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Reception of Oocytes from the Partner (IVF for Female Couples)

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It Is Suitable For

· Those in Mexicali, Mexico for about 1 month.
· Those who wish to have a baby with their female partner.
· Those who wish to share motherhood and become active participants in the reproductive process.
· Those with several failed attempts at artificial insemination.
· Those with endometriosis, irregular menstrual cycles or risks of hereditary transmission of disease.

What is Reception of Oocytes from the Partner (ROPA)?

Reception of Oocytes from the Partner (ROPA) is a variant of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment. It is an assisted reproduction treatment for female couples who want to have a family. This is a suitable process for couples who want to actively participate in pregnancy, in which one partner will have the eggs removed from the ovaries and fertilized in a laboratory, while the other partner will receive the embryo in her uterus to carry the pregnancy. In this case, the two women involved are mothers - the one who provides the egg is the biological mother, and the one who gets pregnant is the expectant mother.

How It Works

This treatment starts with personalized ovarian stimulation of a woman that can take up to 10 to 20 days to finally extract the eggs. Meanwhile, the other woman is treated to prepare her endometrium to receive the embryos. The obtained ova will be fertilized with a donor sperm in vitro, and the resulting embryos will then be planted into the uterus.

Procedure for ROPA

ROPA method involves 4 phases:

1. Ovarian stimulation and puncture of the woman who provides the eggs:
The woman providing the eggs will undergo ovarian stimulation at home for 10 to 20 days. A medication will be given to stimulate the follicles in your ovaries to produce more eggs and avoid spontaneous ovulation. During this period, the patient will be controlled with ultrasound scans and hormonal analysis to check that she is responding as expected to the medication prescribed. The best time to extract the eggs will be decided. Extraction of the eggs will take around 15 mins and mild anesthesia will be used.

2. Fertilization and culture of embryos:
While treatment is ongoing, the most suitable sperm sample will be chosen to inseminate the eggs. This may take between 2 and 6 days before transferring the resulting embryo.

3. Preparation of the endometrium
While one will go undergo ovarian stimulation, the other partner will undergo hormonal treatment to prepare the uterus in order to implant the embryo.

4. Embryo transfer
Highest quality embryo will be selected to be inserted vaginally into the uterus. This part of the process will be quick and painless, and no anesthesia will be required. After 2 weeks, a beta-HCG test will be performed to confirm pregnancy.

Advantages and Limitations of ROPA

· Shared motherhood
· A common procedure done by IVF specialists
· Increases chance of pregnancy
· Increases physical and emotional well-being
· Strengthens physical connection between the partners

· Success rate will depend on your condition such as health status, age etc.
· Some time needed for the procedure to complete

Indications for ROPA

· Female couples who want to actively participate in the reproductive process and share motherhood by own choice
· Female couples with medical concerns for one of the partners, such as risk of hereditary transmission of disease
· Female couples with concerns of oocyte quality, ovarian dysfunction or chromosomal or genetic abnormalities
· Female couples with failure in previous fertility treatments


Q1: What is the success rate?
A1: This largely depends on your age, health conditions etc. Generally, women will have a reduction in their reproductive capacity from the age of 35. So, if the egg donor is less than 35 years old, the probability of a pregnancy at first attempt is about 65%. In the case of a 40-year-old donor, the success rate on first attempt is only 15%. More attempts can slightly increase the chances.

Q2: What should I do to care for myself after the embryo transfer?
A2: You should avoid intense sports. Once embryos are transferred, it is a normal pregnancy. Please adhere to doctor’s advice.

Q3: Will it be painful?
A3: No. Even in some processes like egg extraction, mild anesthesia will be used. Overall process will not be painful.

Q4: Will there be risks of asynchrony between the partner who will be undergoing ovarian stimulation and the other who will prepare the endometrium?
A4: Any asynchrony between the two processes will be avoided by performing repeated hormonal and ultrasound controls in both women.

Clinic Information

[Clinic Name] Hospital de la Familia
[Location] Mexicali, Mexico
[Nearest Stations / Attractions] The hospital is about 17 mins drive from Mexicali International Airport and 10 mins drive from Holiday Inn Express & Suites Mexicali
[Clinic Opening Time] Monday - Sunday (24 hrs)

Operation Time 15 - 30 days
Recovery Time None
Number of Postoperative Visit 2 - 3 times
Hospitalization Not Required
Cancellation Policy Reschedule of treatments can be made without penalty. However, a $250 deposit is non-refundable if cancellation takes place within 48 hrs prior to surgery.
Location Hospital de la Familia (Family Hospital), Circuito Brasil, El Alamo, Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico

Terms of Service

Trambellir is a health tourism platform and does not in any way provide, promote, or sell any medication or medical treatment to the Customers.
Customers are advised to contact the healthcare providers directly for any enquiries related to medical treatments.