Trambellir Articles

How to Manage Stress During COVID-19 Pandemic
Although all of us are isolated, know that you are not alone By Azra Shuib | March 10th, 2021 By now, it’s not difficult to understand why a huge number of people are overwhelmed with uncertainties and unknowns. A lot of people are working tirelessly around the clock to reduce the COVID-19 spread while some are fighting to just live calmly. To be caught in these unprecedented times can cause one to be in a lot of stress. Those who might become more stressed include: People at high-risk for developing a severe case of COVID-19 if contracted Healthcare workers and other frontline workers Children and teens Patients with mental health conditions Patients with chronic illnesses who need to regularly visit the hospital People who are facing financial instability due to the pandemic It's substantial to equip yourself by learning how to manage stress so that you could arrange your thoughts rationally and overcome it. Above all, it’s also important that you stay healthy as there is no worse timing for you to fall ill especially at times like this. Coping with stress in a good way will make you, your loved ones and your community stronger. Here are some ways to manage stress during COVID-19 pandemic: 1. Control your news and social media consumption As a lot of us are spending most of our time by ourselves. And that means more time with our smartphones. It seems like the timeline is flooded with news reports and health statistics every hour, bringing undue stress. Undeniably, there are also positive messages spattered across to keep our spirits up. Hence it is important to choose the kind of content we would like to see. Follow only the reliable news sources and avoid accounts that serve unchecked information. It is good to stay informed, but it is equally pivotal that we control it the best way we can as a selfcare step. 2. Have a new routine to keep you busy Consider waking up at the same time each day and have a routine to avoid soaking up too much pandemic news or wasting time scrolling the screen. Get in healthy activities such as journaling, regular house cleaning, cooking healthy foods and exercising. Although the internet can induce stress, it’s also a getaway to learning new stuff everyday. Start learning new recipes, crafts or skills; or you can even get in a workout session with a lot of videos and online classes available on social media. Just because you’re at home more often now, it doesn’t mean that you can’t have fun. Take it as an opportunity to do something you love even longer. This may be gardening, painting, designing and others. 3. Postpone major life decisions and resolve personal issues You have probably looked forward to that important life event, that is until COVID-19 came about. If you are already so stressed about it, it’s best to delay it until time permits. Try to keep things in perspective and be hopeful that this difficult time shall pass if not ease, and normal life will resume. Resolve personal conflicts that may be amplified while everyone is asked to stay at home. Communicate with people with honesty and get in touch with those who can help. Try to list your issues and solve them gradually day by day to help ease the mental burden. 4. Control your workload If you are one of those people who are working from home, you might face a problem in balancing work and personal life. Avoid doing work for long hours and continuously, as this could lead to more stress and health issues. Take breaks when you need to relax your strained eyes and incorrect posture. Have a goal of what to accomplish in the day and try to avoid additional responsibilities that you know will consume too much of your energy. Learn to say ‘no’ so you could deliver a better output each day. Keep in mind that your tasks will continue everyday and won’t be finished, therefore look into the bigger picture and don’t stress too much about the small, meticulous stuff. 5. Follow expert-recommended health guidelines Practice the new norm as instructed by the World Health Organization. This includes frequent hand-washing, physical distancing, practicing respiratory etiquette and applying good hygiene measures. This can help you to stay safe and confident during this pandemic. Listed are the covid tests available at our affiliated clinics / hospitals. If you suspect that you might have contracted the virus, follow quarantine guidelines and get yourself tested at your nearby centres. Adhere to the instructions by the healthcare provider and monitor your symptoms. COVID-19 Test @ Sunway Medical Centres COVID-19 Test @ Ramsay Sime Darby Health Centres COVID-19 Test @ Dr Liew Clinic COVID-19 Test @ BNH Hospital Bangkok COVID-19 Test @ Medconsult Clinic Bangkok COVID-19 Test @ Shinbashi Aoki Clinic Tokyo You might also like …
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Pandemic Woes: How to Manage Lockdown Weight Gain
Being in isolation is not an excuse By Azra Shuib | March 3rd, 2021 Quarantine weight gain shouldn’t be a surprise to a lot of people. Since the COVID-19 pandemic started, our routines have been disrupted, causing stress and mindless habits. But now most of us have managed to understand and practice the new norm better each day, so with some lifestyle shifts, there are ways to get back on track and reverse the scale. Causes of weight gain can be plenty, but some factors can largely affect your lockdown pounds: Stress Living with COVID-19 has altered our lives in a major way. We have been isolated for longer than what we’ve been through before and it’s uncertain when things are going to be normal again. These changes can cause stress even when you don’t realize it. And all the stress can lead to weight gain. When we are stressed, though we might not realize or even ignore it, the body still senses stress, and the fight-or-flight response is activated. This stimulates the body to not give up any calories in order to use it when energy is needed to fight or flee. Learning more about this physiological response can help you to learn when to relax and manage stress. Mindless Snacking If you love to snack during work, then the work-from-home lifestyle has probably amplified that habit. You’re at home longer, the kitchen is nearer, and a growing number of people are cooking meals at home too. Previously, on-the-go lifestyle means eating breakfast and lunch that could fit easily in our schedule. But now the options are endless. If we let loose on our eating habit, weight gain is expected. Less Sleep The body needs enough sleep to recover and balance the ‘hunger hormones’. When we are deprived of sleep, the body makes more ghrelin (the hormone that tells your brain that you’re hungry and have to increase food intake), and less leptin (the hormone that tells your brain that you are full and inhibits hunger). Being sleep deprived can lead to hormonal balance, making you feel hungrier and more tired. Therefore, getting enough rest and quality sleep will definitely improve your appetite. No Exercise A lot of us may find that exercising activities have reduced during this quarantine season since we can’t go out. If you have always associated exercises with outdoors, then it may have been difficult to maintain an active lifestyle. Some people even have a hard time to maintain good mental health, let alone a good workout routine. So How To Reduce The Pandemic Gains? The first thing you should understand is that weight loss during this pandemic season is completely possible. A good mindset is necessary to shed excessive pounds. Do you need to lose weight? Well, as a general rule, a healthy BMI is between 18.5 and 25. And if your BMI is between 25 and 30, it means you are overweight and it’s a good time to adjust your diet and routine before your weight increases. When BMI reaches 30, it will get more difficult to lose weight. In all cases, commitment, discipline and a strong will are necessary to achieve your ideal weight. And do not chastise the weighing scale and mirror as you would need to track your progress. Take the opportunity to be away from people and all hustle and bustle of the city to really focus on managing your weight. Inch Loss Strategies Manage Your Stress and Allow Emotional Breaks In the midst of so much uncertainty and saddening news, allow yourself to take a break and indulge in relaxing activities. If you need to take a day off, please take it to re-plan your life or clear up your mind. Meditation, light exercises, a good sleep or a digital detox for a period of time can be beneficial for your mental wellbeing. Explore your unaddressed issues and internal pain, pressures or tension. This can help you to cope better with your emotions. Besides that, it is a good idea to set up a daily plan to ensure a productive day that can enhance how you feel about your day. Set a daily wake-up and bed time, plan your meals ahead and more importantly, take breaks when you feel overwhelmed or tired. A Healthy Food Regimen Now is a good time to learn new healthy recipes and rethink your relationship with food. If you are cooking at home more often now, include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. It’s time to focus on getting the fullness from the taste rather than quantity. What could be more difficult is controlling your portions. It’s so easy to indulge in excessive amounts at home since you have nothing else to do. Take these steps: When you are hungry, try drinking a big glass of water before you eat. Then wait for 15 minutes to see if you’re still hungry. This can help to ‘fill up’ your tummy a bit. Eat proteins first as they make you feel fuller. Avoid too many carbohydrates that can cause swings in blood sugar. Avoid snacking with unhealthy foods that are high in sugar. Try to slot in exercises in between your daily routines, such as in the afternoon or in the evening after work. Shift your activities to distract yourself from unproductive activities that can lead to snacking. Shop carefully and responsibly. If you know you will eat a whole package of biscuits in one sitting, then don’t buy it. If you don’t have it in your kitchen, you won’t eat it. Regular Exercises Just because you are physically distancing from the gym, it does not mean you should stop exercising. Cleaning the house, a simple jog up and down the house can help you get it going as well. Plus, online workout class is abundant online. You just have to schedule regular daily exercise sessions and stick to it. Furthermore, it boosts your immune system and improves your mood. Good Night's Sleep What is more important is getting enough rest. If you want a high quality sleep, stop staring at screens at least 1 hour before bed. Schedule a daily wake-up time and bedtime, and stick to it. Allow your body to recover and balance out your hormones so that it could function better. You Can Do It! A lot of people fail at weight loss, but a lot of people win against it too. Believe in your own journey and ensure that you take care of your health in the process. It’s a tough time to live in currently, but it also means a good time to make the best of what’s already available. Strive to attain your goals and remember that you can definitely do it! Visit to explore weight management help or interventions you can take to ensure a safe and effective weight loss journey. Or simply direct yourself to our list of Slimming Treatment pages. You might also like …
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All You Need to Know About Sunekos
More than just a skin plumping hyaluronic acid injection By Kath Wong | February 27th, 2021 To achieve flawless and youthful complexion, we often find ourselves looking endlessly for the most effective and best suited treatment to improve and maintain our skin conditions. As we age, the skin tends to degrade gradually; this causes volume loss, which then leads to thin and fragile skin with visible fine lines as well as wrinkles. Cosmetic injectables dermal fillers are always known to reduce wrinkles and restore the volume underneath your skin by pumping hyaluronic acid into your skin, but sometimes you might wonder if there is more to that - the smoother and more natural-looking results that nobody would notice the obvious enhancement - Sunekos may be the ultimate solution you have been looking for all this while. What Exactly Is Sunekos? In a simple explanation, Sunekos is an enhanced formula of hyaluronic acid injection. Unlike the general fillers, Sunekos injection is a patented formula which combines hyaluronic acid with 6 types of amino acids. Known as the essential building block of elastin and collagen, amino acids are natural ingredients that help to regenerate the ExtraCellular Matrix (ECM) of your skin; which could give out a more effective result by the mechanism called ‘Dermal Biogenesis’. What Can Dermal Biogenesis Do For Your Skin? While the typical hyaluronic acid injections can restore the volume loss by hydrating and making your skin look plumped, Sunekos with the unique combination consisting of 6 amino acids namely Glycine, L-proline, L-leucine, L-lysine HCl, L-valine, and L-alanine can trigger Dermal Biogenesis, which is capable of true skin regeneration by stimulating fibroblasts, or skin cells, to produce new collagen and elastin, repairing, and rebuilding skin. Clinical trials have showed that hyaluronic acid itself also stimulates collagen production and acts in biorevitalization, which also stimulates fibroblasts; but with the synergistic effect of amino acids, the reaction can now directly target and stimulate ECM fibroblasts for a more rapid rebuild of dermal layers. Sunekos is ideal for loose, crepey, thin skin as well as the loss of volume around the eyes. Severe wrinkles can be reduced, and the hydrating effect benefits both the superficial and deep layers of skin. Moreover, it offers a skin lifting effect as well. More About Sunekos There are 2 options available which can be performed separately or in combination, depending on your skin condition - Sunekos 200 and Sunekos 1200. Sunekos 200 contains low molecular weight HA, suitable for face, neck, décolletage, and hands of younger people whereas Sunekos 1200 is formulated with medium molecular weight HA, specially designed for additional ‘cushioning’ in the case of lax, sagging skin, or deeper wrinkles and facial lines. Sunekos injection is recommended as a 4-part treatment with a gap of 7 to 10 days apart to achieve the intended results. After that, maintenance sessions can be done every 6 months to keep the perfect results. The treatment can be combined with microneedling, skin peels, laser rejuvenations, anti-wrinkles injection, PRP, etc. as according to your skin needs and preference. On a side note, as Sunekos focuses on stimulating natural elastin and collagen production, you will have to give it at least a week's time after completing all 4 sessions for the improvement to gradually be noticed. Book sunekos at our affiliated clinic now for more rejuvenated skin: Sunekos @ Ginza, Japan You might also like …
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Can You Travel to Thailand during COVID-19?
Travel worry-free during this raging pandemic to the Land of Smiles with Alternative Quarantine Programs! By Afrina Ghazali | February 16th, 2021 Since the pandemic hit early 2020, all borders have been shut as a measure to control the rise in COVID-19 cases until recently, there have been numbers of countries announcing the official re-opening of their borders for travel, tourist and some, for medical purposes. After almost a year of dormancy, every country has been greatly affected as the tourism industry has geared down to almost none, this time Thailand is certainly one of the countries to make a comeback and level up their economy! For avid travellers around the world out there, who especially have been wondering when will you be able to pack your bags and start travelling to Thailand, here are the things you must know: Can everyone travel to Thailand? Although Thai government has announced re-opening international borders, it is also understandable that now only selected tourists can be allowed entry under strict protocols and heavy documentation. These are the groups of travellers who can enter Thailand: Thai nationals Persons with exemption or permitted by the Prime Minister Persons on diplomatic or consular missions Carriers of necessary goods with immediate return after completion Crew members on a mission into the Kingdom and have a specified date for return Non-Thai nationals who are a spouse, parents or children of Thai nationals Non-Thai nationals who own a certificate of residence in the Kingdom including spouse and children Non-Thai nationals who have a work permit including spouse and children Non-Thai nationals who are students of educational institutions approved by Thai authorities Non-Thai nationals who are in need of medical treatment in Thailand including no more than 3 attendants Non-Thai nationals who are permitted to enter the Kingdom under special arragement with a foreign country Are Non-Thai nationals referred to everyone from any other foreign countries? Non-Thai nationals who are allowed for entry are those from the countries as listed below: ** Updated as of 16th February 2021 The Tourism Authority of Thailand has only recently introduced a 90-days Thailand Special Tourist Visa (STV) especially for long-stay tourists. However, STV will only be granted for those coming in from a list of allowed countries as mentioned above. What kind of documentation must be prepared? If you made it on the list above, it is about time for you to prepare the documentation as follows: Health certificate showing negative COVID-19 RT-PCR test results issued no more than 72 hours before travelling Certificate of entry Fit to Fly certificate Certificate from the Thai Embassy / Thai Consulate COVID-19 Health Insurance (at least 100,000 USD coverage) Approval letter on ASQ by the Thai authorities Post-quarantine accommodation details for the entire duration of stay Travel Insurance Other groups of travellers may be requested additional supporting documentation that can be referred here. What is ASQ / AHQ? Even if you are visiting from a low risk countries to Thailand, 14 days quarantine will still be mandatory. Apart from having yourself covered with COVID-19 Insurance as part of the entry requirement, ASQ / AHQ reservation will also be required upon entering. Alternative State Quarantine, ASQ and Alternative Hospital Quarantine, AHQ are especially packaged for those foreign travellers to comply to the 14 days quarantine that has been set as compulsory requirement upon entering the Kingdom by the Thai government. With this, travelling or receiving medical treatments in Thailand is possible as long as you are qualified with the conditions stated and are covid-free before entering as well as after undergoing quarantine successfully once you arrived in the country. At our affiliated hospital, Bangpakok 9 International Hospital, the Alternative Hospital Quarantine package is available for those of you who have complied to and provided sufficient documentation as previously stated as an early measure to receive medical treatments or travel freely around the country. If you wish to go for a more relaxing with a staycation vibe kind of quarantine, you can also opt for ASQ at the hotels connected with our affiliated hospital: MEDICAL TRAVEL RELATED QUESTIONS: If you are still unsure, why not we take a look at a few example of cases? Case 1: A man who wish to get married in Thailand but wishes to go for a cheaper quarantine program via AHQ, will that be possible? Although normally, those without any medical needs will choose ASQ, opting for AHQ is also possible. However, you must be in a treatment plan as simple as having gone through a medical checkup program. Our affiliate hospital will then proceed to Thailand Health Government for approval. Case 2: A Thai lady who shows potential symptoms and wish to quarantine herself, can she go through AHQ staycation style at the hospital? Similar to the previous Case 1, our affiliated hospital, BPK9 International Hospital can provide her a treatment plan to receive an approval from the Thailand Health Government. Case 3: A man from London who is healthy and have no health issues wishes to undergo an aesthetic procedure at BPK9 International Hospital, will the hospital be helpful with his travel and quarantine process? Our affiliate hospital can process his travel and quarantine matters via AHQ provided that he meets all requirement that has been guided by the Thai government and that includes the country he is from. If in this case, those coming in from London are yet to be listed on the allowed list. Case 4: As soon as a lady from Malaysia reaches BPK9 via AHQ for a face lift, can the surgery be performed right away? No, she must first be required to finish up her 14 days of quarantine via AHQ unless specifically permitted by the specialist along with the second swab test that shows a negative result. Case 5: Is it possible to have a mixed mode quarantine, first half with AHQ another half with ASQ? No, there is no such thing as a mixed mode quarantine during AHQ, unless the patient goes to Thailand using the ASQ process and he has been tested positive for Covid 19, he will immediately be transferred to our facility to receive treatment and complete his quarantine for 14 days. …
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Stress and Anxiety Management with Breathwork
The long-term solution for your well-being By Kath Wong | February 11th, 2021 Stress is something people tend to face daily, especially now since the pandemic hits. What’s important is how we can learn to cope with it. Most people experience both stress and anxiety combined from time to time. Do you know what is the difference between the two? Stress is any demand placed on the brain or physical body, the feeling is often triggered by any event that makes you feel frustrated or nervous; while anxiety is a feeling of fear, worry or unease. What does it feel like? Stress and anxiety can produce psychological as well as physical symptoms. Everyone experience it differently, but the common emotional symptoms include the feeling of impending doom, panic or nervousness, difficulty concentrating, irrational anger, restlessness; whereas physical symptoms include stomach ache, muscle tension, headache, rapid breathing, fast heartbeat, sweating, shaking, dizziness, frequent urination, change in appetite, trouble sleeping, diarrhea, and fatigue. When the stress and anxiety prolongs, people may start to experience negative health-related outcomes which accumulate to developing heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, as well as depression. There are also disorders that can contribute to feeling anxious and stressed on a daily basis and for prolonged periods of time such as: Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a common anxiety disorder which is characterized by uncontrollable worrying. People who suffer this condition are always anxious about bad things happening to them or their loved ones, while they often are not able to identify the source or reason behind the worry. Panic disorder Panic disorder is a condition that causes panic attacks, defined by the moments of extreme fear accompanied by the combination of a pounding heart, shortness of breath, and a fear of impending doom. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is characterized by the condition that causes flashbacks or anxieties as the result from traumas experienced such as bad accidents. Social phobia Social phobia is when shakiness or nervousness occurs in situations that involve interacting with others. Obsessive-compulsive disorder Obsessive-compulsive disorder causes repetitive thoughts and the compulsion drawn to complete certain ritual actions. How can the Breathwork help? There are various ways to cope with stress and anxiety such as eating a balanced diet, limiting caffeine and alcohol consumption, getting enough sleep, having regular exercise, meditating, etc., but to manage and solve the condition in a long run may require you to work on the one important thing that many people tend to not pay attention to: the breathwork. Breathwork refers to any type of breathing exercises and techniques performed to improve the mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. It is believed that breathing can help to restore equilibrium between the body, mind, emotions and spirit; hence this therapy involves breathing exercises in a conscious and systematic way to improve your organ function, focus, clarity and thought processes. The normal respiration rate for adults to breathe in 1 minute is between 12 to 20 times, and the experience and process with breathwork will be different in everyone. Inhalation can help to increase energy levels and activates more awakeness, while exhalation can relax the whole body. The aim of this therapy is to achieve balance in both processes. Breath movement into the lower areas of the abdomen can improve digestion and nutrient uptake from food. It is also believed that the breathing rhythm can impact heart rate variability, which has been proven to be a key indicator to stress and anxiety. Creating more flow of breath can improve our body and its ability to manage stress and anxiety. Besides that, breathwork also gives an opportunity to process suppressed emotions and allow them to be released, giving a clearer mind. Book your session here: You might also like …
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Get Smooth, Glowing Skin with Aqua Peel in Seoul
Blitz the gunk in your pores! By Azra Shuib | January 27th, 2021 If you have an addiction towards Korean skincare, then Aqua Peel treatment is worth a shot. Aqua Peel, also known as skin scaling, is a treatment that cleanses facial pores. This treatment uses AHA and BHA-infused solutions as well as a suction nozzle to suck dirt from the skin while infusing and saturating your pores with nutrient-rich serums, resulting in a hydrating effect. Imagine clean and fresh skin that is flooded with moisture - that's what Aqua Peel can do. Not only that, it also has no downtime so you can expect a painless and rejuvenating facial treatment. It does not leave you with raw or tight feeling of the skin due to suction of blackheads and other blemishes. Aqua Peel is also safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women, which means now you can go through any phase of life looking revitalized and glowing. If you have sensitive skin, rest assured that Aqua Peel is safe for you since it possesses minimal risk to skin. The procedure is safe with no side effects. Redness may occur after treatment, but it is nothing major and will subside in a short time. What can Aqua Peel treat? This facial can effectively treat hyper pigmentation, mild acne, pore congestion, whiteheads and blackheads. And since it gives a boost of moisture, it can also help in reducing wrinkles and fine lines. So if you regularly get your Aqua Peel session now, it will definitely pay off later as you age. Here's what the procedure will look like, which only takes around 60 minutes: 1. Skin debris, blackheads and other blemishes will be suctioned using the AHA solutions. 2. Skin oil on the nose, T-zone and inside the pores will be removed using the BHA solutions. 3. Nutrients-rich serum will be applied on skin. The level of high-quality cleansing at any clinic can be seen through the clinic’s experience and cutting-edge technology standards. Our affiliated clinic uses Cryocell (Ice Therapy) Aqua Peel that can reduce redness, treat acne and atopic dermatitis. Want to bring your skin back to life? Book a session now through Trambellir and get the best treatment in Seoul, Korea: You might also like …
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Fire and Ice Facial Treatment
The well known Red-Carpet Facial for flawless skin achievement By Kath Wong | January 15th, 2020 The idea of having instant glowing and youthful skin has always been everyone’s dream; but with different skin types, many of us have probably spent quite a lot of time undergoing trial and error sessions just to find the particular facial treatment that suits our skin the most. There are various facial treatments available out there focusing on different skin conditions, including this particular non-invasive skin resurfacing procedure known as Fire And Ice Facial Treatment. What is Fire And Ice Facial Treatment? Fire And Ice Facial Treatment is famous for its effect in resurfacing the skin rapidly and gently, which reduces wrinkles and fine lines while encouraging cellular renewal at the same time. It is a multi-step treatment that involves deep cleansing of the skin and application of a resurfacing mask, rejuvenating mask, serums, and moisturizers. With the function of cell renewal, the overall results that can be noticed after the treatment is a more brightened, softened, and tightened skin. Unlike other skin resurfacing treatments, Fire And Ice Facial do not require downtime; impressively, no peeling will be experienced after the session as well. The procedure is excellent for all skin types, but ideal for blemish-prone skin as it helps to deal with dark spots and hyperpigmentation effectively. The Procedure From its name you could have guessed that the procedure for Fire And Ice Facial Treatment has got something to do with heat followed by skin soothing afterwards. That’s right - this unique combination is known in short as ‘Resurfacing and Rejuvenating’. The skin resurfacing mask has a light cinnamon scent, formulated with botanical acids, retinol, niacin, along with antioxidants and kaolin clay which gives out some tingling heat when it is applied onto your skin. With the slight burning sensation experience that lasts around 3 to 5 minutes, your skin will feel completely cleansed and refreshed as it undergoes the exfoliation to renew and reveal the softer and smoother skin texture with brighter complexion. Once the ‘Fire’ treatment step has been done, it is then time for the ‘Ice’ part. The deep hydration cooling mask contains hyaluronic acid, aloe vera gel, green tea extracts, grape seed extracts, as well as rosemary extracts; well-formulated mainly to soothe and rejuvenate your skin. This is the 20 minutes skin pampering part to help cool the initial ‘peel’ which also enhances the skin glowing effect. After that, serum, moisturizer as well as sunscreen will be applied accordingly to complete the facial treatment session. Things To Do Before And After As the ingredients used for the mask contain retinol and botanical acids, it is highly advised to not use any products with similar formulations especially anything with retinol and acids 5 days before and after the Fire And Ice Facial Treatment. Moreover, the ones who have just done waxing or laser treatments recently should not opt in for this facial session anytime soon to avoid any skin wounds or complications. Avoid picking, squeezing acne, or touching your skin. The skin has its own natural healing mechanism that has been triggered effectively by the mask, time must be given for it to form new cells for the better complexion. Furthermore, It is best to also avoid wearing heavy makeup or using highly chemical or perfumed products. A total series of 6 treatment sessions is recommended with 4 to 6 weeks gap for the ideal results. Last but not least, do remember to apply sunscreen daily to protect your skin! Book your session here: Fire and Ice Facial @ Beverly Wilshire, Kuala Lumpur You might also like …
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Detoxify Your Large Intestine with Colon Hydrotherapy (Bangkok, Thailand)
Improve Your Health from The Inside By Azra Shuib | January 7th, 2021 Although you practice a balanced and healthy diet everyday, toxins are still bound to accumulate inside your body overtime. Colon Hydrotherapy is one of the most beneficial cleansing methods of toxins inside your body. It is a therapeutic measure that reduce the toxic load in the colon, or large intestine, resulting in detoxification of the whole body as it decreases the liver burden. Basically, this therapy involves flushing the colon with large quantities of filtered and temperature regulated water. By introducing the specially prepared water, the waste is softened and loosened, resulting in waste evacuation through natural peristalsis. This process is repeated a few times during 1 session. It might sound unpleasant, but actually throughout the procedure, you will get to rest comfortably with a warm blanket over you. Most patients describe the process as very relaxing. How do you know if you are suitable for the therapy? Signs that you may need a colon hydrotherapy include being overweight, having chronic intoxication, allergic diseases and skin issues, among other indications. Benefits and limitations of the treatment Advantages: ・Detoxifies your digestive system ・Cleanses your large intestine ・Boosts immune system ・Improves mental well-being/outlook ・Improves gastrointestinal symptoms Limitations: ・May remove some healthy bacteria ・Risk of electrolyte imbalance, dehydration, bowel perforation Colon Hydrotherapy is a safe treatment, but it is a non-medical procedure and is not intended to be a treatment, prescription, or therapeutic/corrective measure for human diseases, symptoms or conditions of any kind. Therefore, any medical complaints or request for diagnosis, prescription or treatment of human diseases should be referred to a licensed doctor. The most important thing in taking care of your bowel health is to consume a higher amount of fibre. Besides many fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans and peas contain a lot of fibre. You might also like …
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What Causes Skin Dullness And How Gluta Peel Can Help
Save your skin from further consequences in no time By Kath Wong | December 23, 2020 Having a dull skin condition seems to be inevitable these days as there are various stimulating factors that could contribute and accumulate onto your skin day by day; in this article you will find out what can actually cause the skin dullness to worsen and how a skin treatment called Gluta Peel works on reviving dull skin. 1. The smoking habit and secondhand smoking Smoking is never a best friend for your skin. The habit takes away the healthy, youthful skin of yours; nonetheless, repeated contact with secondhand smoke will also damage the skin and both the factors would cause your skin to look sallow and prematurely old. It is best to stay away from the lit cigarettes to prevent its complications on your skin. 2. Skipping steps on your skin care routine Proper skin care steps must be taken seriously even on the days you feel too exhausted to do so. With daily makeups on and not cleaning them off appropriately can cause pores to clog and skin to accumulate impurities which eventually leads to skin dullness. Exfoliating weekly is very important and is the most effective way to keep your skin healthy and clean. Skin exfoliation can be simply done using gentle face scrub that is suitable for you to remove dead skin cells and give smoother as well as brighter skin texture. Moreover, make sure to moisturize daily. Avoid taking long and hot showers to prevent hot water from drying your skin by drawing out moisture and removing the skin’s natural protective layer. 3. Not having time to exercise and care for your diet Studies showed that exercising stimulates blood flow and helps to accelerate skin turnover process, which means dead skin cells could shed fast and new skin formation will happen more effectively. The natural mechanism mentioned is vital to maintain a glowing complexion for your skin. Also, a healthy balanced diet and adequate amount of water intake daily plays a big role on your skin. What you may want to avoid are processed and fatty foods. Plenty of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins A, C and E are particularly noted for improving the skin’s appearance. Furthermore, your body needs at least 8 glasses of water per day to take care of your overall health and skin. However, it is recommended to avoid or reduce caffeinated beverages intake as they can interfere with the body’s vitamins and minerals absorption, for instance, vitamin C and iron, the essential ingredients for hydrated skin as well as rosy glow complexion. The Gluta Peel It is fairly understandable that sometimes we do not have the time or ability to take proper care of our skin as much as how we would like to. Fortunately, there are skin treatments available that are specially designed for dull skin. One of the simplest yet effective treatments is Gluta Peel. The treatment’s main ingredient is glutathione, an antioxidant that helps to fight free radicals and protect the cells in the human body. Other than that, it also provides anti-aging effects and is known for its ability to promote skin whitening. The procedure involves face steaming to open the pores, dermabrasion for suction of blackheads, whiteheads, as well as dead skin cells, glutathione peeling for skin brightening, followed by LED mask to improve blood flow and activate skin reparation. At the end of the treatment, skin will be neutralized and sunscreen will be applied for protection. It is never too late to try and figure what works best for your skin. Book an appointment through us now! You might also like …
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Innoplus+ : A Multi-Benefits Radio Frequency For Your Skin
A Technology You'd Choose For The Revival Of Youthful Skin By Kath Wong | December 18, 2020 When there are so many cosmetic dermatology treatments available, you start to wonder which one to actually go for and if it is effective for your skin, here in this article you will be introduced to one of the most effective anti-aging skin treatments with multi-benefits all in one go. Innoplus+ is an innovative aesthetic system specially designed for face lifting and contouring. The technology behind this is a combination of radio frequency (RF) with filler injections in a platform, to help deal with common skin aging issues such as wrinkles and fine lines, as well as to improve the skin tone and texture. The whole procedure is non-surgical and painless, which takes just about 20 to 30 mins to complete and the result could last up to 12 months. The Innoplus+ device, in a more detailed explanation, combines the effective methods of RF fillers, RF subcision, and RF thermolysis. Although it is painless, during the procedure you may feel a minor heat sensation as the radio frequency (RF) waves heat up your skin to between 40 and 50 degree Celsius; note that it is an important mechanism right there as this stimulates the production of new collagen. Radio Frequency Fillers A specific cannula would be used to deliver the RF energy, known as the filler injection technique. The mechanism involves supporting the surrounding skin tissues to release collagen, forming a collagen pocket. Collagen is an essential protein the skin produces naturally, but as you age, the effect of collagen production tends to decrease; hence, this is one of the methods available required to reactivate it. Radio Frequency Subcision Fibrous tissues are known to cause depressed acne scars as they tend to pull down the skin. With RF subcision, the technique aids in breaking the fibrous tissues that are formed in the skin layer to help improve the skin tone and texture. Also, the RF energy in this method travels to the dermis layer to help boost the collagen production. Radio Frequency Thermolysis By its name, it is easy to guess that this technique refers to destroying fat cells with the high temperature RF can produce. Along the specific cannula, RF energy for thermolysis is transferred to certain areas such as under chin and jaw to help reduce the double chin and enhance the jawline. The method results in a more contoured facial shape, reviving the youthful appearance. On the other hand, this can also be applied to the body for solving problems such as cellulite. “Do I have to worry about the downtime?” Many of you may have this question in mind while reading the various benefits Innoplus+ actually offers; the answer is no, there is no downtime needed as the method is performed non-surgically and at the same time it is minimally invasive. Maximum efficacy can be benefited in this quick procedure while guaranteed that it is safe. “What skin issues do I have to choose this treatment for?” You may want to try Innoplus+ if you have or start to notice these issues: panda eyes, droopy eyelids, under-eye sag, wrinkles, fine lines on nasolabial or marionette folds, double chin, loose neck and jawline, saggy skin, acne scars, enlarged pores, spider veins, etc. “Any precautions do I have to take note of?” Minor swelling, bruising, and skin redness are expected which may take time to subside between 7 to 10 days. A list of contraindications for the skin condition that is not suitable to undergo Innoplus+ as follows: · Nerve disorder (diabetic neuropathy) · Inflammatory skin disorders · Skin conditions caused by immune system disorder (eczema, psoriasis) · Abnormal heat sensitivity or heat tolerance Ready to give it a try? Book a session with us now! You might also like …
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Ellanse Injection - The Facial Filler That Stimulates Collagen
Skin plumping effects with the ability to boost your body's collagen. By Azra Shuib | December 8, 2020 If you are aiming for a face that looks years younger, then you shouldn’t shy away from fillers. It’s quick, has minimal downtime and significant results are achievable. Famous ones are hyaluronic acid fillers. Also known as dermal fillers, they fill up wrinkles so your skin will look plumper, lips sexier and under eye area fresher. Bonus point – since it’s natural, it is safe. And hyaluronic acid has the ability to store moisture which helps to maintain skin hydration. However, with hyaluronic acid injections, the volume will gradually decrease over 6 months to 2 years, and you have to go for another injection to restore the effects. But with innovation driving facial treatments to get more effective, you can say goodbye to this particular problem. Introducing Ellanse injection - a collagen stimulating filler that can plump up wrinkles and improve facial contour, while stimulating your body’s own collagen production. The best part? It can last up to 4 years. Sounds great! What is it? Ellanse injection is made up of aqueous carboxymethylcellulose – or CMC and a bio-resorbable soft medical polymer called polycaprolactone (PCL). A bit of a mouthful, but how it works is pretty simple. When injected into your face, the CMC gives you an immediate volume up - smoothing out wrinkles and improving your facial contour. Then PCL will help to gradually help to stimulate your body to produce collagen, which gives you a more youthful look from the inside out. Generally, the process of stimulating collagen will peak after 12 weeks to give the final result. How should I imagine the treatment would be? Ellanse injection normally takes about an hour from facial cleansing to numbing cream application and finally to the Ellanse injection administrations. Ellanse can be safely injected in any of the following areas that you wish: · Temples / Brows · Forehead · Nose · Cheeks · Nasolabial Folds · Lower Face / Marionette Lines · Chin / Jawline · Hands How can it last longer than other fillers? Ellanse is made up of microspheres that will go a resorption process when introduced into the body. In other words, they will be absorbed and progressively dissolve. The microspheres will retain their original volume until all molecules are dissolved. Therefore, the longevity of the effects depend on the number of molecules composing the spheres. With more molecules, results will stay longer. For instance, at one of our affiliated clinics, there are ‘M’ and ‘L’ Ellanse injections. With M Ellanse injection, results can last up to 2 years, while the L version can give you a youthful look for up to 3 years. Any Side Effects? Ellanse is also safe and most side effects are injection related – mild swelling, bruising and soreness. But they are temporary and will quickly fade. It is officially approved by MHRA in the UK and the FDA in the USA. After injection, you’re free to go about your activities and enjoy a younger facial appearance over time. The Aftercare As with any anti aging treatments, aftercare is important in making sure that you are getting enough benefits. If you want to look younger in years to come, then you should start now. Wear a proper amount of sunscreen even when it's cloudy outside. Secondly, quit smoking as it can quicken aging process. Thirdly, practice a healthy and active lifestyle - the steps include taking all your nutritional needs, exercise regularly and take your own time to release stress. Interested to go for Ellanse injection? Book now at the link below: Ellanse Injection in Tokyo Ellanse Injection in Kuala Lumpur Ellanse Injection in Johor Bahru …
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Exfoliate Your Skin Timely With Microdermabrasion (Bangkok, Thailand)
A Diamond-Tipped Wand Does The Job. By Kath Wong | December 2, 2020 Your body produces new skin cells continuously day and night, and can shed up to 50,000 dead skin cells per minute. Shedding of dead skin cells is an important process for the skin to renew itself but sometimes it does not shed fully, leading to clogged pores, dry patches and other skin issues. This is where you can contribute your part to help the shedding process - by performing exfoliation on a regular basis, depending on the suitability for your skin. How Often Should You Exfoliate Your Skin? Exfoliation is a simple process where dead skin cells are removed from your skin surface by gently rubbing your facial wash or facial scrub that contain tiny, sand-like particles onto your skin. The goal of exfoliation is to restore soft and healthy skin by using gentle motion and products. The keyword here is 'gentle' - if redness and irritation are the results that you get, it certainly means that you are actually over-exfoliating your skin. In general, exfoliation can be done twice a week for those blessed with normal skin. But that might be too much for delicate or sensitive skin in which irritation can occur instead of providing full benefits to the skin. On the other hand, if your skin is oily, exfoliating more than twice a week is acceptable to cope with high buildup rate of dead skin cells. At times, manual exfoliation is not satisfying. You still get clogged pores and dullness despite using the best products from the market. But the road to better skin is not at the dead end yet. Microdermabrasion can help you to achieve fresher facial appearance by sloughing off dead skin cells effectively. All About Microdermabrasion and Its Benefits In short, microdermabrasion is a non-invasive process of skin resurfacing by working on the topmost layer of your skin. After thorough cleansing procedure, a diamond-tipped wand begins to sweep slowly across your face area: cheeks, nose, chin and forehead. The process works like a sandpaper rubbed all over your face but it is a painless experience. It helps to remove dead skin cells on your skin and allows the renewal of skin to be optimized, and the next thing you know is your pores are no longer clogged with dirt, dullness is gone, and a new layer of fresher, smoother skin is revealed. Although microdermabrasion does not offer dramatic results, some changes over time are noticeable, for instance, the increased production of collagen, a more even skin tone as well as reduced fine lines. The overall treatment takes about 30 minutes to complete and some swelling and redness might occur, but they will subside within a few hours. Your skin may be flaky and dry for a few days after the treatment but this can easily be taken care of by applying extra moisturizer. How is Microdermabrasion Different From Other Similar Treatments? How is microdermabrasion different from dermabrasion or chemical peels when these 3 treatments can all improve skin tone, texture and clarity effectively? The answer to this is microdermabrasion focuses on removing merely the superficial layer of dead skin cells instead of the whole topmost layer of your skin, which ensures a truly non-invasive treatment with maximum benefits. For more information and bookings, click the links down below: …
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Eyebag Removal Procedure for A Younger Appearance (Seoul, South Korea)
Say farewell to eyebags with a neat surgical technique. By Kath Wong | November 21, 2020 What is Eyebag Removal? While eyebags are rarely a medical concern, they greatly affect how you look. Puffy eyebags can add years to your face and make you look tired all day. There are many factors that affect eyebags formation, such as lifestyle choices and genetics. But one thing that can most probably happen is that they will become more prominent as you age. Eyebag Removal is a surgical (as well as a non-surgical) procedure that can be performed to restore fresher and more youthful eyes by removing excess sagging skin and fatty tissues from under the eye. The treatment, also known as the lower eyelid surgery, is an ideal solution to puffy eyes and loose skin. It is able to improve facial appearance by removing ageing signs like crow’s feet. Where Do Eyebags Came From? The tissue structures and muscles supporting your eyelids weaken as you age. The skin around the eyes would start to sag, and the fat that is normally confined to the area around the eyes can move below your eyes, forming the bags full of fats. In the bags under the eyes, fluids can accumulate, making the under eye area appear puffy or swollen.There are several factors that can cause or worsen this condition, which includes: ・Lack of sleep ・Allergies ・Fluid retention, especially upon wakin or after a salty meal ・Sun damage ・Smoking ・Heredity - undereye bags can run in families Can They Really be Removed? Yes, there are 2 types of treatment that can be done differently to remove eyebags permanently from your under eye: ・Lower Blepharoplasty ・Non-incisional surgery The first method is performed by surgical incisions to remove or reposition fat under the eyes, eliminating the sagginess for the under eye area. This procedure takes up to 3 hours and downtime can be between 2-4 weeks, in which swelling can be felt up to a few weeks. An alternative to the first method is known to be non-invasive, using fibre optic laser system to rejuvenate the eyebags. This procedure takes a shorter time to be done and to recover. The Side Effects/Risks Most of the common side effects are just temporary, such as scarring (if an incision is made), pain, swelling, bruising and bleeding. There are also other rare complications that might occur, for instance, dry eyes and the inability to close the upper lids in the case where too much skin is removed. The second rare side effect mentioned can be easily avoided by marking the skin that has to be cut out accurately before the surgery is performed and it is necessary to double-check these markings before any anesthesia is given. Post-Care: The Important Things to Know ・Ointment provided will be used to lubricate the treated area to reduce dryness. ・For a week, sleeping with your head in an elevated position is recommended to avoid more swelling. ・Keep your incisions clean by gently washing them. Observe regularly for any possible signs of infection during the healing process. ・Swelling and bruising may last up to 10 days. ・ Avoid any long activities that may dry up your eyes, such as watching television, reading etc. ・Do not perform any heavy physical activities that may increase blood flow to the eyes: working out, bending, lifting etc.for one month after the surgery. ・For a few weeks, avoid direct exposure to the sun and use dark sunglasses. ・A liquid diet is advised for a day after the surgery to minimize movement of facial muscles; soft and easily chewable foods is strongly advised for a few days after the surgery. ・Stay hydrated with water. Do not consume alcoholic drinks for 3-4 weeks as it may lead to excess buildup of fluid in the circulatory system and body tissues (fluid retention). ・Smoking is not recommended as it may interfere with the healing period and cause infection. Browse through the link below for more information and to make a booking: …
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Leaky Gut Test: Prevention of Adrenal and Thyroid Issues (Phuket, Thailand)
Leaky gut might be causing your illness. By Kath Wong | November 10, 2020 Leaky gut, also known as “increased intestinal permeability” is a digestive condition in which leakage of bacteria and toxins happen through the intestinal wall. In the past, medical professionals did not recognize this as a real condition but lately there has been an increase in scientific evidence proving that leaky gut exists and it may lead to multiple health problems later on. In a leaky gut condition, bacteria and toxins that are leaked out from the intestinal wall would enter the bloodstream. This can cause widespread inflammation and might trigger immune reaction. The possible symptoms of leaky gut includes intestinal bloating, food sensitivities, sugar cravings, constant fatigue to frequent diarrhea, digestive issues, painful joints and skin problems such as acne, eczema or rosacea. The real cause of this condition is not clearly known, but there are some factors that are believed to play a role: 1. Excessive sugar intake, particularly fructose 2. Long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as Ibuprofen 3. Excessive alcohol intake 4. Vitamin A, D and zinc deficiencies 5. Chronic inflammation 6. Chronic stress 7. Poor gut health with the unbalanced number of bacteria 8. Overgrowth of yeast in the gut Normally in a healthy person, only a small amount of indican can be found in the urine; urine indican actually increases when bacteria in the intestine act on amino acid, tryptophan, in the case where protein is not digested properly in the body system. To summarize, the inability to digest protein can lead to adverse effects on glycemic control, hormone balance and water balance which then results in high levels of urine indican, causing leaky gut. Leaky Gut Test Leaky gut test can be carried out in Thanyapura Health & Sports Resort, Phuket (Thailand) by urine test, which is a non-invasive method and the level of Indican will be revealed from the urine sample collected. The procedure takes about 10 minutes and the results will be known within an hour. There are other advantages in taking leaky gut test, such as it screens for thyroid problems and it helps to identify the root cause of some skin problems as well. The test is recommended as it is a quick process and completely affordable. …
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Maintain Youthful Skin Since Your 20s and 30s (Phuket, Thailand)
Stop aging before it stops you. By Azra Shuib | November 10, 2020 Right now, wrinkles and dark spots may not be your major concerns - and that is the best thing about youthful skin. Don’t you want your face to radiate with youthfulness in your 40s and 50s? What you do now can have great effects on your skin in the years to come. It’s time to follow these rules to look your best in the future: 1. Calm down and relax Stress can really make you age quicker. When you are under chronic stress, your body will increase the production of cortisol hormone. Cortisol can deteriorate collagen and elastin production which in turn causes wrinkles to appear faster. Stress can also make you tense up and frown, which takes away your glow and leave fine lines. Manage your stress by exercising regularly or doing meditation. Make time for yourself to get a massage or a facial session to just unwind and show the best version of yourself to the world. 2. Use the right cleanser Get rid of sweat, excess sebum, makeup and dirt that accumulate in your pores. Your pores will expand as more dirt are accumulated, and the older you get, the more likely they are to stay enlarged. So stick to a consistent cleansing routine, but choose a gentle and the right cleanser for you so daily cleansing won’t remove essential oils off your face. 3. Put on sunscreen Minimal daily exposure under the sun is beneficial as it helps the body to produce Vitamin D. But long hours of being under the sun can damage skin collagen and result in premature signs of aging. UV rays are also capable of damaging your DNA cells and put you at risk for skin cancer. So remember to put on your SPF 30 or higher whenever you’re going out, even on a cloudy or rainy day. 4. Moisturize your skin Dry skin can make you look tired and older. Using a moisturizer can lock in hydration especially when you apply the cream while your skin is damp. Pick the right moisturizer for you according to your skin type - and you’ll end up with plump, fresh skin. It can also help you in maintaining skin balance, and you will notice a decrease in skin problems like acne. Now that you have learned some tips to reduce years off your face, be sure to keep them in mind. But what if we tell you that there is a perfect anti-aging facial treatment that can cleanse, moisturize and treat sun damage on your skin while you relax in Phuket? Now that is a good step in fighting aging. With Trambellir, now you can easily book your beauty treatments while traveling. It’s fast, safe and secure. …
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