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Tonsillectomy (Palatine Tonsils Removal Procedure)

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It Is Suitable For

· Those looking for tonsil-related treatments in Mexicali.
· Those with frequent sore throat and fever.
· Those with trouble swallowing / tonsils enlargement / large lymph nodes.
· Those who wish to treat tonsils and recover from frequent fever.
· Those who wish to remove tonsils and have a modest benefit from the surgery.

What is Tonsillectomy?

Tonsillectomy is a surgical procedure aims to remove the palatine tonsils from the top of the throat. It has been practiced worldwide and is a common procedure performed all over the years and generally only recommended to treat chronic or recurrent tonsillitis.

Tonsillectomy can ease breathing problems, trouble swallowing and may as well reduce the number of throat infections to low or none. Although it may rebound to grow back, it is very rare to happen.

What is Tonsillitis?

Tonsils are small glands located at the back of your throat. Their main function is to store white blood cells in order to fight infection. However, there could be times when your tonsils themselves may become infected and the medical condition is known to be tonsillitis.

Tonsillitis may occur to people of any age and gender, although, most common in children from preschool age through their teens. Tonsillitis is contagious and caused by different kinds of viruses and bacteria. It could also cause symptoms like swollen tonsils, fever and sore throat. If left untreated for long, you may develop a chronic tonsillitis with a prolonged symptoms over 10 days and may also cause tonsil stones. It is usually recommended to remove your tonsils if what you are experiencing is a chronic or recurrent one.

Symptoms of Tonsillitis

· High fever above 39°C
· Neck stiffness
· Muscle weakness
· Sore throat
· Swollen throat
· Disturbed breathing as throat swells

Cause of Tonsillitis

Although your tonsils house white blood cells and first line defense against any illnesses, it is also vulnerable to infections, viral or bacterial like:
· Rhinovirus
· Epstein-Barr Virus
· Strep Bacteria

How It Works

There are a few methods that can be used to perform tonsillectomy:
· Using scalpel to cut out your infected tonsils
· Using ultrasonic vibration to remove tonsils
· Using heat to cauterize your tonsils

Advantages and Limitations of Tonsillectomy

· Quick surgery
· Treats tonsillitis
· Prevents frequent fever / sore throat
· Minimizes swollen throat

· Swelling and minor reactions like headache, nausea or vomiting may occur

Pre Surgery Instructions

· Stop taking anti-inflammatory medications such as Ibuprofen for at least 2 weeks before surgery
· Notify our affiliated doctors is you are on any other medications or supplements
· Fast for at least 6 to 8 hours prior the surgery

Post Surgery Instructions

· Drink a lot of water for hydration
· Take medications as prescribed
· Avoid eating solid food and consume easy to swallow food instead
· Have enough rest


Q1: Will it hurt?
A1: Despite any method used throughout the procedure, general anesthesia will be administered beforehand.

Q2: Will I be able to return back to work immediately?
A2: Not immediately, no. It is recommended that you have a plenty of rest at home for at least a week or 2.

Q3: Is it true that adults have a tougher time for tonsils removal?
A3: That may be true but it is not necessarily the case. Logically, as scar tissue builds up on your tonsils, the more tissue will get on the way.

Q4: Will I be able to talk after the procedure?
A4: Yes, you would. But is suggested that you talk as little as possible.

Q5: Will this affect my immune system?
A5: No, in fact it could improve the immune response unblocking the suppression to which it was subjected.

Clinic Information

[Clinic Name] Hospital de la Familia
[Location] Mexicali, Mexico
[Nearest Stations / Attractions] The hospital is about 17 mins drive from Mexicali International Airport and 10 mins drive from Holiday Inn Express & Suites Mexicali
[Clinic Opening Time] Monday to Sunday (24 hrs)

Waktu Operasi 30 - 45 mins
Waktu Pemulihan 1 - 2 weeks
Jumlah Kunjungan Pasca Operasi Not Required
Rawat Inap 2 Nights
Informasi Lain You may be required to fill out a medical questionnaire and share previous medical records, pictures or any other tests
Kebijakan Pembatalan Reschedule of treatments can be made without penalty. However, $250 deposit is non refundable if cancellation takes place within 48 hrs prior to surgery
Sudah Termasuk Dalam Harga Ini 2-nights Stay, Consultation Fee, Service Fee
Lokasi Hospital de la Familia (Family Hospital), Cto Brasil 82, Parque Industrial Álamo, El Alamo, 21100 Mexicali, B.C., Mexico