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Microdermabrasion (Achieve a Radiant and Fresh Complexion)

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It Is Suitable For

· Those who need an effective microdermabrasion in Bali.
· Those who want a fresh and radiant complexion.
· Those who wish to revitalize dull skin, reduce enlarged pores, erase fine lines.
· Those who wish to remove acne scars.
· Those who have oily and sensitive skin.

What Is Microdermabrasion?

A gentle exfoliation treatment, microdermabrasion makes use of crystals particles to brush your skin. This helps to loosen the outer layer of dead, sun-damaged cells and also stimulates new skin growth, so that your skin returns to a fresh and more radiant complexion.

Microdermabrasion Procedure

1. Your face will be cleansed.
2. Tiny crystals will be sprayed onto your skin.
3.The outer layer of your skin will be removed gently.

Advantages and Limitations of Microdermabrasion

· Removes acne scars
· Improves overall facial appearance
· Improves dullness, spots, marks and other skin issues effectively
· Long-lasting results (after several sessions)
· Painless
· No downtime
· Stimulates collagen production

· More than 1 session is needed

Microdermabrasion Post Care

· Do not scrub or peel your face for at least 1 week after treatment
· Stay hydrated and refrain from touching your face
· Use hydrating toner and moisturizer to keep your face cool and calm
· Apply sunscreen when exposed to sun


Q1: Will microdermabrasion help treat my ice pick scars?
A1: Despite being highly effective and safe in treating acne scars, microdermabrasion is not very effective in treating very deep acne scars such as ice pick scars.

Q2: Is microdermabrasion safe and effective on darker-skinned individuals?
A2: Yes, microdermabrasion works on all skin types and colors.

Q3: Why don't I need anaesthesia for microdermabrasion?
A3: Microdermabrasion is not the same as dermabrasion. Unlike dermabrasion, microdermabrasion does not make use of a high-speed abrasive wheel/brush. Therefore, microdermabrasion procedures cause no pain at all, making anaesthesia unnecessary.

Q4: What can I expect after treatment?
A4: It is best to keep your skin hydrated and use gentle skin care products. Your skin can be more sensitive to the sun over a few weeks after the treatment, so please put on your sunscreen as a protection.

Q5: How soon will I be able to see the results?
A5: Noticeable results can often be seen immediately. Best if the treatment is repeated a few times and it also depends on the severity of your skin concerns.

Clinic Information

[Clinic Name] BIMC Clinic
[Location] Bali, Indonesia
[Nearest Station and Nearest Tourist Destination] 12 mins walk to bus station (Halte BTDC 2); 9 mins walk to a nice beach; Walking distance to museums, restaurants, supermarkets and spa.
[Clinic Opening Time] Monday - Friday (9:00AM - 5:00PM)

運転時間 45 mins
回復時間 None
術後来院回数 Monthly visits are recommended (1 - 2 session per month)
入院 Not Required
制限事項 · This treatment is only suitable for those who are willing to attend monthly visits
· This treatment is not suitable for those with active red acne
その他の情報 Microdermabrasion is considered a "regular treatment" that helps make the skin more fresh and supple, with results improving after a series of treatments.

Although monthly visits are recommended, results can be achieved in a series of treatments.
キャンセルポリシー If you cancel the booking after booking confirmation, you will be charged 30% of treatment's fee.
価格詳細 Treatment only
所在地 Kawasan ITDC Blok D, Nusa Dua 80363, Bali, Indonesia