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Tummy Tuck (Excess Fat Removal and Restore Weakened Muscles)

$4,470 - $10,437
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It Is Suitable For

· Those around Kuala Lumpur for at least 10 days.
· Those with belly fat and flabby stomach.
· Those who wish to remove loose skin and fat in the lower abdominal region.
· Those who wish to tighten their abdominal muscles.
· Those who wish to improve body appearance after giving birth.

What is Tummy Tuck?

Are you bothered by large fat deposit and excess skin at the abdomen? You have tried various kinds of diet and exercise but it nothing seems to be working?

A tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure which removes excess fat and skin. Simultaneously, a tummy tuck can also help restore weakened muscles, creating a smoother and firmer abdominal profile.

Tummy tuck is the ultimate choice for those who are not able to achieve a well-toned abdomen through exercise and weight control. The most common causes of this include:
· Pregnancy
· Aging
· Significant fluctuations in weight
· Heredity
· Prior surgery

However, tummy tucks are not a substitute for weight loss or an appropriate exercise program. The procedure cannot be performed to correct stretch marks unless they are located on the areas of excess skin that will be excised, which the areas are below the belly button.

The overall procedure requires a recovery period of at least 2 weeks. After the treatment, a good weight control diet and regular exercise is necessary to maintain the effect.

Mini Tummy Tuck

In Mini tummy tuck, the loose skin is only removed from the area below the belly button (smaller area of fat removal compared to Normal Tummy Tuck).

In other words, Mini tummy tuck only removes fat from the lower part of your abdomen. In addition, underlying muscles are tightened.

Normal Tummy Tuck

Normal tummy tuck or sometimes known as traditional abdominoplasty requires a vertical and a horizontal incisions. Vertical incision is done to gather skin excess in the horizontal direction and to allow adequate shaping where there is a lot of extra tissue around your midsection.

This is especially for those who have had a massive weight loss and have redundant skin throughout their trunks.

Extended Tummy Tuck

If you have gone through weight fluctuations and experienced significant weight loss due to bariatric surgery or other similar reasons and wish to see dramatic improvements in shaping and contouring your body, then extended tummy tuck is what's best for you.

Extended tummy tuck not only remove excess skin and tissue from your abdomen, but also consider those from your hips, thighs and back, simultaneously toning repairing and contouring your body to perfection.

Tummy Tuck Package

Our affiliated hospital also offers a combo package with additional breast augmentation treatment on the side. With this package, you can either opt for:

<Add on Round Implant Breast Augmentation>
If you wish to have a plumper and more volume added towards the upper region of your breasts, then this is a better option for you.

<Add on Teardrop Implant Breast Augmentation>
An excellent choice especially if you wish to have a more natural looking outcome. Teardrop implants are also believed to have a firmer gel consistency

Tummy Tuck Procedure

Typical tummy tuck procedure is as follows:

1. A linear incision is made from the hipbone extended to the other end along the bikini line.
2. Excess skin and fat from the abdominal wall are separated and removed.
3. Muscles are tightened by pulling them close together and have them stitched into a new position.
4. Incision is closed with stitches and dressings are applied.
5. Temporary tube may be inserted in order to drain excess fluid from surgical site.

Advantages and Limitations of Tummy Tuck

· Flatter, smoother, firmer and tighter abdomen
· Youthful-looking body
· Reduces stretch marks
· Removes excess fat
· Restores weakened muscles
· Permanent results
· Faster recovery compared to full abdominoplasty

· May affect future pregnancies (and the body, after future pregnancies)
· Risks involved (such as blood clots and skin-related problems)
· Numbness of skin (temporary)

Tummy Tuck Post Care

· Position pillows under the knees and back for support when in bed
· Keep moving feet to increase circulation around the legs
· You may lie on your side or back
· Wear elastic compression garment for 4 to 6 weeks
· Only sponge bath is allowed; you may have shower 7 to 10 days after surgery
· Resume normal activities after 2 weeks
· Strictly avoid strenuous activities within 2 weeks after surgery
· Keep your waist bent when walking, sitting or lying down for a few days


Q1: Since Normal Tummy Tuck removes more fat, is it better than Mini Tummy Tuck?
A1: Not necessarily. Some people only have excess loose fat in the lower region of their abdomen, which makes Mini Tummy Tuck a more suitable procedure for them.

Q2: How will the post pain be like?
A2: If it requires repair of muscles, the pain will likely be lasting longer days. However, recent development helps in better pain control and ease your pain.

Q3: Will the results last?
A3: Yes. For as long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Q4: Will it improve the appearance of my stretch marks?
A4: In most cases, yes. Often, the stretch marks are removed together with the loose skin.

Q5: Will I be restricted to anything post treatment?
A5: Of course. First, strictly no heavy lifting or involve in any strenuous exercise for at least 4 to 6 weeks. You might also want to expect that your post posture will bent over about 30 degrees for the first few days.

Q6: Will I be able to return to work immediately?
A6: No. Please note that this treatment is not for outpatients. Therefore, you will be required to rest at home for at least 2 to 3 weeks after the treatment.

Clinic Information

[Clinic Name] Beverly Wilshire Medical Centre (KL)
[Location] Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
[Nearest Station / Nearest Tourist Destination] 5 mins driving distance from partner hotels: Pullman Kuala Lumpur City Centre, MiCasa All Suites Hotel, and shopping centre Pavilion Kuala Lumpur. Also, KL Sentral, as well as KLCC, are reachable within 15 mins drive.
[Clinic Opening Time] Monday to Friday (9:00AM - 7:00PM); Saturday (9:00AM - 3:00PM)

Tiempo de funcionamiento 1 - 2 hrs
Tiempo de recuperación 2 - 3 weeks
Número de visitas postoperatorias Not Required
Hospitalización 1 - 3 Nights
Limitaciones Not suitable for extremely obese patients
Incluido en este precio 1 - 3 Nights Stay
Ubicación No. 237, Level 6, 8 & 9 Kenanga Tower, Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 Kuala Lumpur