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FUT Hair Transplant (Treat Extensive Hair Loss)

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It Is Suitable For

· Those looking forward for an FUT treatment in Turkey.
· Those with thinning hair.
· Those experiencing hair loss or balding.
· Those with healthy hair growth at the back and sides of their head.
· Those who wish to undergo a short hair transplant procedure to restore hair.

What is FUT?

Very similar to Follicular Unit Extraction, Follicular Unit Transplant also offer natural looking results. The implantation process is identical by placing follicular grafts in the thinning areas, or known as recipient areas. However, extraction wise, for FUT, all the hair is removed at once in a quick and simple process.

FUT Procedure

1. After your scalp is anesthetized, a strip of tissue (donor skin) will be removed from the donor area. Once extracted, this donor strip will be slivered into several independent follicular units using microscopic dissection techniques.
2. As these follicular unit grafts will be prepared, small incisions will be made in the scalp, which are called recipient sites, where the grafts are placed.
3. The arrangement and positioning of these follicular unit grafts dictate the aesthetic qualities of a hair transplant. Therefore, this arrangement differs with each patient, according to the patient’s history of hair loss and probability of future hair loss.

Advantages and Limitations of Hair Transplant

· Restores hair
· Encourages continuous hair growth
· Effective in restoring severe hair loss

· Potential risk of bleeding, adverse reaction to anesthesia, and graft rejection and infection
· Extended recovery time

Hair Transplant Pre Care

· Stop smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, taking hormonal pills, herbal supplements, and medicines at least 2 weeks before your schedule.
· Those with any diseases need surgical clearance from their medical specialist.


Q1: Is this better than FUE?
A1: In overall comparison, FUE is better as single grafts are extracted from donor area one by one. Hence the graft quality is better than the ones used in FUT.

Q2: Should I choose FUT or FUE?
A2: In general, FUT yields the most donor hair. Therefore, the procedure is best suited for more extensive hair loss and in patients where the main concern is the maximum use of one’s donor supply. The hair is maximized because of the precise nature of stereo-microscopic dissection and the fact that all the hair is harvested from the mid-portion of the permanent zone where the hair is most dense and stable. A limitation of FUT is that it leaves a line scar in the donor area. With normal styling, this is easily covered with hair, but it precludes someone from wearing their hair very short. FUE is more appropriate for patients who would like to keep their hair very short or who can’t limit strenuous activities in the post-op period. In general, younger patients who need to keep their styling options flexible choose FUE, whereas those who desire the most coverage opt for FUT.

Clinic Information

[Clinic Name] Skin Health Clinic
[Location] Istanbul
[Nearest Station/ Nearest Tourist Destination] Walking distance to hotels, cafes, shopping places and restaurants
[Clinic Opening Time] Monday - Friday (9:00AM - 6:00PM), Saturday (10:00AM - 3:00PM)

Operation Time 4 - 8 hrs
Recovery Time None
Number of Postoperative Visit Not Required
Hospitalization 2 Nights
Other Information The length of the session depends on the number of grafts being trasnplanted
Include In This Price Single Room Accommodation with Breakfast, Transfers, Medicines, Anesthesia, Clinic Expenses
Location Dr. Oyku Celen - Skin Health Turkey, Hüsrev Gerede Cd Gözüm Apt, D:No: 69 D:4, 34380, Turkey

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Customers are advised to contact the healthcare providers directly for any enquiries related to medical treatments.