital services that help people and businesses be successful in an evolving world. As digitalisation continues to transform the way people communicate and access various services, Maxis continues to develop new products and solutions that take advantage of the latest mobile platforms. Not only are they committed to providing the best products in terms of quality, but also to delivering the best customer experience

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Way to Accelerate: Trambellir Selected to be a part of 500 Kobe Founder Academy Program

Guess what, we are delighted to share with all that we have been chosen to participate in the 500 Kobe Founder Academy Program. By Afrina Ghazali | September 7th, 2021 This is exciting for us as we are always looking for new ideas and ways to improve our services and we highly believe this could be our stairway up. WHAT IS 500 KOBE FOUNDER ACADEMY? 500 Kobe Founder Academy is a startup accelerator program operated by 500 Startups, known to be a leading early-stage investment firm that has made over 2,500 investments globally. This program has always been held in one of Japan's largest cities, Kobe since 2015 with a clear objective to help startup companies develop their businesses. This year-round, this program will be held virtually to accustom to the changes due to the pandemic. We are more than pleased to participate in this program since our company is also managed by a few Japanese line-ups.  With a global team of industry experts, we believe that this program will surely help startups like us thrive. It will also allow us to be a part of the growing network in Kobe and beyond and at the same time have proper training on the business fundamentals. By the end of the program, 500 Kobe Founder Academy promises: Accelerated businesses through a virtual four-week program Custom-designed program as a support to scale up Gain access to weekly AMA sessions to clarify further on Growth Fundamentals, Sales, Capital Growth and many others. HOW WILL THE ACCELERATOR PROGRAM HELP? According to a study, accelerators can help startups perform better than other early-stage investors. This finding is not universal and has been isolated to some leading programs but early evidence has shown that accelerators can help attract early-stage financing and seed capital for a community. By and large, they seem to be beneficial additions to startup ecosystems globally. Some may not make much difference, but many clearly do. This benefit can bring additional economic benefits to the region and we are certainly glad to be a part of this event. A SNEAK PEEK ABOUT TRAMBELLIR Trambellir is an online marketplace for wellness holidays that mainly aim to ease medical, wellness and beauty treatments' booking procedures all over the world. This way one can simply book various kinds of treatments whenever and wherever they are with just a simple click. Trambellir's missions aim to:      ✓ Enrich your itinerary with treatments for your health, wellness and beauty      ✓ Enhance your medical tourism experience       ✓ Travel beyond food and sightseeing Trambellir also channels well-trusted health and beauty institutions to join our affiliate programs at zero cost. We are currently expanding our missions even further and covering more categories to offer.

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Trambellir: Selected to participate in the Founders Grindstone Bootcamp

It’s another step ahead for us once again. By Afrina Ghazali | September 3rd, 2021 It gives us immense pleasure to have been among the 25 companies shortlisted for the Founders Grindstone Bootcamp that will take place throughout September until October 2021. Our continuous effort to provide exceptional service over the past few years has allowed us to establish long-term relationships with our customers and we are keen to serve them better. FOUNDERS GRINDSTONE BOOTCAMP Under the initiative of Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC), Founders Grindstone Bootcamp is a program designed to help tech entrepreneurs like us to especially focus on their fundraising journey and maximize their potential. The program will equip founders to understand regulators and how to deal with any legal matters possibly to have occurred throughout the business. It will also include intensive coaching by experienced investors and lawyers. The purpose of bootcamps is to build and improve capacity in various aspects especially in fundraising areas. The workshops are designed to provide an immersive learning experience for startups and investors. They will be conducted in collaboration with MDEC’s esteemed partners such as Draper Startup House, Amazon Web Services, Iris Capital Partners, Izwan & Partners, and much more! The bootcamp timeline is as shown below: This bootcamp will help us enhance our skills and knowledge in order to be more eligible to investors as well as increase our investment readiness. We are looking forward to it. A LITTLE ABOUT TRAMBELLIR Trambellir is an online marketplace for wellness holidays that mainly aim to ease medical, wellness and beauty treatments' booking procedures all over the world. This way one can simply book various kinds of treatments whenever and wherever they are with just a simple click. Trambellir's missions aim to:      ✓ Enrich your itinerary with treatments for your health, wellness and beauty      ✓ Enhance your medical tourism experience       ✓ Travel beyond food and sightseeing Trambellir also channels well-trusted health and beauty institutions to join our affiliate programs at zero cost. We are currently expanding our missions even further and covering more categories to offer.

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Why Liver Health Screening Is Important

The potential risk of liver diseases and how we can prevent it By Kath Wong | August 27th, 2021 Every part of our body has its own importance in keeping us well and healthy; however, there are some parts of the body such as the liver that we might have neglected and never paying much attention to them.  What You Should Know About Liver Liver is the largest organ in the body, weighing approximately 3 pounds with a dark reddish-brown color and located on the upper right portion of the abdominal cavity. The liver holds about 1 pint (13%) of the whole body’s blood supply; there are 2 distinct sources of blood supply for the liver: oxygenated blood flowing in from the hepatic artery, and nutrient-rich blood flowing in from the hepatic portal vein.  The regulation of most chemical levels in the blood is done in the liver and a product called bile would be excreted, which helps to carry away waste products from the liver. All the blood from stomach and intestines passes through the liver for processing such as breaking down substances, balancing, creating nutrients, as well as metabolizing drugs into the forms that are easier to use for the rest of the body.  The liver has been identified to have more than 500 vital functions, some of the well-known roles include:  · Bile production for carrying away waste and breaking down of fats · Production of certain proteins for blood plasma · Formation of cholesterol and special proteins to help carry fats through the body · Balancing of glucose level by converting excess glucose into glycogen for storage, and back to glucose for energy later on · Regulating blood levels of amino acids · Storing of iron and processing for haemoglobin activate the use of its iron content · Converting poisonous ammonia to urea  · Blood clotting regulation · Clearing blood from drugs and other poisonous substances · Resisting infections by creating immune factors and eliminating bacteria from bloodstream · Clearing of bilirubin Once the liver has successfully broken down harmful substances, its by-products are excreted into either the bile or blood; the by-products in bile would enter the intestine and leave the body by feces whereas in blood the by-products would be filtered out by the kidneys, which then leave the body by urine.  The Common Liver Diseases There are many kinds of liver diseases, the most common ones are diseases caused by viruses (hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C), drugs, poisons, as well as alcohol. Although the liver has a remarkable ability to repair on its own, long-term damage to the liver can eventually accumulate and lead to liver cancer. The symptoms of liver disease can vary depending on the infection, but they often include swelling of the abdomen and legs, bruising easily, changes in color of urine and stool, and jaundice. Jaundice is the visible yellowing of skin and eyes; sometimes there may be no symptoms at all, hence it is important to schedule a regular liver health screening and to keep track of the antigens and antibodies in the body.  Ways To Prevent Liver Diseases Liver does the hard work daily to regulate and maintain our body health; it is recommended to go for an annual liver function test or liver cancer screening. The tests and screenings are done to determine hepatitis virus antigens and antibodies, as well as to observe any abnormality present at the liver.  As mentioned from the main causes of liver infection, we know that frequent drugs or alcohol consumption can damage and affect the normal liver functions, avoiding them would be the best thing you could do. For the virus infection, different types of hepatitis have their own medium of spreading. Hepatitis A can spread commonly by feces and bodily fluids; a person infected is most likely to spread the disease during the 2 weeks before symptoms begin; young children can spread the virus in their stool for up to 3 months after infection. Hepatitis B can spread when blood, semen, or other body fluids from an infected person enters the body; It can cause scarring of the organ, liver failure, and also cancer. Hepatitis C spreads by blood and the liver can become seriously damaged due to inflammation; people often have mild to no symptoms during the initial infection, occasionally fever, dark urine, abdominal pain, and yellow tinged skin.  While there is no vaccine for hepatitis C, fortunately, hepatitis A and B can be prevented by vaccinations. If you are at or traveling to Bangkok (Thailand), check this Liver Health Screening Package out . There are packages available for liver cancer screening, hepatitis virus screening, as well as the hepatitis A and B vaccinations.  For the ones in Phuket (Thailand), Premium Liver Detox Therapy is offered at our affiliated wellness centre to help with liver detoxifiation and promote a healthier lifestyle. There are 2 phases to follow through. Phase 1 consists of a formula that supports the removal of toxins from the body's storage areas, while phase 2 is a metabolization process to evict the toxins. You will be given oral supplements to kick-start the cleansing, followed by vitamin IV treatments and a detox shot.   Try it at your nearest centre now! You might also like

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What You Need to Know About Brazilian Butt Lift

Flaunt your backside. By Azra Shuib | August 13th, 2021 Brazilian butt lift (BBL) is a fat-grafting surgery that can alter the size, shape and contour of your buttocks. Technically known as a gluteoplasty, it adds volume to your buttocks, shapes it into curvaceousness and gives you the roundly proportionate body you deserve, while at the same time shaping other important parts of your body into slimness. The surgery doesn’t just make your behind bigger, but can also help your stomach, flanks and/or thighs smaller. A drooping butt can also be fixed with this simple and minimally-invasive procedure. The characteristic of the “Brazilian” butt lift is that it allows you to slim down your hips or/and abdomen while you pursue your ideal butt. The fat transfer procedure leaves no scars and marks. How does the procedure look like? 1. BBL will start with liposuction, where the surgeon will suck fat out from regional fat depositions in the body. 2. The fat collected through liposuction will be centrifuged and enriched with stem cells. 3. The best donor fat cells will be reinjected into the hips, which helps lift the butt. Here are some of the advantages of BBL: ・Better results (no visible marks due to micro entries) ・Safer (natural materials, no implants) ・Short recovery period (less than 1 week) ・Removes fat from certain parts of the body ・Tighter and more natural result compared to butt implants (Donor fat cells from stem cells are used) ・Contours the body ・Painless Risks in a BBL procedure can get serious if you do it in uncertified clinics. You should look for experienced doctors who have similar beauty philosophies as you do. It's important to only go for it with the ones you trust. You can make an online booking of BBL procedure easily in our website. BBL entails many risks if done by inexperienced doctors, but by booking with Trambellir, you won’t have to worry about the issue. We understand your worries and needs for fuss-free traveling, so we only offer you the best. However, just like in any procedure, you should take precautions and follow your doctor’s advice. Some post-care steps include no exercise or any form of pressure to your butt for 1 week after the procedure. Showering is also not recommended for 48 hours and you should use a special pillow to protect the injected fat - this pillow will cost you less than 50 USD. More importantly, do your research about the surgery and discuss your expectations with your doctor. You deserve the body that you’ve always wanted to have! Browse through for more information on BBL @ Estetik International Turkey  You might also like

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All You Must Know About PicoDiscovery Laser

PicoDiscovery Laser: Treatment for Skin Rejuvenation, Pigmentation and Tattoo Removal. By Kath Wong | July 30th, 2021 Skin pigmentation often becomes the main problem to our skin as we are repeatedly exposed to sunlight and it is almost inevitable in our daily lives. Although It is simply the process where the skin is darkened due to excessive melanin (pigmented cells) production, unfortunately, this causes uneven skin tone as pigmentation occurs in the form of various unpleasant spots, such as sunspots, melasma, freckles as well as age spots. While we may think that age spots would only appear as we age, UVA and UVB rays nowadays have the effect to contribute 90% of premature aging - which means it is possible for us to get those spots even when we are still young and feeling intact. It is undeniable that random pigmentation can make us look older and no longer lively as we should be; luckily, there are cosmetic dermatology treatments that can help. One of the treatments available is Discovery Pico medical laser. Discovery PICO Laser (PicoDiscovery Laser) is one of the highly effective laser technology for treating skin issues that are caused by sun damage as well as birthmarks and no-longer-wanted tattoos. How Does It Work? PicoDiscovery Laser, as the name suggests, works within “picosecond”. The skin area that needs to be treated will be targeted with Laser pulses, and this would heat up the deeper layers of the skin where the pigments accumulate. As the pigmented cells absorb the laser light, the light will vibrate and fragmentation will begin to do the key role to break up the targeted particles into thin dust and the overall process will be done in “picosecond” pulses, ensuring lesser time for skin to heat up and lesser risks of hyper-pigmentation (the opposite effect of what we want). Advantages of PicoDiscovery Laser: Safe Simple, fast procedure Comfortable Directly treats the area of concern without damaging other cells Works in "picosecond" pulses Safety & Side Effects: PicoDiscovery Laser is non-invasive as it is a non-surgical treatment. The procedure is safe as it works targeting selected skin area with specific wavelengths, leaving the surrounding area undamaged. With its unique feature of working by picosecond pulses, it is ensured that no further unexpected damage would be done to the skin while undergoing the healing process. Browse through the link below for more information.  PicoDiscrovery Laser @ Kuala Lumpur  You might also like

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6 Ways to Stay Energized and Avoid Fatigue

How to stop feeling tired all the time By Azra Shuib | July 16th, 2021 Feeling tired gets more common as people age. After being stuck in a routine every week, you might feel that it's getting easier for you to lose focus and alertness. But just because aging happens, that doesn't mean that you should give in to the crippling weariness. Here's how to fill up your energy tank and get you going vibrantly. 1. Get a health checkup Your unusual tiredness might be a symptom of illnesses. This can include diabetes, anaemia and sleep apnea. If you feel something is off, seeing a doctor ASAP is recommended. Or, get a full health screening to confirm your health is in good condition and to find out what nutrients you're lacking. 2. Exercise This could be the last thing you want to do when your bed has been on your mind. But, physical activities can boost your energy levels and increase oxygen intake - which can help to reduce tiredness tremendously. You don't have to do challenging workouts straight away - simple activities that get you moving like walking or yoga are great options. This can also give you a chance to just go out there and breathe fresh air, and being in a calm surrounding will help alleviate stress. 3. Listen to lively music. Music can greatly affect your mood, improve focus and strengthen learning. So put on stress-relieving music or songs that you like to listen to, and while it's playing, enjoy your time doing work or chilling out. 4. Get enough sleep Go to bed early and avoid scrolling through your phone before sleeping. This is your chance for your body to rest and repair itself from the inside. A good and enough sleep at the right time will improve your overall health, well-being, as well as giving you great energy to start your day. Another important tip is to refrain from doing your work on your bed because your brain will think it's a place to work, and this will reduce the association between bed and sleep. What if you get sleepy during the day? Well, the best relief is to sleep! If you can't take a long sleep, try to take a 10 to 30-minute nap. Experts say that taking a nap in the daytime can boost your mood and increase stamina, among other benefits. 5. Avoid smoking and drinking For the longest time, doctors have been stressing the bad effects of smoking. It's bad for your health and disrupts your energy levels. Nicotine is a stimulant that increases heart rate, which will lead to more tiredness when you don't smoke. So stop smoking - you won't just be healthier, you'll smell better too. Besides that, experts say that it is best to avoid alcohol at lunch or in the afternoon so you won't feel worn out later in the day. In addition, try to control yourself from drinking excessively as this can quicken aging process. 6. You deserve relaxation time for yourself If you feel like you need a short 'me time' or a short getaway to forget about work, then you're most probably right. At times, you need to shift your attention from work to something else so you can come back with a clearer mind. Enjoy your me-time by booking a massage treatment, spa day or lying down by the beach. Getting a beauty drip can also improve your energy levels remarkably. Whatever you choose, just enjoy the moment and forget about your life problems while you're at it. If you are looking for any health checkups, yoga sessions, massage treatments or IV drips, we've got you covered. Check out the links below for treatment suggestions: Basic Health Checkup Package @ Kuala Lumpur  Yoga & Pilates @ Phuket   Cocktail Infusion @ Tokyo You might also like

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Trambellir: Top Malaysian Startup Company in 2021

Best Startup Asia has showcased Trambellir as Top Malaysian Medical / e-Commerce / Healthcare Startup Company in 2021! By Afrina Ghazali | July 8th, 2021 Our team at Trambellir is always dedicated to delivering the best service to customers and partners by providing the finest online booking platform for medical tourism. We are delighted to newly discover that Best Startup Asia has listed Trambellir as one of the Top Malaysian Startup Companies in 2021. In light of this, we are truly honoured to have proven another milestone achieved. Best Startup Asia has not only showcased us in one of their top picks' but three! Trambellir is proud to have been chosen as:        ✓ Top 58 Malaysian Medical Companies and Startups of 2021        ✓ Top 101 Malaysian e-Commerce Companies and Startups of 2021        ✓ Top 101 Malaysian Healthcare Companies and Startups of 2021 A little about Trambellir Trambellir is an online marketplace for wellness holiday activities that mainly aim to ease medical, wellness and beauty treatments' booking procedures all over the world. This way one can simply book various kinds of treatments whenever and wherever they are with just a simple click. Trambellir's missions aim to:      ✓ Enrich your itinerary with treatments for your health, wellness and beauty      ✓ Enhance your medical tourism experience       ✓ Travel beyond food and sightseeing Trambellir also channels well-trusted health and beauty institutions to join our affiliate programs at zero cost. Being featured this time marked another achievement unlocked and we are even more excited to expand our business and grow even bigger in this industry. Thank You & Congratulations! For being given this opportunity, we would like to extend our gratitude and express our huge thanks to Best Startup Asia for featuring us. Also, we would like to congratulate all the other outstanding businesses showcased for being selected for exceptional performance in one of these categories: ⁌ Innovation       ⁌ Growth       ⁌ Management       ⁌ Societal Impact Connect with Us Are you planning to book any medical or beauty treatments? Are you interested to publish your treatments and services on our platform for free? Or, do you simply want to know more about our services? Feel free to reach out to us at and we would love to hear from you.

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Lose Weight and Live Healthier with Bariatric Surgery

Eliminate what's weighing you down By Azra Shuib | July 2nd, 2021 Obese people who cannot achieve weight loss even after exercise and diet may feel devastated with their condition. A lot of people may have had success, only to regain the excess weight in the future. Adding on to the body image issues, obese people are also at higher risks of getting serious diseases. Hence, an intervention that is more effective than a good diet and exercise is needed. For severely obese people, weight loss surgeries can be beneficial in the long term. Not only can these surgeries help in losing weight, they also reduce the risks of conditions like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, and acid reflux. Bariatric Surgery Bariatric surgery is a weight-loss surgical procedure that employs particular methods to help reduce the amount of food intake a person can digest. Changes to the digestive system combined with a proper diet can lead to rapid weight loss. Typically, Bariatric Surgery is performed when diet and exercise have not been effective or if a patient has serious health problems caused by being overweight. After the surgery, the patient must follow the provided diet guideline with a dedication to see improvements. Some types of Bariatric Surgery include: Sleeve Gastrectomy In this procedure, a part of the stomach is removed and the remaining section is formed into a tubelike structure. Since the size of the stomach has become smaller, it will not hold as much food and the production of the appetite-regulating hormone ghrelin will also lessen. Gastric Bypass Surgery Gastric Bypass includes changes to the stomach and small intestine, which will also change the way food is digested. After the surgery, the stomach will become smaller. This aids weight loss by restricting the amount of food the stomach holds, limiting the number of calories and nutrients the system absorbs and changing the gut hormones that can help patients to feel full longer and reverse obesity-caused metabolic syndrome. Gastric Band Surgery This procedure involves the placement of a silicone device at the top portion of the stomach, intended to limit food consumption. Unlike other procedures, this surgery is reversible. After the surgery, it is required to follow a liquid-only diet with the gradual reintroduction of soft foods. Gastric Balloon Treatment This surgery involves the placement of a saline-filled silicone balloon in the stomach to limit the amount of food intake and to make patients feel full faster. The gastric balloon is not a permanent device, hence a commitment to a healthier lifestyle is needed to maintain the long-term success of the surgery. Gastric Plication This procedure involves creating large folds in the stomach to reduce its size. This surgery is also known as gastric imbrication and greater curvature plication. Getting The Surgery Depending on your condition, the surgeon may put you on a preoperative diet about 2 to 3 weeks prior to surgery. This is intended to shrink the liver and reduce fat in the abdomen, making the procedure safer. It is advisable to wait 12 to 18 months after the procedure to get pregnant. Be reminded that birth control pills do not work as well in patients who are overweight, and may not be effective during the time when your weight is changing. For this reason, please have an IUD or use condoms and spermicide with all intercourse. You can start exercising right after the surgery by taking it slow, such as short walks while in the hospital. As you recover, find a variety of activities that you can do and keep a regular exercising routine to burn off calories and stay healthy. Should You Travel to Get Bariatric Surgery? Bariatric Surgery can be life-changing to many - it provides a means to sustainable weight loss and reduces health risks that come with obesity. The procedure is increasing in popularity and some other countries may offer more competitive prices on top of high-quality healthcare. Plus, being away for surgery and recovery is a good way to recharge and enjoy some privacy.   Our affiliated hospital, Hospital de la Familia in Mexicali, Mexico is renowned for its excellent healthcare and has carved a name in the medical tourism industry. Its up-to-date medical technology and operating theaters guarantee the safest and most reliable option for surgical interventions in the city. The family hospital, unlike other hospitals, is the only hospital in North Mexico that is fully owned and operated by medical professionals. To learn more about Bariatric Surgery or book the procedure in Mexicali, head on to our page: Bariatric Surgery, Mexico   You might also like

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Cinderella Drip / Injection - More Than Just A Baby Skin Effect

The Rich Antioxidant Infusion For Your Skin And Body By Kath Wong | June 25th, 2021 Skin whitening injections have always been a trend to achieve a flawless snowy appearance, and it is no doubt that Cinderella Drip or Cinderella Injection has also been listed as one of the most popular treatment options available. However, there may be misconceptions about what the procedure could do; instead of merely functioning as a whitening agent, Cinderella Drip/Injection offers a few more health benefits in addition to that. What Really Is Cinderella Drip / Injection? Cinderella Drip/Injection is a popular treatment for achieving pearl-like beautiful skin. It is an infusion of various beauty ingredients and high concentration vitamins into the body; the effect plays an important role in preventing and rejuvenating aging skin. Moreover, it has a whitening effect, anti-acne effect as it controls sebum secretion, as well as moisturising power to give full benefits to the skin with natural collagen production. Like many other intravenous infusions, Cinderella Drip/Injection consists of well-known antioxidants such as Vitamin C and vitamin E. The formulation also contains glutathione supported with alpha-lipoic acid. The blend generally helps to fight the signs of skin aging, lightens and evens out skin tone, and boosts skin clarity. Moreover, it is able to help with the elimination of toxins and heavy metals from the body, at the same time combating free radicals which are the lead cause of aging. The immune system booster Vitamin C or ascorbic acid strengthens skin tissue, encourages the production of white blood cells, and removes toxins from the body. The popular skin lightening agent Glutathione does not just have a skin whitening effect but also helps to maintain a healthy liver. It has been proven that glutathione reduces cell damage in alcoholic and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease; furthermore, improves insulin sensitivity. For Cinderella Drip/Injection, glutathione works mainly to inhibit the enzyme tyrosinase that is responsible for skin pigmentation. The ultimate benefits of skin and health Alpha-lipoic acid is the fatty acid present in small doses which is an essential substance to help produce body energy. It has 400 times more antioxidative activity than vitamin C and E, which could effectively slow the signs of skin aging and also offer the role beyond aesthetics; it is believed to reduce inflammation in the body, lower blood sugar levels, as well as promote healthy functioning of nerves. The Procedure And Recovery A session of Cinderella Drip/Injection can be completed within 30 mins with no recovery period required. It gives the best results when combined with dietary therapy and exercise post-treatment. There are rarely side effects reported; skin rash may appear very slightly for some people. The procedure can be administered once every 7 to 10 days for the ideal improvements. You might also like

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What Is Tooth Decay And How To Maintain Healthy Teeth

For the eternal bright smiles By Kath Wong | June 18th, 2021 Throughout our lifetime, tooth decay and cavities are among the world’s most common health problems which could happen in all ages, especially children, teenagers, and older adults. Our teeth are strong and yet delicate enough to get damaged when they have not been taken good care of.  Naturally, teeth appear covered in a hard, outer coating called enamel. The build-up of dental plaque, a thin film of bacteria on teeth, can happen every single day; this could cause acid production that can harm the enamel permanently, as well as having a high chance that can lead to a bigger problem known as cavities.  Cavities (dental caries) are holes in the teeth; they are simply caused by the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth along with the prolonged tooth decay left untreated. When the condition happens, there is nothing we could do but to have them fixed with fillings performed only by the dentists.    Tips To Prevent Tooth Decay Although we may have already experienced tooth decay at least once in our lifetime, it is never too late to start seeing the importance and taking notes about good oral hygiene.  Not just the teeth, but gums can have diseases too! Good oral hygiene is never doubted the necessity to keep both our teeth and gums healthy; here are some essential tips: 1. Never go to bed without brushing your teeth: It is important to brush your teeth at least twice a day, after waking up and before going to bed as this helps to remove plaque and bacteria that could be stuck and inhabit your teeth for a long period of time.  2. Make sure you brush your teeth using the correct technique: Instead of sawing back and forth, the right way to brush your teeth is by using small circular motions in every dimension (front, back, and top of every tooth). Avoid brushing too hard as it may cause permanent damage to the tooth enamel as well as the gums. Do not forget to brush your tongue, where the bacteria can accumulate. 3. Floss once a day: Flossing can reach and remove the plaque and bacteria between the teeth where it is difficult for toothbrushes to do so; it also helps to prevent bad breath by getting rid of debris and food that has become trapped between the teeth. Gently push the floss all the way down to the gum line before hugging the sides with up-and-down motions to not cause pain.  4. Consider using a mouthwash: Mouthwashes are not meant to substitute brushing and flossing, but they are used to complement both practices as they contain an antibacterial ingredient called chlorhexidine that helps to control plaque and gingivitis.  5. No smoking: The body takes more time to heal as smoking harms the body’s immune system, this includes the healing of tissues in the mouth as well. As a consequence, smoking leads to yellowing of the teeth and tongue, giving the breath a bad odour.  6. Control your diet: Limit starches and sugary foods for better teeth health; sugars can lead to cavities, whereas too many starchy foods can also cause tooth decay as they linger in the mouth and break down into simple sugars, which the bacteria feed on. Drinking more plain water and consuming fruits and vegetables are highly recommended. 7. A teeth checkup every 6 months:  Your dentist can help to check for visual signs of tooth decay, cavities, gum diseases, mouth cancer, and various other issues. Moreover, it is best to schedule regular teeth cleaning sessions to ensure you have the plaque and hardened tartar removed in time before they start to harm your teeth.  Check out the dental treatments available on our website: Dubai    Kuala Lumpur    Bangkok    Ho Chi Minh City  Chiang Mai    Bogota   Mexicali  Budapest    Rome    Bali    You might also like

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Stay Safe from HIV with PrEP

Effective protection for high-risk individuals By Azra Shuib | June 11th, 2021 What is PrEP? PrEP stands for pre-exposure prophylaxis, the antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) taken by HIV-negative people daily as a measure to protect themselves from HIV. PrEP is available in the form of pills that are to be taken orally, or in the form of injections. They are meant to be consumed before potential exposure to the virus. It is highly effective - studies have shown that PrEP reduces the risk of getting HIV from sex by about 99% when taken daily. Among people who inject drugs, PrEP reduces the risk of getting HIV by at least 74% when taken daily. If PrEP is not taken consistently, the effectiveness reduces and condoms should be used as an important prevention strategy. However, PrEP does not offer protection against other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and blood-borne diseases like Hepatitis C, syphilis, and gonorrhoea. Therefore, PrEP is usually delivered as part of a package for HIV/STI prevention services.    Effective Consumption How long do people have to take PrEP before it is highly effective? Doctors say that it provides the highest protection from HIV at: · About 7 days for receptive anal sex · About 21 days for receptive vaginal sex and injection drug use · No data are available for insertive anal sex or insertive vaginal sex. You should seek advice from the doctor if you are concerned.   How PrEP works Reverse transcriptase is one of the enzymes present in HIV, Human Immunodeficiency Virus. PrEP will work to block this enzyme, preventing more copies of the virus from replicating in the body. PrEP is available either in the form of pills or injections. Consumptions and duration of effectiveness may differ accordingly. At our affiliated clinic, PrEP pills will be used for prescriptions.   Contraindications for PrEP · HIV positive individuals · Estimated creatinine clearance < 60ml/min · Signs of symptoms of acute HIV infection, probable exposure to HIV within 72 hrs · Allergy or contraindication to any medicine in the PrEP regimen like TDF / FTC   HIV PrEP vs. HIV PEP You may have also heard about PEP. It is different from PrEP in these ways: HIV PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) · A daily pill for those at a high risk of developing AIDS, typically those with potential exposure to HIV. HIV PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis) · Taken after potential exposure to HIV in order to prevent infection/AIDS. · Must be taken within 72 hours of exposure. · Consists of 2 -3 antiretroviral medications which must be taken for about 28 days Prevention is better than cure. Get your prescription for PrEP with our affiliated clinics: PrEP @ Kuala Lumpur    HIV Prevention @ Bangkok    Sexual Health Checkups @ Bangkok  You might also like

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Chemical Peels - The Simple Procedure For A Fresher And Younger Appearance

Get to know the different types and discover which may be the ones for your skin By Kath Wong | June 4th, 2021 A chemical peel is commonly known as the skin exfoliating process done by acids, but there is more to it that you would want to know about before opting in for one.  Exfoliation or skin peeling removes dead skin cells to reveal the healthier and smoother skin underneath; chemical peels are able to help you achieve the results with just a simple step of applying the chemical solution to the skin, leaving it on for a few minutes, and neutralizing the treated area to complete the procedure. There are a few different common types of chemical peel available which vary by the penetration level as well as their roles to target and repair various skin types; and here is why in this article you will read about the differences and get the idea of suitable peel for yourself.   The Skin Peeling Depths And Targets There are 3 depths of skin resurfacing that can be performed by the chemical peels, the choice mainly depends on the skin issues that you wish to work on. The depths are categorized into light, medium, and deep, while different acids are used for each depth. Starting with the mildest - light chemical peel, also called a superficial peel, removes the outer layer of skin known as the epidermis. The acids are characterized by the AHA and BHA. Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) is the mildest option which often consists of glycolic acid or lactic acid, whereas Beta Hydroxy Acid (BHA) is lipid-based, such as salicylic acid.  · Lactic acid, with its large molecular structure, is gentle and best for sensitive skin. Derived from milk, the acid helps to even out your skin tone, addresses age spots, melasma, rough texture, along with fine lines. Moreover, it offers a good hydrating effect. · Glycolic acid is derived from sugar cane and functions similarly to lactic acid. The difference is that glycolic acid has a smaller molecular structure, this physical property allows it to penetrate deeper than lactic acid, going the extra mile to help with sun-damaged skin. In addition, glycolic acid benefits the skin with a collagen-boosting effect, which in the long run can help to increase skin thickness. However, it may stand more of a chance of skin irritation than lactic acid.  · Salicylic acid is well known for oily and acne-prone skin. The acid treats acne in both younger and older ones by encouraging exfoliation along with the unclogging of pores; it also has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to reduce skin redness and irritation. TCA (trichloroacetic acid) peels are the most commonly used medium to medium-deep chemical peels. The acid is able to penetrate through the epidermis and up to the surface of the dermis. It can be customized with varying strengths, depending on your skin needs, for instance, advanced pigmentary issues, sun damage, deeper wrinkles, acne scars, etc. Deep chemical peel - phenols or carbolic acid targets deep wrinkles and scars by removing the epidermis along with the mid and lower layers of the dermis. It is the strongest peeling agent which can result in dramatic skin rejuvenation with a long-lasting effect.   Is It Okay To Perform The Treatment By Yourself? Although there are various do-it-yourself chemical peels available all over the market, it is always a good idea to receive the treatments with trained professionals in clinics and hospitals.  Visit our websites for more info and achieve your flawless glowing skin with us now: Japan: @ TI Clinic, Tokyo     Malaysia: @ Beverly Wilshire Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur    @ Toscana Medi Clinic, Kuala Lumpur    @ The Life Clinic, Kuala Lumpur  @ Lyfe Clinic, Kuala Lumpur  @ Dr Wee Clinic, Johor Bahru You might also like

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Penile Implant Surgery - Treatment for Men Erectile Dysfunction

A prosthesis to help you achieve a better sexual life By Azra Shuib | May 26th, 2021 Erectile Dysfunction or mostly abbreviated as ED is rarely talked about openly. There is a lot of stigma and embarrassment surrounding the condition, although according to studies by National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, 1 out of 4 men over the age of 60 will suffer some form of ED. ED is the inability to achieve an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse.   Causes of ED: · Depression, anxiety or other mental health conditions · Stress · Heart disease · Clogged blood vessels (atherosclerosis) · High cholesterol · High blood pressure · Diabetes · Obesity · Metabolic syndrome — a condition involving increased blood pressure, high insulin levels, body fat around the waist and high cholesterol · Parkinson's disease · Multiple sclerosis · Certain prescription medications · Tobacco use · Peyronie's disease — development of scar tissue inside the penis · Alcoholism and other forms of substance abuse · Sleep disorders · Treatments for prostate cancer or enlarged prostate · Surgeries or injuries that affect the pelvic area or spinal cord · Low testosterone   Symptoms of ED include: · Trouble getting an erection · Trouble keeping an erection · Reduced sexual desire There are a lot of treatments like medications and penis pumps as well as lifestyle shifts suggestions available for ED, but a lot of men go through those measures without success. A Penile Implant Surgery is a treatment that can help with ED when other therapies have failed. Penile Implants allow men with ED to get a firm erection. There are two main types of implants which are semi-rigid and inflatable.  How Penile Implant Surgery Works Penile Implant Surgery works by inserting a suitable implant into the patient's penis. Sometimes, an additional penile prosthesis will be implanted during the surgery to reconstruct the shape of the penis when scarring has caused erections to curve, often known as Peyronie's disease. The inflatable penile prosthesis consists of two attached cylinders, a reservoir, and a pump.  The two cylinders are inserted into the penis and connected by tubing to a separate reservoir of saline.  To inflate the prosthesis, you will have to press the pump hidden in the scrotum. The pump will transfer saline from the reservoir to the cylinders in the penis to inflate and cause an erection. To deflate it, pressing needs to be done on the deflation valve at the base of the pump to enable fluid to return to its reservoir and hence it will be deflated back to the normal flaccid state. Common Implants · Three-piece implant Consists of a fluid reservoir in the abdominal wall, pump and release valve in the scrotum and two inflatable cylinders inside the penis. This type gives the most rigid erection, but there are risks for the parts to malfunction. · Two-piece implant For this implant, the reservoir is a part of the pump that is implanted in the scrotum. The surgery is less complicated but erections may be less firm than with the three-piece implant. · Semi Rigid implants This type of implants is not inflatable, meaning the implants stay firm all the time. Positioning is not complicated - you can position it against your body or bend it away for sexual intercourse. This type of device is less likely to malfunction but it can put a constant pressure on the penis. There are pros and cons to each type of implant, so a discussion with your attending physician can help you with choosing the right one. Generally, the procedure will look like this: 1. Consultation and examination of the condition 2. Application of general anesthesia 3. An incision will be made on your lower abdomen, the base of your penis, or just below the head of your penis 4. Insertion of the implant (and additional prosthesis in some cases) 5. Closing of the incision   Contraindications for Penile Implant Surgery · Erectile dysfunction that is situational (potentially reversible) · An infection, such as a pulmonary infection or urinary tract infection · Diabetes that is not well-controlled   Outlook The recovery process may take several weeks and you can resume sexual activity in about four to six weeks. The surgery has a high satisfaction rate and can be a good option for those who have found that other treatments have failed. Over a 10-year period, it can be considered the most cost-effective treatment for ED. Interested in getting the surgery? Click here or send your enquiries to us to learn more.   You might also like

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