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Lip Enlargement (Fuller Lips With Fat Transfer)

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It Is Suitable For

· Those around Turkey and interested in Lip Enlargement Treatment.
· Those with small / thin lips.
· Those who wish to have a thicker and plumper lips.
· Those who wish to naturally plump their lips by fat transfer.

What Is Lip Enlargement?

This lips enlargement treatment is a procedure done using fat transfer to the lips. At our affiliated clinic, Cihantimur Fat Transfer technique is applied in the operation, in which the fat tissue is harvested from the body and injected into the lip area.

Since the fat tissue is compatible with the body, there won’t be any allergies or complications and patients who undergo this surgery can get more vibrant lips that look and feel natural.

What is Cihantimur Fat Transfer?

Everyone has fat cells located everywhere on their bodies and most of the time it is not always where you wanted it to be, right?

With the patented Cihantimur Fat Transfer System, fat tissues are made possible to be harvested, purified and enriched with stem cells before being transferred to the desired areas. Liposuction is applied to remove the fat from other body parts like thighs and hips.

Unlike this method, other fat transfer methods often cause the tissues to die in between the process. In comparison with other fat transfer methods, the viability of Cihantimur Fat Transfer System is said to be patented and awarded as much better.

Lip Enlargement Procedure

1. Examination will be done by doctor.
2. Fat tissues will be collected from the patient's body using a closed system that can ensure longevity of the fat cells.
3. Fat tissues will be harvested, purified and enriched with stem cells.
4. Fat tissues will be injected into the lips.
5. End of treatment. Patients can go home on the day of the procedure.

Advantages and Limitations of Lip Enlargement

· Fuller and Healthier-looking lips
· Rapid lip enlargement
· Low to no risk of allergies and complications
· Incision-free
· No artificial fillers; only your own fat tissue
· Effects on lips are long-lasting/permanent
· Self-renewal effect due to using natural fat tissue

· Swelling and bruising may prolong up to 10 days


Q1: Which type of anesthesia is used for lip enlargement?
A1: In most cases, fat transfer to the lips is performed under local anesthesia.

Q2: How is lip filler and fat transfer different?
A2: The technique used in this fat transfer process at our affiliated clinic can ensure a permanent effect, if compared to lip fillers which can mostly last for only 6 to 9 months.

Q3: How long does it take for recovery?
A3: On average, it may take 1 to 3 days, depending on the individuals.

Q4: How is the fat collected and prepared for injection?
A4: The fat can be collected from regional fat deposition areas. Abdominal fat of men and hip line fat of women are especially efficient and can enable a permanent result. Special devices developed for the fat transfer technique will process the fat collected via liposculpture method and prepare it for injection.

Q5: I heard that Fat tansfer method usually results in major swelling and short term improvement, is that true?
A5: That may be the case for other fat transfer method. Cihantimur Fat Trasnfer system uses a method to ensure minimal swelling as well as permanent result.

Clinic Information

[Clinic Name] Estetik International
[Location] Istanbul, Turkey
[Nearest Station/ Nearest Tourist Destination] 30 mins drive from Ataturk International Airport and 5 mins drive to the nearest beach in Istanbul.
[Clinic Opening Time] Monday - Saturday (8:00AM - 8:00PM) ; Sunday (Closed)

Operation Time 60 - 90 mins
Recovery Time None, but slight bruising may last up to 3 days
Number of Postoperative Visit Not Required
Hospitalization Not Required
Limitations · Not pain-free (but lips can be numbed with medication and ice).
· Although a long-lasting effect is guaranteed, future visits may be necessary depending on the desired enlargement level (due to the absorption of fats by the body, which is a natural process).
· Liposuction / liposculpture must be carried out before fat transfer (but our affiliated clinics do it in a minimally-invasive way).
Cancellation Policy Last minute cancellation will not be refundable.
Include In This Price Consultation, Transfers and Interpreter
Location Büyükdere Caddesi, Mecidiyeköy, D:No:80, 34394 Şişli, Turkey

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Trambellir is a health tourism platform and does not in any way provide, promote, or sell any medication or medical treatment to the Customers.
Customers are advised to contact the healthcare providers directly for any enquiries related to medical treatments.