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Cholecystectomy (Surgical Gallbladder Removal Procedure)

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It Is Suitable For

· Those looking for a gallbladder treatment in Mexicali.
· Those with gallstones in gallbladder / bile duct.
· Those with gallbladder / pancreas inflammation.
· Those who wish to recover from gallbladder-related complications.
· Those who wish to have a safe surgical removal of gallbladder.

What is Cholecystectomy?

Cholecystectomy is a common, minimal risks associated surgery performed to remove or treat gallstones and the complications they cause. In many cases, you can go home the very same day of the procedure if you wish to rest and recover at the comfort of your home. However, that also depends on the approach of surgery and your body conditions after having the surgery.

What is Gallbladder?

Gallbladder is one of the bodily organs responsible to collect and store bile, a digestive fluid produced by your liver before it gets released into your small intestine. It is a small pouch and shaped like a pear organ located right below your liver on the right side of your abdomen.

How It Works

There are 2 approaches in having Cholecystectomy:

· Minimally Invasive Surgery (Laparoscopic)
Involves special instruments and endoscope insertion through 4 small incisions made on your abdomen. Endoscope is used as a guide video screen to aid the surgeon with the surgery. This approach involves small incisions which will minimize pain and recovery period. Laparoscopic surgery may not be suitable for everyone.

· Open Surgery
Involves at least about 6 inches of incision on your abdomen below your ribs. With that, the surgeon will be able to have a direct view and access to the surgical area. Although it requires a larger incision compared to minimally invasive surgery, it may be a safer or more effective method for certain individuals.

Depending on cases, general anesthesia or local anesthesia will be used during the procedure.

Advantages and Limitations of Cholecystectomy

· Relieves pain
· Treats infection
· Treats inflammation
· Minimal / controlled pain management
· Stops recurring gallstones

· Conditions like bleeding or infection may occur after surgery

Risks and Potential Complications

<Surgical Risks>
· Anesthesia reaction
· Bleeding
· Blood clot
· Infection

<Potential Complications>
· Injury to nearby organs

Risks and complications can be reduced if you follow pre and post surgery instructions as proposed by the surgeon.

Pre Surgery Instructions

· Avoid certain medications like aspirin or ibuprofen 4 weeks before
· Notify the surgeon about any medications or supplements you are consuming
· Avoid smoking and drinking at least 2 weeks before
· Fast for a few hours as per prescribed by the surgeon

Post Surgery Instructions

· Do not physically strain yourself for at least 2 weeks
· Keep surgical site clean and dry at all time
· Take liquid or bland diet for the first few days
· Drink enough water for hydration
· Limit highly salty, sweet, spicy or fatty food intake


Q1: Will I be able to live a normal life without gallbladder?
A1: Yes, you may as your liver will still produce bile to aid in food digestion. However, instead of having it stored in the gallbladder, it will drip directly into your digestive system.

Q2: Is it true that it would be hard for me to lose weight after the surgery?
A2: Despite having your gallbladder removed, you may still lose weight as you would normally. Ensure you are enroute to a healthy weight loss journey.

Q3: Is it true that I may gain weight after having the surgery done?
A3: That may not necessarily be true. In fact, you may experience short term weight loss from the surgery. That's the reason why it is really important for you to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle. The surgery may change the digestive system but your body will adjust.

Q4: My aunt told me that having my gallbladder remove could shorten life spans?
A4: Life expectancy will not be shortened despite having your gallbladder removed. In fact, it may encourage you to make a healthier dietary choices that could lead to increasing your life span.

Clinic Information

[Clinic Name] Hospital de la Familia
[Location] Mexicali, Mexico
[Nearest Stations / Attractions] The hospital is about 17 mins drive from Mexicali International Airport and 10 mins drive from Holiday Inn Express & Suites Mexicali
[Clinic Opening Time] Monday to Sunday (24 hrs)

運転時間 1 - 2 hrs
回復時間 2 - 4 weeks
術後来院回数 None
入院 2 Nights
その他の情報 Total recovery may take up to 6 - 8 weeks.
You may be required to fill out a medical questionnaire and share previous medical records, pictures or any other tests
キャンセルポリシー Reschedule of treatments can be made without penalty. However, $250 deposit is non refundable if cancellation takes place within 48 hrs prior to surgery
この価格に含まれるもの 2-nights Stay, Consultation Fee, Service Fee
所在地 Hospital de la Familia (Family Hospital), Cto Brasil 82, Parque Industrial Álamo, El Alamo, 21100 Mexicali, B.C., Mexico