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Otoplasty (Corrects Outer Ear Appearance)

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It Is Suitable For

· Those in Istanbul, Turkey who need ear reshaping treatment.
· Those with the protruding ear.
· Those with difficulties in daily lives caused by the ear.
· Those who wish to have a less protruding appearance of the ear.
· Those who wish to reshape the ear as desired.

What is Otoplasty?

Otoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to reshape the outer ear, also known as the pinna. The main aim of the treatment is to correct a deformity, also known as bat ears problem, as well as to improve the appearance.

Protruding ears or prominent ears, also known as bat ears, can be bothersome for the children. It is a widely seen problem which is not a medical disorder and does not affect the functionality of the body. Ears can be considered prominent if they stand out more than 2 centimeters from the side of the head, in which this can have a negative effect on the appearance for some people.

Bat ears are usually caused by a lack of cartilage in the ear area, which leads to the ears having more elasticity form and tend to be upturned or widely folded. In general, both ears are affected but for some people, this can occur on just 1 side as well.

Cause Of Prominent Ear

The prominent ear is mainly a genetically related problem. The causes include:
· Wide angle between the outer ear and scalp bone
· Elastic form of ear cartilage
· Lack of folds and straight form of the outer ear

How It Works

Otoplasty is more common to be performed during childhood but can be performed on patients of any age.

Protruding ears occur from a number of reasons:
· Overdevelopment of the cartilage - The ears are more likely to be prominent if the pinna has too much cartilage.
· Underdevelopment of the cartilage - This occurs when the ridge of cartilage at the top of the ear does not fold properly during development, which results in the outer edge of the ear not folding in towards the head and hence sticks outward instead.
· Injury

Otoplasty surgery remodels the cartilage to create the missing folds and position the ears closer to the head. For best results, an otoplasty should be performed after the ears have reached the fully grown size, which normally happens by the age of 6 years old.

The treatment takes approximately 45 to 90 mins. Special bandages will be given to be worn on your ears for 1 or 2 weeks.

Types of Otoplasty

There are 3 main types of otoplasty
· Ear Augmentation - The is performed in the case when pinna is underdeveloped or non-existent, known as microtia.
· Otopexy - an ear pinback procedure, flattens the protruding ears.
· Ear Reduction - Reduces pinna when it is too big. It is known as macrotia when the ears are too large in size.

Otoplasty Procedure

1. Consultation and examination of the ear condition
2. Marking of the areas to be treated
3. Application of intravenous sedation supplemented with local anesthesia; general anesthesia is used for children
4. Incisions will be made behind the ear
5. A thin unnoticeable scar may be left behind and fade over time

Advantages and Limitations of Otoplasty

· Flattens protruding ears
· Corrects deformity of ears
· Gives a better appearance of ears
· No stitches required
· Heal in 1 to 2 weeks

· Bandages will be needed over the ears for several days after surgery
· A loose supportive headband will be worn over the ears at night

Otoplasty Preparation

· Patients may be asked to obtain lab testing or a medical evaluation
· Certain medications may be arranged or asked to stop temporarily
· Smoking should be stopped at least 2 weeks prior to the surgery
· Avoid taking aspirin and certain anti-inflammatory drugs and herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding

Otoplasty Post Care

· Avoid exercising for at least 2 weeks after the surgery
· Avoid activities that could cause trauma or injury during the recovery period
· Physical contact sports such as judo, rugby, or football should be avoided for at least 3 months
· Swimming should be avoided up to 8 weeks after the surgery


Q1: Can I wash my hair during the time of having bandages on?
A1: No, you will not be able to wash your hair with bandages on for several days.

Q2: Can I return to school immediately after the surgery?
A2: It is advised to return to school a week after the surgery.

Q3: Will there be scars?
A3: There will be a thin scar, but it will be localized behind the ear and will fade over time.

Q4: What is the minimum age requirement for the surgery?
A4: For best results, otoplasty should be done after the ears have completely grown, which normally happens by the age of 5 years old.

Q5: Will there be any chance of recurrence?
A5: In rare cases, revision surgery will be required.

Clinic Information

[Clinic Name] Dr. Oyku Celen, Skin Health Clinic
[Location] Istanbul, Turkey
[Nearest Station/ Nearest Tourist Destination] A 1-min walking distance from Tattoom Gallery and a 10 mins drive from Conrad Istanbul Bosphorus
[Clinic Opening Time] Monday-Friday (9:00AM-6:00PM); Saturday (10:00AM-3:00PM)

Operation Time 45 - 90 mins
Recovery Time 3 days
Number of Postoperative Visit Not required
Hospitalization 3 nights
Limitations Bandages are to be worn over the ears for several days after surgery.
Include In This Price 3 Nights Hospital Stay, Single Room Accommodation with Breakfast, Transfers, Medicines (including anesthesia), Clinic Expenses
Location Dr. Oyku Celen - Skin Health Turkey, Hüsrev Gerede Cd Gözüm Apt, D:No: 69 D:4, 34380, Turkey

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