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Tooth Extraction (Safe Removal of The Damaged Tooth)

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It Is Suitable For

· Those in Mexicali who need tooth extraction treatment.
· Those with severe toothache/tooth decay/crowded mouth.
· Those with the need to proceed with all-on-4/dental implant/braces.
· Those who wish to restore full mouth teeth restoration and has a few remaining teeth.
· Those who wish to have better teeth health and appearance.

What is Tooth Extraction?

Tooth extraction is a procedure performed under local anesthesia injected to remove a tooth. There are a number of reasons that require tooth extraction, such as:

· The tooth decay has reached deep into the tooth
· Gum disease
· An infection has destroyed a large portion of the tooth or the surrounding bone
· Insufficient space in the mouth for all the teeth
· Blockage of teeth to grow
· Baby teeth don't fall out in time for the permanent teeth to come in
· Patients getting braces or other orthodontic treatment that may need teeth extracted to create room for the teeth that will be moved into place
· For prosthetics (false teeth) purpose
· Wisdom teeth, also called third molars, often extracted either before or after they come in during the late teens or early 20s

How It Works

Tooth extraction is performed by a dentist or oral surgeon. The procedure is a relatively quick outpatient procedure with either local, general, intravenous anesthesia, or a combination, depending on the severity of the teeth condition. Usually, local anesthesia is used for the visible teeth with a simple extraction process. Teeth that are broken, below the surface, or impacted require more procedures and hence may use other types of anesthesia.

Types of Tooth Extraction

There are two types of tooth extraction procedure available, simple and surgical.

Simple - A simple tooth extraction involves the removal of teeth that are visible. The procedure is typically done for the ones that may be badly damaged or decayed as well as for the patients who plan to get braces or prosthetics such as full teeth restoration. Local anesthesia will be used for this method.

Surgical - This type of procedure is usually for removing teeth that are not visible in the mouth, maybe under the surface, or have broken off. The procedure may require general or intravenous anesthesia to perform to ease the pain.

Tooth Extraction Preparation

An X-ray will be taken prior to the tooth extraction schedule. Medications as well as vitamins, supplements, and over-the-counter drugs should be informed to the dentist. Also, it is important to inform the dentist if the patient will soon be treated for another medical condition with an intravenous drug called a bisphosphonate; the extraction process should be done before the drug treatment or it may lead to the risk of osteonecrosis (bone death) at the patient's jaw.

Moreover, do inform the dentist if patients have any of the following conditions:
· A congenital heart defect
· Diabetes
· Liver disease
· Thyroid disease
· Renal disease
· Hypertension
· An artificial joint
· Damaged heart valves
· Adrenal disease
· An impaired immune system
· A history of bacterial endocarditis

In order to ensure all conditions are stable, patients may be prescribed with antibiotics in the days prior to the procedure in the condition when the surgery is expected to be long, patients have an infection or a weakened immune system, or patients have a specific medical condition.

Tooth Extraction Precautions

· Do not smoke prior to the procedure
· Wear a short-sleeved shirt or loose-fitting clothing in the case of receiving an intravenous (IV) anesthesia for the treatment
· Fasting for at least 6 to 8 hrs is required if told by the dentist
· A reschedule may be required for patients with a cold
· Nausea or vomiting the night before extraction may need to be rescheduled or require different anesthesia
· Plan for someone to drive you home if you will be receiving general or intravenous anesthesia

Tooth Extraction Procedure

1. Consultation and examination of the teeth condition
2. X-ray will be taken for further observation
3. Scheduling for the tooth extraction process
4. Application of suitable anesthesia according to the condition
5. Testing of the numbness will be performed on the gum/tooth
6. A simple or surgical tooth extraction will be performed

Advantages and Limitations of Tooth Extraction

· Removes decayed or damaged teeth
· Makes space available for the teeth to be arranged by braces
· Eases the pain of the teeth not visible on the surface

· Bleeding may be prolonged for up to 2 days
· Swelling may last up to a few hrs after the procedure
· Difficulty in chewing may be experienced for a few days

Tooth Extraction Post Care

· Avoid disturbing the extraction site especially for the first 24 hrs
· Dental gauzes must remain in place for at least 20 to 30 mins
· Replace the dental gauzes whenever it becomes soaked with blood
· Apply ice to help alleviate swelling of face
· Patients are encouraged to eat soft foods for a few days after the procedure
· Maintain good oral care routine


Q1: If i have toothaches but no swelling, do I need to take antibiotics?
A1: No, antibiotics will be required only for the ones with swelling along with the toothaches.

Q2: Should I stop any medications before the treatment?
A2: You may need to stop blood-thinning medications for a week before the treatment.

Q3: Will the dentist test if the anesthesia works on me before extracting?
A3: Yes, the dentist will use a needle-like handler to test the sensitivity on your gum tissues at the same time to prepare for extraction. Also, the dentist will try to pull the teeth slightly to make sure you do not feel the pain.

Q4: Can radiation or chemotherapy infect the teeth?
A4: Yes, radiation or chemotherapy to the head and neck can cause infection to the teeth and extraction may be necessary.

Q5: Is the soreness of my jaw normal?
A5: Sore jaw is normal as may be due to anesthesia or to the strain of keeping your mouth open during the procedure.

Clinic Information

[Clinic Name] Hospital de la Familia
[Location] Mexicali, Mexico
[Nearest Stations / Attractions] The hospital is about 17 mins drive from Mexicali International Airport and 10 mins drive from Holiday Inn Express & Suites Mexicali
[Clinic Opening Time] Daily (24 hrs)

Operation Time 45 - 60 mins
Recovery Time None
Number of Postoperative Visit Not required
Hospitalization Not required
Cancellation Policy Reschedule of treatments can be made without penalty. However, a $250 deposit is non-refundable if cancellation takes place within 48 hrs prior to the procedure.
Location Hospital de la Familia (Family Hospital), Circuito Brasil, El Alamo, Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico

Terms of Service

Trambellir is a health tourism platform and does not in any way provide, promote, or sell any medication or medical treatment to the Customers.
Customers are advised to contact the healthcare providers directly for any enquiries related to medical treatments.